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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Bit more news but no news if you see what I mean. Fingers crossed for the pubs and staff http://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/staff_at_norfolk_s_marco_pierre_white_pubs_still_waiting_on_news_of_prospective_buyers_1_3934277
  2. I'm intrigued Keith but could you give us a little hint as to which era we are looking at? If it's one of the X Factor brigade I might struggle a bit
  3. I’ve just seen a link to the agents website which suggests the Lord Nelson lease is “under offer” Sounds encouraging, there may be a chance of it opening after all. I can’t see Wellington selling it so hopefully Reedham river front won’t be blighted by a McDonalds or a Tesco express
  4. Hi Ian Thanks for posting this, it has been picked up already though Very worrying news all the same.
  5. ........ah, I did wonder. As Jon says, what a shame for the poor old staff. Very sad.
  6. The Bridge Inn must be the best run pub on the Broads but maybe more from our Wayford correspondent as not been in that one for while........
  7. I last saw the ice cream boat plying its trade around the Brundall boatyards in 2013. Its theme tune at the time as I recall was “Messing about on the river” I might have been a bit more interested if it had a piped supply of Humpty Dumpty on board. Now there’s an idea……………
  8. Hi Alan The lease has been for sale since last year although Geoff and Lorraine are still en situ. I'll be very sorry to see them go, one of the best pubs on the Broads (IMHO of course)
  9. Quite easy actually. If you click on the link on Clive's original post it opens a new window. There is a tab at the top to download a pdf copy. Just click on it and follow the instructions. Its about 26mb as a pdf. Assuming Clive doesn't mind of course You will need a fair bit of ink to print it off though Very good publication though (IMHO of course)
  10. Keep it coming please Jon, want to know how you got on!
  11. Probably is Iain - I think Boulters were charging 114p recently and they are usually among the cheapest.
  12. Very nice production Clive I think the photos and maps work very well combined with the descriptions of the places of interest. Some superb photography. A very useful publication particularly for first timers. I remember years ago Blakes used to send out a little information booklet which was very handy but this is a much bigger and better version. I’m sure that it will be very popular!
  13. Amazing! It's quite easy to find via Google although it's not strictly a Broads forum so hopefully no problem. I see LR got in on the act too!
  14. I'm afraid I'm not impressed with this dry January malarky. I don't condone binge drinking by any means but January is a very tough month for pubs and this is the last thing they need (IMHO of course)
  15. Hi Paul I'm afraid you are right, it will need a real philanthropist to take them on unless either owner shifts ground and I can't see that happening in the near future sadly. I think Peter makes a fair point, many yards are doing well but part of the problem is that many people simply do not use the pubs. There are many times I have seen people moored up at the Berney and Reedham and drinking out of cans on the boats. It's very sad.
  16. I agree Peter, it is a great shame. I suppose if the Berney does not sell the owner might consider letting it again. Problem is that as soon as he thinks anyone is starting to make it pay he hikes the rent up. The pub also needs a lot of work and of course the access problem is a real headache for anyone who takes it on. The owner is trying to pretty much sell the pub on its own and retain the land with some idea of holiday accommodation but with no access I cant see how the BA would allow that and unless the holiday makers arrive by boat or train its a non starter. It’s all pie in the sky unfortunately. Amazingly the rent being asked for the Berney was twice as much as the Locks which does have (albeit basic) road access. The Locks is also in much better condition. The Nelson is owned by the Wellington Pub co who I don’t think are as cash strapped as Punch or Enterprise so might not be very willing to sell freehold. Anyone taking it on would have to stump up a large amount to get it anything like, I just don’t think the sums add up. As I always say, if that lottery comes up………
  17. I posted a bit about the Lord Nelson the other day over on this thread Peter Re the Berney - I can't see it being sold anythime soon, its a lot of money and the owner is still trying to retain part of the site for holiday lets. Sadly one pub is owned by a greedy pub co and the other by a rapacious developer so unless a wealthy fairy godmother comes forward the future for both looks bleak. Shame because they are both fine pubs (or were). very sad.
  18. Picture of stew looks a bit blurred, how much red wine went into to it eh Jon?
  19. I couldn't see one on the list but I wonder if we could find some tongue in cheek kind of smilie which would probably be very appropriate for much of the drivel I post
  20. As a very old drummer sounds good to me Love it, will keep look out
  21. Wots the name of this 'ere band Jon? Will keep a look out next time we're around
  22. I’ve just seen an advert for the Lord Nelson by the agents Humberstones. It is just the lease that’s up for sale. As I suspected the pub is owned by Wellington. The 20 year free of tie lease (Wellington don’t sell beer anyway) is up for grabs at under 50k whatever that means. Amazingly the agents do admit a full refurbishment is needed. Here lies the rub. I have heard from a number of sources that the pub is in a very poor state with a collapsed ceiling in the living accommodation the least of the problems. A proper refurb would cost a fortune, for example I believe the White Horse at Neatishead had 750k spent on it. I very much doubt Wellington would spend a penny on the Lord Nelson. I would dearly love to see the pub open again as I have spent many happy hours in there over the years but it will take a very brave person with deep pockets to take it on. Shame because I like the Ship but it would be nice to have some competition in Reedham.
  23. I agree, thieving so and so’s. Pubs have enough problems at the moment without being robbed into the bargain. However I am a bit surprised they don’t have an alarm system though. The thieves must have been on the premises for a while, to steal cash, all that booze and meat by the sound of it. They must have needed a getaway vehicle and made a fair bit of noise. Presume the pub didn’t have a dog either. Hope they get caught but I won’t hold my breath. Just hope the insurance was up to date too.
  24. Thanks for sharing Barry, lovely craft and such a sad contrast between your pictures. Have any survived do you know?
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