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Everything posted by Mowjo

  1. How about this new slogan! Visit the Norfolk Broads it's Rubbish,,,,
  2. Right that's it! I'll take pictures of my flag in different areas of the Broads when I'm out and about, that way the other lot will think there are more of us and won't attack me! Oooh Wait! I'm a member there as well, does that me if I meet myself on the way back I'll have to beat myself up???
  3. All credit to you Bob! but when you get people getting boob jobs free on the NHS and free Taxi's like the one in the paper, while women with breast cancer have to wait or a cancer patient can't have the medicine they need because it's too expensive or they live in the wrong area don't you think we've already regressed past the point of no return? Sorry Roy! I seem to have high-jacked your thread,,, Frank,,,,,,
  4. Seems very odd considering how many sold, we stopped at Ludham on our way back to the Marina, I saw at least five NBF flags flying around me, I started getting a complex and was waiting for them to come and beat me up, I don't think I've even seen one of ours in our marina at Broadsedge, I may have to buy a NBF one and do the trick and fly both flags, then I can pick a side when I'm out and about, Nah! not really I'm proud of my little NBN flag, I get a better class of abuse on this forum,,,,,,, Frank,,,,
  5. Bob! I meant that remark as a general term so please don't take it personaly, do you care if they cut back on your bin collection where you live???? no brainer! of course you do, the same as me or anyone else, do you care if they cut back on them in London or somewhere up North? I doubt it because it doesn't affect you or me, we may say what a shame or say it's disgusting, but in all honesty I don't think many people really care unless it affects them it's human nature,,,, Frank,,,
  6. I found this on the BA site, it lost me but may shed some light on things for some of you out there,,,, http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/426984/Waste_Disposal_Policy_nc270214.pdf
  7. Bob! I don't think anyone objects to cost cutting until it affects them directly then the guns come out, the problem I see with this bit of cost cutting is not that it affects just the locals but the whole of the Broads and the people that use it from all over the country, with it putting some people off using the Broads because what I've read no-one wants to carry their rubbish on board for days on end, we have already started to see the results of removing these bins, the litter bin by the bridge at Potter was full and surrounded by black bin bags plus all the other places already posted on the forums and I'll bet if you speak to anyone local to those areas they will say we knew it would happen, all to save £15000 a year, I'd love to see these so called cost cutters expense accounts for a year, I'm all for cost cutting if it makes sense and is cut in the right places and actually saves money, but this in my opinion will cost them a lot more than £15k, they are trying to save because someone has to clear it and guess what it will be the council who if they are anything like ours here in Suffolk will send out a Lorry and a two man team on a full time clear up job, the system of bins we had have worked well for as many years as I can remember, you have always had the odd one that will abuse it and use the bins as a fly tip, but it worked, I know the point they are making is Domestic waste and Commercial waste and I think there is more to it than just cost cutting, Is the waste from the bin stores and the hire yards any different the answer is no! apart from the fact they charge you to take away rubbish from the hire yards because it's classed as commercial, when we had our Café we had to pay for our rubbish to be taken away because we were commercial premises, but it was exactly the same rubbish we put in our bin at home the only difference being the Café one was emptied once a week and the home one every two weeks, Perhaps they are trying to get the BA to fund the rubbish removal cost! I don't know, but the more I read the less the whole thing makes no sense to me,, Frank,,,,
  8. I've had the same problem with Unicorns,,
  9. Mines still flying proudly on the front of my Hampton 25, and it's still not gone all flappy like those cheap ones, what I want to know is though, as some of you may know! during the season we spend four or five days out on her every week, last week it was Wroxham way, this week Potter and Womack, plus we are based in Stalham so the Ant get used a lot, so far since getting my flag just after they went on sale I havn't seen one other forum flag, seen plenty of NBF flags but none of ours, so don't hide them! get them flying, I need to know who to annoy when I'm out,,, Frank,,,,,,
  10. My favourite is what I call Hawaiian Mushrooms, It's just four big flat Mushrooms grilled, top with a nice chunk of Ham, a pineapple slice and then some nice mature Cheese, put it back under the grill till the chess melts, then eat the lot, I do another version I call the BTM, using Bacon, sliced Tomato and topped off with cheese, both nice and easy on the boat and you can do them in the oven or on the grill,,,, Another easy one is my Corned Beef Slops! but you need an oven really, slice up one or two tins of Corned beef and put it in a small casserole dish, add a can of easy onions, top with two cans of potatoes sliced up, then top off with two tins of chopped tomato's, you can even add a can of beans for extra taste or a tin of peas, then just put it in the oven for 30 minutes, if you don't like corned beef you can use a tin of stewing steak, I don't like corned beef but I eat this when we are out and low on rations as it's easy and you can't really taste the corned beef that much unless you use two tins,, Frank,,,
  11. Lori! I joke about but I do feel sorry for those that have boats and don't get to use them much, and those that can only hire for a week or two each year, I'm lucky in that I own ours, we are both retired and only live 35 minutes away from the boat, if I still lived in London I have no doubt that travel cost and work would reduce my outings to one or two weekends a month with the odd week when I was on holiday, I've been there and done it so know what it's like, since getting the Hampton 25 it's Judi that wants to be out on it all the time, me I'd live on a boat if I could, I've had five previous boats but this is her favourite, only 25ft long but all usable space and all on one level, the others have been bigger but nowhere near the room inside, I still prefer boats that look like boats like my Seamaster 813, I think the Hampton 25 is ugly but if Judi's happy that means I get to spend more time out, most weeks we only come home for two days to do the washing check the flat and have a proper shower,,, Frank,,,
  12. 63 days for me! whooooops! sorry that's how many days we've been out so far this year this week is the longest we have been home for a while, came back last Tuesday because I had appointments Wednesday, Thursday and today, we were going to make the long 35 minute drive to the boat today when I got back from the Dentist, but a delivery I'm waiting for hasn't turned up yet so it may be tomorrow or Monday before I'm back on the boat, it's so hard being retired and living so close to the boat, :cry I bet you all feel really sorry for me don't you??? It looks like I may even beat the 145 days we were out last year!!! just so you don't think I'm trying to rub it in, I'm only doing it as I have a new forum flag and thought we could do with a bit of advertising, plus the flag is still a bit stiff and needs breaking in to make it flappy,,, :liar Frank,,,,,,
  13. Was reading a bit about this today on Broadsblog! http://thebroadsblog.blogspot.co.uk/
  14. I think they may have done Andy a favour not using him, I know it was only half hour and it was edited, but HW didn't shine for me! it was like here's your boat see you later, I think Clive Richo and Hirers posting on Youtube have done more to promote the Broads,
  15. Strow! I think that program actually did more harm than good for the Broads, apart from what you mention 100mtrs out first comment from his daughter was "I'm bored" there was nothing positive in the Broads section unless you like Ice cream, even the comment about people waving came over as negative, may be a case of bad editing but watching that it came over as helming a boat on the Broads is boring and like driving on the M25 with the bonus of people waving at you, still at least you could stop for an Ice cream, I think if I was a first time hirer and saw that program it could put me off hiring a boat,,, Frank,,,,
  16. Mr Bill! do you mean Baffles, something like these,,, , http://www.camauto.com/speaker-baffles-4-inch#!prettyPhoto[gallery]/0/
  17. Jan! it might be worth trying Norfolk Marine, they do Surecals at a pretty good price and will usually price match if you find it cheaper,, http://www.norfolkmarine.co.uk/shop-online/marine-heating-ventilation-calorifier-accumulator-c-1133_1136.html
  18. Mowjo

