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Everything posted by Mowjo

  1. Clive had had loads of Info on their site for ages, from their own trial run video to the BA better boating video's, even journey times, http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/first-timers/#tabs=5 Frank,,,,
  2. Personally I don't think a DVD or anything else will work, when we go on holidays we don't want to waste time watching stuff, we want to get on with it, for hirers on the Broads I think most think it's only a boat, what can go wrong, lets get on with it, we moor at Broadsedge and always see Richo's taking the hirers out instructing them, 15 minutes later you see the same boat going hell for leather all over the place hitting banks and sometimes each other, I don't even thing a compulsory watch of an instruction DVD would work, it will be why are we watching this we only have the boat for a week lets get on with it, and for some it's why worry if we annoy others we won't be back till next year if we come back at all,and anyway it's not our boat! as someone who has sat through hundreds of inductions from ten minutes to four hours at Airports and Military bases, I can honestly say I've only learnt one thing, in the end it's just down to common sense, my motto is! "If in doubt! don't do it" you can have compulsory training before they can take a boat out, you can have DVDs, most people hiring or private don't need them, they use common sense, but like every walk in life you will always find that one that knows everything and the rules don't apply to them, as they say, make something idiot proof and along will come a better idiot to prove you wrong,,,
  3. Steve! some people think I'm tight at times but I'm far from it, I just don't like being ripped off, how come I can buy a stainless cleat online for £5 yet at the swindlers they wanted £18 for exactly the same thing, I was looking for a new table support, Base, Top and Leg £54 at Swindlers, £23 online, all my stainless screws I now buy at Beardshaws in Wroxham, 10p each at swindlers 300 yards down the road £3 a 100, these days I only use Swindlers in an emergency, even ropes and fenders I get online now, sometimes it's only a few squids cheaper but thats a few squid I can put to something else for the boat,,,, Frank,,,,,
  4. Good luck with the move Steve! now the fun begins, hours and hours spent on tinternet checking prices of things, I only have 40 favorite places where I buy all my stuff saved now, it was well over 100 at one time, if it's on a boat I have a site that sells it, it takes time but you can save a small fortune, but there's nothing worse than finding something cheaper, getting to the checkout and finding that there's VAT and postage making it even dearer than the swindlers, but it's all good fun and thats what boats are all about,,,,, Frank,,,,,
  5. I want to know! how come a woman (Judi) can't remember something I told her ten minutes ago, yet when I do something wrong she can remember thirty years back to something I did wrong, and remember the day, time, where we were, every word I said, in fact every detail, I don't know about you lot but my Judi dosn't get Hysterical she gets Historical and just brings up the past,, Frank,,,,,
  6. Found these on Seaflow if anyone wants them,,, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RECHARGEABLE-MOISTURE-ABSORBING-DEHUMIDIFIER-TWIN-PACK-PORTABLE-CARAVAN-/161233569319?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Hearing_Cooling_Air&hash=item258a450627
  7. OK Steve! lesson No1! "More to the point Deb will hold the purse strings so she will be constantly reminding me" Trust me! if she's half as bad as Judi it will be you saying do we really need that, an example when we bought Crackers, almost new cooker, nothing wrong with it, Judi wanted a new one because someone else had used it, Toilet, nothing wrong with it! Judi wanted a new one because someone had used it, Fenders all OK just needed a clean, Judi wanted new ones because they had marks on, you wait! while your typing on here Debs will be plotting on what she wants on HER boat,, Frank,,,,
  8. Mr Bird! I was going to mention what you said about coolboxes and invertors, but I give Steve enough grief as it is, most people forget that most hire craft these days have a rather large battery bank so can't be compared to our meager set ups, give Steve and Debs a season out on their boat and I bet they will have a new fridge and 240v on board, cos it's sods law you'll have a flat battery/s when your stuck on a wild mooring or somewhere without leccie, just make sure your sitting down if you go for a low draw Isotherm fridge,,
