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Everything posted by Mowjo

  1. Ok someone enlighten me here! why would you need GPS on the Broads?? it's not like you can get lost or anything, am I missing something here? For distances and travel time, I've printed off the chart on here I think! not that I ever use it, I get there when I get there, for speed I more of less use my Revs as a guide, but more so the wash I'm making, if it's much more than a ripple i'll slow down, just to prove I'm not still in the dark ages, I have a speed app on my Samsung but I only ever use that to check my speed on the main rivers, Wind and Tide you know!, personally I think Apple products are over rated, my Samsung Tab 2 does everything and more and most of it's free, Judi has the Apple iPad and one she bought from Argos for about £60 and guess what thats the one she uses most, I have loads of free Apps on mine but when I went on her Apple they charged for the same Apps, Judi's £60 one is a little bit slower and the graphics arn't quite as good, but for day to day use it does what it says on the box, so why pay £200 to £400 for something that you'll probably only use 10% of, Frank,,,,
  2. Timbo! I'm saying nothing but 50p used to go a long way in Commercial Road, sometimes I even came home with change, Frank,,,
  3. The price my dentist charges it would be cheaper to replace the Pullpit rails, so i'll give the toothpaste a try, and I've just found a thing on You/Tube about using baking soda, I'm actually more concerned about getting all the silicone off, I have a plan C as well, I was just treating all the wood with Timber preserver and on the can it warns that it disolves silicone sealant so I may try it in an out of the way place where it won't be seen if it kills the Ali, the annoying thing is they have sealed around every window/glass and fitting on the boat, and the leak was coming from four bolts on the roof grabrails and two bolts on the pullpit, I re-tighten them and sealed over them with Tek7 after I cleaned off every bit of silicone I could and no more leaks, Peter! I keep forgetting the 99p shop, luckily since the sex shop went Judi lets me down Commercial Road. Frank,,,,
  4. One of my most favorite things is plain and simple sliced Mushrooms on toast with a splash of Worcestershire sauce, I usually buy a selection of Mushrooms and mix them , I have been know to cook up a big plate of Mushrooms fried in butter and just eat them with French bread,, Frank,,,,
  5. Tried that Peter! problem was it wouldn't fit in the glass, I pressume you mean Polygrip ultra and not the un-flavoured one for re-bedding??? Thanks Timbo, looks like a trip to the £1 shop,, Frank,,,
  6. Steve! on the Diesel bug treatment I've been using this one for years http://www.asap-supplies.com/search/diesel+bug/soltron-fuel-treatment-enzyme-314101they do bigger bottles but the 125mm bottle last me all season, I always top my tank right up, but it's probably even more important if you leave any space in you Diesel tank, we had another thread going about the new diesel they are using now and due to a few changes in it it's more prone to Diesel bug so for the sake of £10 I wouldn't risk it,, the reason I use Soltron is because it uses enzymes to kill the bugs, most others use biocides and after a while the bugs can become imune to it,,,, Frank,,,,
  7. While we're on metalwork anyone know how to clean up Aluminium, on the new beastie the pullpit and windows are all aluminium, they are in quite good condition and just really need a clean, but the previous owners have used mastic everywhere, I've managed to clean most of it of as they masticed over dirt so it didn't stick to well, but there are bit where it's left a skin, I know they do a mastic remover but the one I looked at said not to use on Ali, I thought of wire wool and scotchbright pads but I'm worried these will take the anodising off or scratct the Ali, Anyone got any ideas???? Frank,,,,,,
  8. Thank you Maurice, I've used it for bleaching wood, but I see to remember it was good for removing rust stains on GRP,, Frank,,
  9. Ok boys and girls! on my new old boat, I have several rust stains where the mudweights have been, I've heard Oxalic acid is the way to get them out, but does it actualy work, or is there a better way to remove them??? Frank,,,,,
