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Everything posted by Mowjo

  1. Mark! I don't think Mrs Bridges would be very happy if you built a supermarket on her, I've heard of a few Bridges on the Broads like Potter and Wroxham, where abouts is the one called Mrs??? Grendel! you do know he didn't die??? after Beowulf ripped his arm off, he ended up in Yarmouth as a One Armed Bandit Tester, Nothing to do with the thread I just thought I'd throw that bit in for Grendel, Robin! Judi just solved my problem, she told me there are Fish in the Broads, Nemo went home! Frank,,,,
  2. I tend to watch them tack a couple of times to see what direction is faster, plus I watch the little flappy thing on the mast, being higher up I find it a good indicator of wind direction, I try to pass on the long tack so I don't have to change my speed, basically it's just a matter of paying attention and being aware of your surroundings, Mr Bird I'm with you on the under engine bit, I normally get caught by that on the bend at Cockshoot Dyke,,, Frank,,,,
  3. Ermmm! Gracie don't blame me I'm only following bits from other peoples replies, so Hypothetically, I'm actually the only one here thats staying on topic, as for pot holes I have one under the boat cooker where I keep all my pots and pans, and Country Road was a John Denver song and I think James Taylor did one as well, hows that for going right off topic and getting it back with just a few sentences, Maurice your getting good at this, Frank,,,,
  4. Maurice! I just came off the thread you mention and it looks well on the way to becoming the old us and them situation, personally I can never work out why! there's room for all of us, and if you think about it rag and stick was on the Broads long before any of us stinkies, if it's not rag and sticks Vs stinkies, it will be private Vs hire, it will never change, now back to your question, never panic when approaching or overtaking, take it slowly, remember we have a throttle and reverse, when tacking I get as close as I feel safe then pass to the stern watching them to see if I need to throttle up to get clear, the only time I differ from this is if they are approaching me and it's a bit narrow, I watch what side the sail is and go the other side if it's safe, most of it is just common sense and I can never work out why some people get so worked up about it, yes it's nice if they tell you what side to pass but even as someone who has never set foot on a Raggie I can see sometimes they have their hands full, the only time I ever get wound up is on narrow places on the Ant where you'll get two or three Raggies a boat length apart, little or no wind, going nowhere fast and tacking at different times, I've had this happen more times than I can remember, now I know some don't have engines but in most of mine they did, so why the hell can't they just start them until they get to Barton or the main river, to me the Ant is like trying to sail up a canal, my logic says start up, you'll get there quicker and have more proper sailing time, I can't say I've ever really had any problems with Raggies, I'm on my boat to relax not get wound up, you'll get the odd A-hole but I've had more of them on private stinkies,,, Frank,,,,,
  5. No Robin! we wan't qualty food! and a pet section so I can get a new Fish, my Nemo has gone missing! Dave! what you mean no Wall?? Thats the Greatestest Album Pink Floyd ever made, everyone should have a copy,, Aaaaw! come on stop groaning, you aready knew I'd do it,,, :
  6. Iain! your not paying attention are you, I sneaked the troops bit in because an Army marches on it's stomach and we were talking food,, and what do you mean DRIVEL, my comments are quite sensible for me,, Frank,,,,
  7. Jeeze John! 4.34am? my clock only has one of those on it and thats in the afternoon,,, Mark! read the topic title please, it's called Hypothetically Speaking, it may look like we have gone off topic but everything actually has a wayward link to Robins first post, even Johns last post about Stars, because Speedtriple mentioned Stars, now you have gone totally off topic, Upstairs Downstairs has nothing to do with this thread as it's a TV program, I now have the job of trying to link your TV comments to something to keep us on track, scrolls back!!!! Iains reply! "When I see some of this Michelin food presentation" TV link coming up! now I like watching TV programs about cooking but how many of you normal people, Note I said you not us! keep all those spices and all the other ingredients in our cupboards, I often see something being cooked and think I'd like to try that, but by the time I bought everything I need to make it, it would be cheaper to go out for a meal,,, when they come out with a program that uses ingredients that most normal people have in the cupboard I'll be hooked, trouble is I already know how to make beans on toast,,, I think I got away with saving the thread! carry on Troops,,,,
  8. Tried it on the Hampton 25 it was a waste of money and made no difference at all, the rear bunk sat right over the watertank and the matress suffered bad condensation, I end up up getting rid of the ply lids and converted it to slats and put a bit of foam insulation over the tank, Cured it and Judi said the bed even felt warmer, to be honest I think putting cheap felt back carpet under the matresses wouls do a better job than dry mesh, Frank,,,,
  9. Sorry Grendel I can't comment at the moment, I miss read the Master Baker bit and can't stop laughing,,