  9. Steve! as you can tell I don't do gadgets, on the 240v Shorepower, Crackers was the first boat I ever had it on, only because we spent time in the marina plus it was handy while I was working on the boat, never had it, never wanted it, didn't think I needed it, after three years I can't imagine how I did without it for the last thirty years, when we're out plug in charge the batteries, 240/12v Radio and TV, couple of small table lamps for the evenings, charge you phones and lappies or Ipads, electric kettle, toaster, nice little heater for the cold times, or even an electric blanket, if you can't get to the boat much with the proper charger you can leave it all plugged in at the marina, run a small tube heater or dehumdidifier, the list is like me and goes on and on, it really is the one thing I don't think I could go without now, I'm just fitting on my new boat and it all cost under £100, and before anyone says a thing I'm fitting it and an electrician friend of mine will be testing it all, Frank,,,,
  10. Steve! totally agree with Peter and Jon, they just arn't needed on the Broads, try not to fall into the New Boat Syndrom trap, I think weve all done it, I must have this! or must have that! keep it as simple as you can, my thing these days is if I don't use it every time I'm out on the boat! I don't need it, with all the new electric points about now, the only thing I would invest in is 240v electrics, a decent battery charger, and change any lighting to LED bulbs, Frank,,,
  11. My sentiments exactly Maurice, the thing is everything I've read and the reply from Angie says it's being discussed, nowhere have I read it's actually going, reading between the lines it reads to me that BA are saying that in their opinion they no longer see why they should pay for something that in their view isn't used, but if NWT want to take it over BA will contribute to it's upkeep, Frank,,, Tell a fib! it does basically say that if NWT or someone else dosn't pay it will go, but whether they will remove it or just let it rot away it doesn't say,,,
  12. Hi Steve! we just bought the one below plus the hold down kit, you can pick up the manual one for around £80 plus the hold down kit is £25, not the cheapest but it's better looking than the square box type, Waste tank capacity is 21L, we normally moor up near toilets so use them most of the time, I'm not sure but know someone will have the facts here, but I believe it's the formaldehyde based stuff (Blue) your not allowed to put down the Loos, I'm sure I read somewhere that the stuff like Aqua-Kem Green is ok! judging bu the amount of people I've seen emptying them at the Loos in Wroxham I wouldn't worry,,, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130661752069?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161124214783?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Frank,,,,,
  13. From the horses mouth,,,,,,, Dear Mr Moody Thank you for your recent enquiry. I am very pleased to be able to reassure you that the Broads Authority has no intention of closing the Paddy’s Lane 24hr mooring, which is one of the largest sites in our network. This rumour may have been triggered as we are currently in discussion with The Norfolk Wildlife Trust about the future of the boardwalk to the rear of the mooring site, and the Authority have offered to either pass it to them with a small sum for its future maintenance, or to remove it from the site. As you may be aware, there are no facilities in Barton Turf anymore (shop/pub etc) so to maintain an expensive boardwalk is not a high priority for the Authority. Barton Turf village can still of course be accessed from Barton Turf Staithe. Kind regards Angie Leeper Asset Officer
  14. Funny you should say that Leo, I think I have a few spare ones,, Steve! Over the Winter is a strange name for a boat,, I'll get my coat,,,,
  15. It's funny in a way! I've heard good things about Trudi how true they are I can't say! but from reading she seems to be one person with BA that will answer questions, so why is it that when something comes up people jump to conclusions without any facts, when as seen from ReedRunners reply all it takes is an E/mail to get the facts, I think someone may have egg on their face over this one, Poppy! this is in no way aimed at you because I know where it started and you were just passing the info on,,, Frank,,,,
  16. Not here Strow! I still think that BA waste money, but I like a few facts before I shoot anyone at least threads like this means we are all keeping an eye on things and there are always people that will dig deep enough to find the truth,,, Frank,,,,,