  10. I'm Glad you mentioned Withams Peter! I've beem using their paints for a while now and can't fault it and their prices are even better, Madam wanted the non-slip deck paint to match the topside when I did Crackers, I found a near enough colour at around £32 a litre, then remembered Withams, I gave them the paint code and they made the exact colour deck paint to order, I thought he said £34 for a litre which I thought wasn't bad for the exact colour but I miss-heard him it was actually £14 plus Vat, I'm glad you mention the Yacht Varnish not being high gloss, I just bought 3 litres ready for doing the new boat and as I'm not a great lover of high gloss on the inside it should suit me, Frank,,,,
  11. Are you letting the varnish fully cure before applying the next coat??? I never re-coat in less than 24hrs and this time of year I normally leave it a good few days between coats, in this weather it will skin over but not fully cure, leave it a few days flat it off then try again, you might acually be putting to much varnish on and thats why it's not fully curing, time consuming but your better off applying six thin coats rather than three heavy coats, it could just be that it's just too damp for varnishing even inside the boat at this time of year just your breathing causes minor condensation on the wood, you can't see it but it can affect the varnish, Frank,,,
  12. Marina! I buy quite a few things from the USA, at the moment $40 is around £24.35,, Frank,,,,,
  13. Clive! I made that mistake when I did my Freeman, luckily it was only one small panel, but after a short while it looked like it had freckles, my favorite now is the nylon sanding pads that look like scotchbright pads, Frank,,,,,
  14. I've used the plug testers for years, but this is another thing I'm never without for checking if something is live,, my trusty Voltage Detector Pen
  15. Quick Cancel that Order! I found some Pink Fenders,, Aw! come on! what do you expect from me??? you knew I would do it,,, Frank,,,,,
  16. Peter! thats one of the best articles I've seen on varnishing, one thing I would add as I learnt from experiance, is never sand new ply until you have given it a thinned coat of varnish and let it dry, most of the veneers on todays ply is so thin you only have to look at it and your through to the backing, now when I use any new ply I stain it! give it a thinned coat of varnish, then a light sand between every coat, that way I'm flatening the varnish and not removing the veneer,,, Frank,,,
  17. What a lot of Wooses! use super glue like I do,
  18. Iain sounds like site work to me! working in completed rooms and having to wear boots, hi-viz, gloves, glasses and hard hat, telling him you can't wear the gloves because you working with 1/8 grub screws and told to just cut the fingers off, then being reported for not wearing the hardhat because your in a confined space and it's blocking your vision, being reported for working on the second rung of a ladder with no-one footing the ladder, looking behind you to see another trade twenty foot up a ladder one foot on the ladder one foot on the wall caulking the corner joints, teiiling the H&S man thats just reported me only to be told, nothing to do with me thats not my section, Ooooh yes! been there done all that, it all happened on a Skanska site when I was working on the new hospital in Coventry, H&S my A**e,, Frank,,,
  19. Iain! think of it this way! without idiots like us they would all be out of work, we not only give the A&E some good laughs we also create employment, Frank,,, PS. Usual response while attending A&E "You did WHAT?"
  20. Sarah! just an Idea but have you tried contacting one of the Narrow boat company's, the may point you in the right direction,, Frank,,,
  21. Sorry to hear about Ziggy Jon, only met him a few times but the yard won't be the same without him,, Frank,,,,
  22. Mowjo

    Wayford Bridge

    Maurice! have you ever read that book? " How to win Friends and influence People" Frank,,,,
  23. Aw! come on we are men and all have a built in stupid gene, it's how we discover things and probably how most things have been discovered, who tested all the plants Mushrooms to see what one's killed us, how many of us have seen that big wet paint sign then just had to touch it to see if it was wet, if something says don't! it's built into us that we have to try it to find out why it says don't! I do things like that all the time, but I never look on it as stupid, No men! it's learning and we just can't help ourselves,, Frank,,,
  24. Couldn't find the Bike but I found Bert (Nobby)
  25. Blimmy Timbo I knew Jon was getting on a bit but didn't realise he was that old! no wonder he's hiding behind the mast to the right of the picture,, it used to have a few Puddles back when Mike owned Wayford, but I think Jon has been reading about St Bennets and is building Carp Ponds, even his Geese wear wellies,, Frank,,,
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