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Posts posted by Cheesey69

  1. Poor sod thinks it steers like a car in reverse. 
    you can tell that by the way when he goes forward the rudder is still set
    it should be stated that the boat only goes straight in reverse. 
    Also slow speed equals poor turning

  2. ok now im home from work.

    When I deal with EV and hybrid cars at work its with a sense of trepidation and special tools.

    Now your not just connecting to a row of batteries to an electric motor, no your going through an inverter that knocks it up to around 600v, the batteries have cooling like a car radiator and unless you know where the main "fuse" is you have to consider the whole effort live.

    That's when they go wrong or after a crash.

    The whole effort is controlled by some hefty computers.

    Retro fitting this to a craft will never be cost effective. Last time I checked, you leased a battery from the maker at about a grand a time.

    The last time I looked when training the main battery was made up of about a thousand "AA" cells!

    Most EV and hybrids have harvesting of power on braking which extends charge periods but this could be made up through solar panels.

    Total Electric boat I dont think would work over the long run due to battery life, a size of craft we generally see on The Broads still weights a fair amount, has high electrical demand.

    Plus, our usage patterns are way off for a healthy battery. These batteries don't like very cold weather or very hot weather hence their own cooling system

    How far does a liter of diesel go? remember that diesel has much more energy stored in it than the same weight of batteries. 

    Hybid is the way to go, either genset or shared electric motor like a sub.

    But in effect, you are doubling the complexity and space having two systems.

    And you can forget DIY. My lads have laptops supplied by the companies and the software ranges into the high hundreds to buy, the tools have to be classified for high voltage. Nope. not diy.

    And you must think about the water mix. These batteries resting can reach 300v DC.

    Sailing vessels are prime for this but remember that these cut through water, weigh less and even then are secondary to sail.

    Lastly, the first gen of hybrids are getting on a bit. replacement batteries and contrary to belief, electronic components do degrade over time, leading to circuit board replacement on parts that was only made for that car can cost, really cost.    

    These cars are being scrapped early. really too early.

    We tend to keep our boats for a long time

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  3. 2 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    No, I think you misunderstand what I'm saying. The electric car and to a slightly lesser extent the hybrid are perfect for cities. The diesel car is ideal for motorway, long distance driving. Either might be better for rural driving, but that depends on the circumstances of that rural driving. 

    What I'm saying is that using the most efficient method is the solution, whichever that method might be. Again, the diesel hybrid may be the solution, yet I've not heard of such an animal. Why might that be?

    Expense. Lack of power harvesting. Water high voltage mix. Li po batteries prone to explode and space. 

    • Like 1
  4. Us humans infest Earth in very large colonies and at a density that if we were say rats, would be classed major pest outbreak

    Any new disease was bound to sweep through us as can be seen in any intensive farming operation 

    As I see it, many people will need to way up the risks and try to live with it

    I don’t blame the young when walking down the stairs is a far more dangerous activity 

    and it’s going to be the young that bear the weight of this and other decisions freshly made by the older generations with scant regards to their needs

    what goes around eh?

    we have got to accept this is the way it is and if the public at large say no way and no way it’s going to be because we just don’t have enough left in the tank

    • Like 4
  5. What’s changed? 
    The weather has. 
    This virus is following the well trodden paths of all cold and flu viruses which have similar infection rates. 
    Humans starting to go back indoors as the nights close in and temperatures full. 
    Track and tracing in this and other countries nearly always find close family and close social circle infections rather than stranger danger  

    since early in the cycle virologists have pointed this out although the death rates are vastly reduced as we figure out how best to treat COVID the background infection rate has never really dropped through the floor

    Unless an injection comes along its back to good old herd immunity which is and was humanity’s best way to fight disease on this scale as this will reduce available vectors 

    This country just can’t afford another lock down and  don’t think people will follow it on an illness that is less deadly than seasonal flu  

    horrible as it sounds, as we stand at the moment, I don’t think we can effectively fight it without making the cure worse than the disease 


    • Like 3
  6. Bath tub or flat boats can’t be beaten for space and ease of mooring everything on one level. 
    Keep an eye on size and think 34 foot boat for four and a 34 foot boat for 2 there’s the space right there

    shore power

    bow thrusters

    and your golden. 
    and a personal bit , I hated cramped boatyards where it’s a faff to moor when bringing it back

  7. As was taught to me, my instructor noted that any activities around water seem benign, safe and calm. 
    when in fact water is not a happy medium and is always trying to kill you and can easily do so in many ways. 
    I don’t know the circumstances of this tragic event but when you sit think of the many ways things can and do go wrong and sometimes, more scary, do so slowly it’s worth remembering that it’s trying to kill you all the time. 
    Ive seen drunk people on the quayside, kids with no life jackets sitting in the bows,  crew jumping onto the bank, walking over nests of ropes, trying to control 8 ton of boat with a rope and the list goes on. 
    what’s worse? I still do stupid things I main about. 

  8. Gratitude? Sense of entitlement?

    you do realise this service isn’t provided but payed for?

    Its a service payed for by workers in this country to be used by those in need and sometimes by those who have yet to contribute and those who need it more than most. 
    NHS isn’t a gift it’s a paid for service. 
    that said, bad behaviour is bad behaviour and no excuse  

  9. 3 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

    I still fail to understand why when all of these new posts were installed the payment method was not set up to the use of debit cards instead of the need to purchase electricity cards and the inherent expense involved in this .


    Oh the security risks! Card reader anyone?

  10. What must be considered is that The Broads is no way natural.

    After reading the many interesting posts in the archeology section plus history and personal memories the only conclusion you can draw is that humans must regulate and control the area.

    Whole courses of rivers have been made or straighten out to suit. I was amazed to find out that the bit that goes in front of the Abbey was in fact, man made.

    Trees growing right up to the bank? Not back in the day.

    Its like we are talking about the landscaping around the M25   

    Reminds me of the time we aggressively cut down the the trees on the side of the rail tracks. Got a letter complaining about the wholesale destruction of habitat until it was pointed out that in the days of steam, no growth was allowed due to fire risk and in fact , teams were employed to keep the sides bare of growth.


    • Like 1
  11. As a side note, a lot of the time it’s simply the tech is old and out of date. 
    You may have a graphics card that’s worked well for the last five years but is no longer supported by its manufacturer and it’s drivers are out of date. 
    same with software, still works but it’s 3 generations old

    I run a gaming pc. Nothing is more than 2 years old, Windows gets reinstalled every year, never had a problem 

    the problem with Microsoft and Apple is that people hold on to their tech a lot longer now and keeping everything current is getting a serious problem 

    If your keeping a proper back up of data then a reinstall will work wonders

    • Like 1
  12. Tricky one. I’ve seen anglers boats in all sorts of positions, pushed in the reeds, double weight moored at funny angles on the rivers and one swinging on a mud weight in the upper Ant near the split to Sutton. 

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