  17. Think we should start a petition to stop petitions unless we have some facts, basically all BA are saying is we have maintained the walkway for long enough so we are handing it back to NWT to maintain because we can spend the savings else where! Frank,,,
  18. Dave! I gave it the just in case voteas well, the trouble is no-one seems clear on where this info came from, It's been claimed that it was discussed at the Broads Tourism Meeting, but a well know to us all researcher ex member has pointed out, Their last meeting was in June (and this subject doesn't appear in the minutes) and the next one isn't until November. so is it just a case of a friend told me! or is there any truth in it??? someone has mentioned that if the boardwalk goes so will the Moorings, I just can't see it happening, so far the only thingI've seen is that BA have supposedly said they will no longer maintain the boardwalk, and that if someone else wants to do it fine! I'd love some facts on this not just hear-say,,, Frank,,,,,
  19. OK! I did a bit more checking, and from what I can find out it's not the moorings that will be going, it's the boardwalk at the end, I found this bit on the other side,, The options are NWT take over the boardwalk or commercial sponsors take it on. If no one comes forewards BA will remove the boardwalk and Paddy's Lane will become an isolated 'wild mooring'. So! it's still bad if we loose the boardwalk, but the impression I got was the moorings were going,, Frank,,,,
  20. They could save money by getting rid of Packman, we need more moorings not less, I'm begining to wonder where all our toll money is going, it seems that most of the clearing work is done by volunteers these days, apart from a few more electric points I can't see any improvements,,, Frank,,,, Just a small point! where did this information come from about the closure I can't seem to find anything relating to it???
  21. Griff! I once made the mistake of telling Judi! women have small feet so they can get nearer the Kitchen sink! 40 years on I still have the scars and do all the washing up,,,
  22. Ah! that's why I couldn't find it Clive! I was looking in the Rich, Pub owning, Nymphomaniac section, Frank,,,,,
  23. Steve! I'm glad you liked Trevors new boat, it's my old one Crackers and if you went onboard you'll have seen all the time and effort I put into her, we now own a Birchwood 25 executive and gone back to petrol driven, unusually for me this one is a hardtop, I was worried because Judi loves mooring the other side of Wroxham bridge and we can't get under in this one, but she says she can live with that because she's fallen in love with the boat, it only needed a tidy up, but anyone that knows me knows that won't happen and everything will change, I have more stuff for the boat in my bedroom than Wroxham Marine at the moment and still more to get, one of the first things I told Judi was! I'm changing the name of her, I don't like her present name plus, (now don't laugh) I told my Dog I would call my next boat after her so the plan was to call this boat Kali, but Judi insisted that it was called Kali II as Kali the dog was No1, I now have all the new vinyl names ready to go on her, all bought from E/Bay trouble is I have six of them because I didn't realise that for the £6 each they cost yougot 12 four inch letters, so I ordered three for £18 expecting three names to turn up, but because there were only six letters in the name I actually got two names for £6, at least I have a few spare now, I got them from this place, nice Vinyl, very quick service and cheap,, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CUSTOM-BOAT-NAME-DECALS-BOAT-SSR-Numbers-WATERPROOF-/260667572519?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_BoatEquipment_Accessories_SM&hash=item3cb0ff8127 Frank,,,,
  24. Being so nice I'm going to save all you owners of Stick boats some money! take a look at this,,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcBdvChtQkU&list=PLzlN3A2DLgNwRBjNfKbg6WFFLCJ04Bvip all you'll need to do is plank the outside with UPVC cladding and you can join us in the Plastic Pig Club, now don't get me wrong I love Stick boats but I would never own one, I'm too old and too broke, but even to me this is Sooooo! wrong, even I can laminate a Frame using real sticks,, Frank,,,,,
  25. Marina! if you don't mind using Flea/bay heres the Ikea stuff,,, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ikea-STOPP-Anti-slip-carpet-underlay-rug-stop-non-slip-rug-gripper-mat-NEW-/251456019669?pt=UK_Home_Garden_FittedCarpets_Underlay_SM&hash=item3a8bf25cd5 Frank,,,,,
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