    New Torch

    You'll now see why the name Crackers fits! today Daph turned up with two drakes, out came the food, Judi is feeding Daph I look up to see the two drakes sitting by the side window looking in at me, I tell Judi, next thing I have three ducks sitting (I said sitting) on the deck eating out of Judi's hand, suddenly duck panic!! two little dogs see them and run at the ducks, the ducks fly off and so does Judi, she gives the dogs owner a real telling off, about scaring her ducks and the fact there are notices all over out marina saying dogs must be on leads at all times, the poor owner was 5ft 6in at the start but the time Judi had finished he was around 6in tall, I was actually laughing so much I went and hid in the toilet, pretty Crackers Yes?? well it get worse, at the start Judi had been throwing bread in the water for Daph until she came on the boat, well guess what Judi has discovered fish like bread as well, she spent the next half hour watching the fish feed on the bread, no not finished yet! she has spent the best part of today breaking bread into little bits and feeding the fish, and as soon as they start feeding Judi tells me her boys are here, one day the men in white coats will come for her, I was outside doing some more painting on the boat and I heard her talking, as usual I say What??? her reply! I'm not talking to you I'm talking to my boys, talking to Ducks! a bit strange, talking to Fish, well that's beyond help,,, and people think I'm mad,,, Frank,,,,,
  19. Mowjo

    New Torch

    I must stop posting with my tablet that last post is even worse than my usual ones!!! Iain! Judi has a pet duck here at Broadsedge it's been back for the last three years, always turns up around 9am if we are here then again around 5.30pm, running low on bread? tough Judi's duck Daphne comes first, it turns up goes quack! quack! and gets instant food, usually my Rice Crispies, then bread and left overs at tea time, she talks to Daphne all the time and I get no sense out of her if the ducks around, hence me learning duck so I might just get a conversation out of Judi and if that fails at least I can talk to the duck,,, just as an add on my collection of stainless screws is going well, walking around the marina today I have found over 50 of varying sizes all in as new condition, I was tempted to start a fender collection because I've seen at least half a dozen floating around the marina but they take up too much space,,,,, Iain! I forgot to mention! my boat is actually call Crackers, need I say more,,
  20. Mowjo

    New Torch

    Well! I don,t care anymore I now have two new hobbies, collecting stainless steel screws and i,m learning to speak Duck, I havn,t quite mastered d Duck yet as they ignore me, I think it must be my London accent,,,
  21. Grace! They should be more worried about me flashing them! I,ve just got off the phone with Annie and she tells me she might be dropping into How Hill as well , she did ask me to meet her so she could have a go with my new torch but I told her I was busy working on my boat! Flipping cheek of some people,,,
  22. Mowjo

    New Torch

    I just showed Judi those pictures and told her I want them! at this point all I can say is her second word was OFF! I now need a new Hobby,
  23. Jon! Shssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That wouldn't be anything to do with Spark of Light? would it??? the one that was moored near me in Broadsedge a couple of years back???
  24. I found this but that's all, it was on future engagements by MRF for 9th April, The Princess Royal will attend Herbert Woods LLP Heritage Day, Broads Haven, Bridge Road, Potter Heigham, Norfolk.
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