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Everything posted by Mowjo

  1. Mowjo

    New Torch

    Jan! get your coat this is a man thread! you should know from Mike, we love gadgets and anything that shines, they don't have to work or even have a use but to us they are treasure, the worst thing any woman can do is look in the man cave and say it's about time you cleared out all the junk, that's divorce talk, to us it's real treasure and we keep it because we know that a week after we throw something away we will need it, so we keep everything,, well I do as long as it's shiny,,,
  2. Jan! you'll get used to it here! there are very few post that actually stay on topic here, we are too lazy to start our own so just hijack each others, you get a lot of "now where did I see that" here and because most of us here are old farts it helps us pass the time searching for things, right back on topic! aw bugger! I can't remember what it was now,
  3. I think Lathams have a few specials on this week so that could be why she's here, and Waterside have a few nice little boats in, hope she doesn't use the Chippy there last time I used it, it was dire, shame because it used to be really good,
  4. Mowjo

    New Torch

    The one in my link has strobe and SOS so maybe Strow has them mixed up, Strows is a bicycle one so just having the strobe makes more sense as most cycle lights are strobe now,,
  5. Nah! she's buggered Steve, I hear them Royals don't carry money, bet if she did she'd be going for all those BOGOFF deals, I don't know how she'll pay for her Burger from the van? I don't think he will get the Royal seal of approval if he gives her a freeby, what's she doing there anyway opening Lathams new tackle shop???
  6. I'm about Wednesday as well, but don't worry I'll do you all proud by having the forum flag hanging from it when I flash the Princess, I may be gone for some time,,,
  7. Mowjo

    Cats on Boats

    JTF! get your coat now!
  8. Robin! I have the same problem! Salhouse, signal hit and miss, Horning, no chance, I might get one bar, when I was on Vodafone nothing, I now use the Three one below I get good coverage everywhere apart from those two places and love it, always pretty fast for loading stuff, we normally have a laptop and two tablets running off it with no problems, THREE Huawei E5220 3G Mobile Broadband - 3 GB preloaded – Pay As You Go Mobile Wi-Fi http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/phones-broadband-gps/mobile-phones-and-broadband/pay-as-you-go-mobile-broadband/three-huawei-e5220-3g-mobile-broadband-3-gb-preloaded-pay-as-you-go-mobile-wi-fi-21479079-pdt.html
  9. Strowager! in no way is it acceptable because most of us old farts here were bought up to respect others, but we are talking a new generation here and it scares the crap out of me that these are our future, if I spoke to my parents the way my grandkids speak to theirs I'd have been battered, somewhere along the line with all these so called do-gooders respect seems to have been lost, not all todays youths are like it but I see it getting worse every day, even now my 40 year old daughter won't swear in front of me, she learnt at an early age how far she could push Judi, but she also learnt that if I stepped in she was in trouble and if I said something I meant it, I have never had to smack her just one of my looks was enough, and I'd pull her up if she didn't say please and thank you, I taught her manners and respect, even though I can sometimes lack that myself, as the old man taught me, "respect has to be earned" and his most famous one! "you do as I say not what I do" but hey! respect is a whole different debate and probably one that could get pretty heated, Jan! I'm on the boat Tuesday working, but have your zoom lens ready, if I get time I'll cruise past Jons and wave my willie at you,, :norty: I was going to say past on my Hampton 25, it just sounded rude in the same sentance :naughty:
  10. I wonder if it's because I was born and breed in London that I'm more tolerant of people, I think I've seen it all at some point or other, not long before we moved to Lowestoft we had two Murders several mugging, endless break in's, at least one burnt out car a week in the park opposite us and the majority of the youths in our area were pretty much out of control, so a group of men or women going a bit over the top seems pretty minor to me, the only time that gets my back up is if they become offensive then it's all out war, I suppose in the end it does depend on how tolerant each of us is, I'm used to city life and a stabbing would be two lines on page seven, the first week we were in Lowestoft the headlines news on Beach Radio were someone had their bicycle stolen and someone was offensive to a woman down by the beach,,,,
  11. Mowjo

    Cats on Boats

    Jan! I'm fine with Spiders as long as they don't move towards me, I have no idea where the fear of them came from, guess I picked it up somewhere as a kid, I'm getting better and if they are dangling on a thread I can put them outside, but if they move up the thread I'm off, and you saying about Cats, when we lived in London we used to get those big lanky spiders a lot, Boz would get them in his mouth and walk up to you with spiders legs hanging out, then look at you and crunch, that Cat had a real evil streak,,
  12. Mowjo