  10. Don't worry Speed will will get to those eventually, Iain! when I was a kid that would have been classed as foreign food, I was bought up on stuffed rolled breast of lamb, Pigs trotters, Stuffed sheeps hearts, Stews loaded with pearl barley, Rabbit Stew, Neck of Lamb stew, Liver and Bacon, Bread Pudding, Rice pudding, Sunday was always roast shoulder of lamb, or roast Pork with crackling that would that would just melt in your mouth,Mum used to think I was strange because she used to make a big flat yorkshire pud, any left over I used to put butter and jam on and eat it cold, Sunday tea was scrambled eggs on crumpets and a pint of winkles, the only time we had Chicken was Christmas, never even heard of a Turkey let alone ate one, anyone remember the penny Arrowroot biscuits, big as dustbin lids they were, the strange thing is most of the meats above were cheap working class meals, now if you can find them they cost a small fortune, imagine paying 11s or 55new pence for a whole shoulder of lamb, and it all tasted better, I'm sure if you bought a load of meat from a supermarket today and did a blind tasting you's find it hard to tell if your eating Pork Lamb or Beef, I never knew how Mum used to work, look after four kids and still have a proper cooked meal on the table every day, I think women from back then could certainly teach a lots of todays mums a few things, about Stargazing, I'm lost! allI know is there's lots of stars up there, and as for home mechanics I'll give that a miss, your talking to a man that asked his Wife why we had a TV in the kitchen only to be told "it's a Washing Machine" Frank,,,,
  11. Ah Dave! you never said it was Budgens, I'd certainly use them over Tesco's and Asda, as for live Yeast! I'd kill it, I don't mind the fresh bread, give me a fresh tiger loaf and half of it's gone before I get to the checkout, same with French loaves, but I can't stand the wrapped cut bread it's like eating glue, one of my favorite things when I was a kid was those mini Hovis loaves, I used to eat the middle out and fill them with crisp's, shows how long ago, the only crisp around were Smiths with the little blue salt packet, yes I know they do them now but they ain't the same, I had to give up my well salted bread and dripping , high cholesterol plus Judi couldn't watch me eat it for some reason,,,, Frank,,,,
  12. Thats it then! close this thread we're all off to the Fish and Ducks for a few pints,,,
  13. Iain! I'm still trying to find my Fish,,,,Ooooh! hang on! we are talking Hypothetically here so it could be a Duck, no wonder I can't find it,, Frank,,,,
  14. Speed! we have gone totally off topic and this time it was nothing to do with me! it's like this see! while i will always try and support local shops and businesses cost comes into it, now we have all heard of the Swindlers at Wroxham and for certain things like cookers, fridges and stuff they are hard to beat on price, so anything like that I buy from them, other stuff like screws and general fittings are expensive, so all my screws now come from Beardshaws Hoveton, the rest comes from the net, half the price even with postage, it's not about saving money it's about not getting ripped off, example: stainless cleat, swindlers £24, on the net exact same ones £10.19, same place stainless screws 10p each, Beardshaws £3.00 per hundred, see where I'm going??? Shopping, I know they need our support, but why pay £30 for you shopping when you can get the same stuff at Tesco's (I hate Tesco's) same with diesel petrol I now see loads in our marina with jerry cans, simple £1.29 Tesco's £1.40ish on the Broads, the way I see it is for every £ I save, I have another £ for diesel, shinny bits or extra shopping, I look at ads on the box and see Tesco, Asda doing deals, normally £10 reduced to £5, they must still make a profit selling at at £5 so think of the profit when they normally sell at £10, it's long time since I was in the game but the normal mark up on stuff was 400% so all these loss leaders and special deals two for ones are just a load of Bull to get you in there shopping, thats twice I've been serious this week it has to stop!! Frank,,,
  15. Dave! I followed it to the letter, but it just dosn't taste the same as fresh bread from the Baker, Frank,,,
  16. Don't get me started on Bread! whoops too late! I love nothing more than fresh baked bread just out of the oven, nothing on just as it is, so after months of telling Juidi "I want one" "it'll be cheaper" I finally talked her into letting me get a bread maker, hours spent on the net looking at reviews I finally found the one with the best recommendations and bought it, down the shops bought all the stufff I needed from ingreediants to ready made mixes, tried the ready made stuff first, C**p, next go DIY, followed everything to the letter, things looking good, timer dings, Whoopee! nice looking bread, but only looked like half a loaf, let it cool a bit, tasted it C**p, I tried about four more recipes, everyone C**p, the bread maker has now sat in my cupboard for the last year unused, think I'll stick to making Apple Pies, I can do them, I have decided making bread isn't worth the hassle, time or money, look out Lidl here I come,,, Frank,,,,
  17. Janice! I know I keep praising Jon at Wayford, but did you know that while your boat is up for sale with him he lets you use it, something else to think about if your missing her,,, Frank,,,,
  18. Just for Jon! I know he likes a bit of History,,, SULISKER (In the fleet from 1981 to 2005) Twin-screw motor vessel – patrol. Official No: 387796 Tonnage: 1,250grt 275nrt Dimensions: 234 x 38 x 15 feet Main Machinery: Two oil engines, each12-cylinder, constructed by RustonDiesels Ltd, Newton le Willows, 5720bhp, 14/18 knots (variable pitch propellers). History: Built in 1981 by Ferguson Bros Ltd, Port Glasgow for the Department. Remained in service until 2005 when she was withdrawn from service. Sold to Buccaneer Yachts for conversion to a luxury yacht for cruising in the Mediterranean and Caribbean.
