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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Lovely sunny day at the Bridge Inn
  2. Popped into the Wayford Bridge Inn. Interesting decor with the glossy white tiles. Someone likened it to a vets, could be right!
  3. Very near neighbour Geoff Mind you Clive is a star too cos he let us moor at his yard. And yes, the Ghostship in the Bridge is superb
  4. Thanks for the kind comments folks. No signal up the Ant Yesterday and no WiFi in the White Horse. However now moored at the Bridge Inn with very good WiFi. Had the enormous pleasure of meeting a most eminent personage yesterday. Can't say who but he has a lot of very interesting boots. Lovely person as well
  5. Thanks for the kind comments folks. No signal up the Ant Yesterday and no WiFi in the White Horse. However now moored at the Bridge Inn with very good WiFi. Had the enormous pleasure of meeting a most eminent personage yesterday. Can't say who but he has a lot of very interesting boots. Lovely person as well
  6. Very nice drop of Ghost Ship in the Swan Gave the Grebe a wide berth :-o
  7. Aw sorry Grace, just wish you were here too!
  8. Just spotted this yep on Freedom of Light
  9. Dredging on the Ant, on the bendy bit between How Hill and Irstead :-(
  10. Ha, ha, no sadly not, Herby Woods this time but nice boot and brilliant staff, very helpful PS heading in Clive's direction at the mo
  11. Stokesby indeed, spot on folks Litter bins gone, went over to check :-(
  12. Blissful, not another boot in sight But where?
  13. Hi All Just to clarify, it is the lease which is up for sale but in the meantime Geoff and Lorraine are still running the pub. It is owned by the Wellington pub co. Hopefully a buyer can be found for the lease who will continue with the good work that Geoff and Lorraine have done. It is a very tough time for all pubs at the moment and hopefully we will all do our best to support them. I do rate the Dog as one of the best pubs on the Broads (in my humble opinion of course)
  14. Yes, I must agree, just been reading the small print and it is a bit pricey certainly. I’m wondering if it’s more aimed at big companies looking for some publicity whilst sponsoring their own teams. Corporate event type of stuff they can probably offset against tax. I still like the idea though, maybe a lower cost NBN alternative could be devised. With Humpty Dumpty as sponsors
  15. Thanks for the link Carol, looks very interesting. Yet again I just wish I lived nearer! I play the drums (badly) so could do the drummer bit too
  16. Definitely Steve. He sidestepped that one with all the skill of a seasoned politician. Slippery as the snake
  17. Marco Pierre White is on Radio 2 right now. I feel like asking what's happening with the Bridge Inn but I don't suppose I'd get an answer!
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