    Cats on Boats

    Jan! the Spiders on my boat are so big they are more likely to kick you to death rather than bite you! I have two smallish ones that live inside my windscreen wiper blade on the boat, I call them George and Georgina, I hate spiders but refuse to kill these two, I won't even put the wiper on because it destroys their little webs, I sat there one day for over four hours watching Georgina making her little web and afterwards I thought all that work she put into it I didn't have the heart to destroy it, yea I know I'm a saddo and the worst part is that if they come out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I talk to them,,,,
  13. Soundings! in no way were my comments meant as a dig at you, I just find it sad that someone like you gives up their boating for the sake of a few Idiots, Your right Neil! there are things in place for incidents like that and they should be reported, if he did that in the local high street he would have been arrested, Jan! I'm sorry but if I saw any woman with her bum over the side taking a pee, I'd probably be laughing so much I'd spill my Tea,, I drive to London from here a lot and sometimes you'll get the woman or man taking a pee by the side of the car on the M11, it really cracks me up because I'm sure they think they are invisible and no-one can see them,,,,
  14. Mowjo

    New Torch

    Paladin! I find it strange that people spend a fortune on these type of lights, and I don't think I've ever seen one used even at night, I used to do a lot of night trips and the only time I ever needed a light was on a couple of Moonless nights on the Ant just to see where the bank was, I only used a small handheld plug in spot for that, I'm not tight but I only buy stuff I can use or actually need and it makes me wonder just how much money people waste on stuff they have no real need for on a boat,, Don't laugh like my wife does! but I have been know to shoot boats with my imaginary gun or torpedo's
  15. Mowjo

    New Torch

    I'm just going to get one of Strowagers headlights, I won't need a spotlight then, Palidin do you ever actually use yours?? I've had two now! one came still boxed when I bought my Seamaster 813, the other was a present a few years back, apart from playing world war two with them and searching for planes to shoot down I never used them,
  16. Mowjo

    Cats on Boats

    I'm more worried by this one,,, 1. No Bananas On Board Bananas have long been thought to bring bad luck, especially on ships. At the height of the trading empire between Spain and the Caribbean in the 1700's, most cases of disappearing ships happened to be carrying a cargo of bananas at the time. Coincidence? Perhaps. Another theory suggests that because bananas spoiled so quickly, transporters had to get to their destination much quicker. Fisherman thus never caught anything while bananas were on board. Another danger caused by monkey's favourite fruit fermenting so quickly, was that in the heat of the storage hull, bananas would produce deadly toxic fumes. A final theory on the perils of bananas at sea (though there are tons) is that a species of deadly spider would hide inside banana bunches. Their lethal bite caused crewman to die suddenly, heightening the fear that banana cargo was a bad omen.
  17. Clive! the way Jan described the incident if she wanted Photo evidence it sounds like she may have needed a zoom lens,
  18. Mowjo

    Cats on Boats

    Here you go Jan! Most of them say Black Cats are the luckiest, and it depends if your a sailor of fisherman but in general Cats are considered lucky on Ships/Boats all over the world,, The ship's cat has been a common feature on many trading, exploration, and naval ships, and dates back to ancient times and considered good luck. Cats have been carried on ships for many reasons, the most important being to catch mice and rats. These rodents aboard a ship can cause damage to ropes and woodwork. Also, rodents threatened the stores the ship carried. Rodents may devour the foodstuff carried to feed the crew, and could cause economic damage if the ship was carrying grain or similar substances as part of its cargo. Rats and mice were also sources of disease, which is dangerous for ships that are at sea for long periods of time. For example, rats are carriers of plague and it is believed rats on ships were one of the main spreaders of the Black Death. Cats naturally attack and kill these rodents.The natural ability of cats to adapt to new surroundings made them suitable for service on a ship. They also offered companionship and a sense of home, security and camaraderie to sailors who could be away from home for long periods, especially in times of war. Cats are not popular animals in fishing communities, taken as a whole. In certain villages on the east coast of Scotland if fishing had been bad the fishermen used to say: "We must have met a cat this morning."
  19. Blimmey Soundings someone certainly upset you! I've been using the Broads as a boat owner all year round for the last thirty years and can honestly say I've only ever seen one incident years ago that I call anti-social and that was a group of German tourist on a boat at Salhouse, they were feeding the Swans and grabbing them by the necks and lifting them, we reported them and from what we heard back not much was done as they returned home to Germany, we've met boatloads of noisy drunks but always found if we ask them nicely to keep it down they do, we've had groups of males moon at us while passing, even had a group of drunken girls that flashed us, for some reason Judi wouldn't let me go back for another look, all I ever see is people trying to enjoy themselves and have a good time, Ok most of them are young but I think back to when I was that age and I don't think I was much different, and I know the worst thing you could do If I got a bit out of hand was be aggressive to me, because then I would do it more to wind them up, but if someone was polite I'd calm it down, and I find that approach still works today, as Marshman say this incident was an exception and not the norm here on the Broads, but your always going to get that Idiot that gets all the rest a bad name, most of the near anti-social behaviour I've seen on the Broads has been from private boats that think they own it and anyone else has no right to be there, I've seen some speak to hire boats in a manner that if they spoke to me like that they would be swimming back to their boat,,, Frank,,,,
  20. Mowjo