  19. Jon! I'm spying on you now, Get orf this thread and get on wiv my Boot, by the way thanks for sending the info, all sorted now,, I was going to say that Sulisker was something to do with the Scotish Fisheries, but then I saw the Plaque on the bow, so I'll shut up, Actually no I won't because I just looked the Sulisker up and found this, except I've lived in Lowie for the last ten years and not seen any work going on with her,, The Sulisker type were offshore patrol vessels with a displacement of 1,365 tonnes and a maximum speed of 18 knots. They could spend up to 21 days on patrol. The first of the type, FPV Sulisker was launched in 1980, decommissioned late 2006 and is currently undergoing conversion to a luxury yacht in Lowestoft Frank,,,,,,
  20. I just use this for Cable tidy's, shorepower leads, aerial leads, just cut off what you need job done, Oh yes I also use it to secure my mop to the roof, and I've used it as curtain tie backs, it's got loads of uses,,, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Velcro-Cable-Tie-One-Wrap-Reusable-Strapping-/250789282165?pt=UK_DIY_Material_Nails_Fixing_MJ&var=&hash=item3a6434c175
  21. Iain! our Lidl has an in store bakery, but Judi won't let me near it, they don't do a great range but what they do, do is superb and cheap, I'm hooked on the Apple turn-overs and Cinnamon rolls, Judi is on the Rainbow Doughnuts, havn't tried the bread yet, I usually park at the far end of the car park, that way I can eat a cake before I get to the car, Judi tells me off because I'm type 2 diabetic, but I just say if I die I die,,, Frank,,,,,
  22. Maurice! don't panic! it may be your turn in another post, coming from someone that once said to an elderly relation at a funeral "Is it worth taking you home" can you honestly see me taking anything seriously???? Now back on topic sort of, just to prove I can do it,,,, Iain! we switched to Aldi after I wanted some veg and couldn't be bothered to go to our local Tesco or Asda, not only was it cheaper it actually tasted ten times better, so then I tried their meat, same thing the Pork tasted like Pork, the Lamb tasted like Lamb, and their Chickens are something else, the only downside to both is limited stock so we still use Asda/Tesco's for some bits, but I think we now do at least 70% of our shopping in Aldi/Lidl, I even buy a lot of tools from Lidl now, I've also noticed that Tesco and Asda seems to be mainly selling their own products now and most of the ones I've tried arn't that good, now if they built an Aldi on the Broads I give Robin my vote, Frank,,,,
  23. Gracie! we were at Waterside looking at boats last week and there were four coaches in the carpark and they were all in Lathams, I know they used to do them years ago when Lathams was really good, but now it's like a gloryfied £1 shop the quality of the stuff there has really gone down hill, having said that when every i go in there I always come out with something I don't really need, Frank,,,
  24. Janice! be careful if your thinking of part ex they will offer you silly money for yours, as a friend of ours found out, I find it very odd that Waterside wouldn't take your boat thought I did notice they seem to be going a bit upmarket now, most of the cheaper end we looked at there over the last few weeks wern't worth the money they were asking, I've bought and sold boats through them for years but things seem to have changed there now H.W own it, personally I won't deal with them again for reasons I won't go into, have a word with Jon! if your not happy you don't have to go with him, it now seems Jon created a circle, a member here bought my boat, someone else bought his, and it now turns out we have just bought that someones boat, as Jon said! if you go round once more you'll all end up owning the boat you started with, and we all all more than happy with Jons service,, Frank,,, P.S Jon if you read this I want a discount for all the advertising I'm giving you here,,
  25. Maurice! you hit it on the head with cost, Jason did used to do diesel, but the Tank needed replacing, from what he said the cost of replacing the tank and the little profit he made from diesel meant he would probably never recover the cost, I never take Robin seriously but I like the Broads just the way they are,,,, Frank,,,,
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