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Posts posted by Cheesey69

  1. Folks, do we bare in mind The Broads public image?

    what I mean is, how much public money does the broads get?

    with budgets getting tighter, how well does the broads complete with the other parks?

    got to keep a friendly face, accessible to joe public and not to disappear up our own bilge pump. 
    That’s why I think it’s important to keep the hirers happy to what is seen as an exclusive pastime 

  2. "But its water innit?"

    Regular topic of mine. 

    You go on holiday, play on the beach, have a swim

    you go to local swimming pool, play around

    you go to my local gravel pit and drown.

    Every year people drift out to sea on an inflatable. Every year people get caught out on beach with tides.

    Water has a good PR company, parents may know awful things happen but not here.

    I once pointed out to a parent in Cornwall that letting your kids swim in an entrance to a harbour is a bit like letting your kid play on the edge of a road. She considered it, then called her kids back. Five minutes later a fishing boat came in on a rising tide.

    Things move slowly on the Broads - until they don't. What helm has 100% concentration on the river? and on other posts I've pointed out ive nearly hit people in the water and they was adults swimming on a corner on the Ant.

    If the Broads was a raging sea, it would be a different matter but because its so calm- what's the worst that can happen?

    until it does and you watch the boater get the blame. Then there will be a campaign to make vessels give way to any human powered craft and swimmers.


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  3. 27 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    The only place you are likely to run aground is on Braydon or its approaches , on all the shallow areas where there is a risk of grounding there are marker posts clearly marking this , if the hirers or more correctly the helm has read the information provided by the hire company and the BA as he she confirms as such by the signing of the hand over paperwork then there is no need for the expense of retro fitting depth gauges . 

    You don’t need washer water level alarm on your car but it’s handy. 
    All the examples above would have been alerted with a depth sounder. 
    The point was you need to draw attention to another dimension of water depth that can be monitored easily. 
    And I’ve seen a few boats hung up on the margins down south
    loads of people don’t read T and C on this forum or hire sheets. 

  4. After sailing around the east coast you get to know about running aground. 
    You also get to know your depth sounder and your draft. 
    The broads for at least a hire boat, your unlikely to run aground. 
    It does not figure in a hirers calculation. 
    There is no notice on draft and I’ve only hired one boat that had a depth sounder. 
    I was surprised how shallow The broads are in places

    Maybe the answer is to post up draft notices and equip with depth gauges with alarms like my NASA. 

  5. Don’t overlook the tide tables. 
    you go on holiday, want to go south and you find out low tides are when it’s nearly dark or late or early. 
    or simply don’t think about the return until you have too

    then you worry about time and mooring 

    wide open water, not really sure about estuary tides or your keel depth

    could cut corners save time.....

    who apart from us, takes tide into consideration when booking hols?

  6. This is what sinks the BBC in my mind

    ” On today we have the internationally respected ex world trade organisation chairman and a reporter from the Sun”

    and they both have equal screen time. 
    False equivalence 

    happens in politics, you name it 

    These opinions are not equal 

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  7. Banks and reeds, sir?

    see that’s the wooden boat speaking in you, always looking for the next tree to fell. 
    As you look over the tops of those reeds watching the sugar factory move closer and further away, I’m doing a Luke skywalker down the trench of the battle star avoiding those vessels who’s masters are busily looking over the tops of things. 
    as for stern mooring, I’ve trained myself a wife with a set of pipes on her to scare a drill sergeant 

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