    Cats on Boats

    My Siamese cat Boz! always used to come out on the boat with us and was well know at Wayford Marina! he was a house cat but due to having been let down by our Cat sitter we took him with us one weekend, we kept him shut in but he managed to get out, I spent hours looking for him only to find him a few boats down where the owners had been feeding him treats, he never ever went far from the boat but would hide around 4pm Sunday just when we were leaving for London, he got to know every boat that would feed him and if I called his name one of the owners would shout back he's on here eating/sleeping, when we went out he would just sit up by the windscreen watching the world but for some reason when we moored up he wouldn't even try to leave the boat, we did get back once and Mike the owner of Wayford was laughing his head off and told me someone had complained about Boz, the guy that complained claimed the cat was terrorising his two little dogs, turned out Boz would go the other end of the marina get on the guys boat and walk around it making his dogs nervous and making them bark, well yap!, I think Boz had a thing about dogs because another guy had a German Shephard that he kept on a long chain while he was working on his boat, Boz knew exactly how long that chain was to the inch and would creep up behind the dog and just sit there, the dog would turn around see Boz and go mental running at him full pelt until the dog ran out of chain nearly breaking it's neck, I swear I saw that cat laugh, even the owner thought it was funny because Boz did it every time the dog was there and no matter how long a chain he put the dog on Boz would be two inches out of range, we certainly had some good laughs with that cat and if we ever left him at home everyone would be asking where he was, when I was re-fitting the boat out Boz would often move on to someones boat for a few days,, Frank,,,,
  21. Mowjo

    New Torch

    But Strowager! you get 191 loyalty points with it,, JTF! re your remote control spotlight, don't know if this will help, Brian Ward is now a sponsor and doing the Jabsco one at a discount, plus if you mention your a member of NBN you get an extra 10% discount so might be worth a look,,, http://www.brianwards.co.uk/featured-products/12v-ray-line-remote-s-light.html Frank,,,,
  22. If I speak to Nick and Tanya does that mean I get 20% discount,, Ok I'll get my coat,,, Frank,,,,
  23. Mowjo

    New Torch

    Jonzo! it'll also give you a spare hand when you bring all that booze back to the boat,,,,
  24. Mowjo

    New Torch

    Paladin! if your not happy with it, it's Strowagers fault, but I know you will be very impressed with it so i'll take the credit, Strowager! I wish I knew about those headlights before I gave up fishing, I used to love evening and night fishing but those other headlights and the LED ones were worse than useless, I still might buy one thought could be very handy when I'm messing about in the engine bay, it'll keep my hands free for the cup of tea in one hand and the spanner in the other, plus I could stand on the corner at St Benets and pretend I'm a lighthouse if I get bored,,, Frank,,,,
  25. Iain beat me to it, originally coming from Edgware near Watford I thought I had been caught in a time warp like Groundhog Day, I must say the Ant has to be my favourite place and second is the part from Wroxham to Coltishall, we used to moor at Wayford years ago before John owned it, but after Mike passed away we moved to Broadsedge, even after thirty years of mooring on the Ant we still rarely make it out onto the main rivers, usually Ludham is as far as we make it, I just find the Ant a magical place, you can do the same bit of river an hour later but it will be totally different, Frank,,,,,
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