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Everything posted by Mowjo

  1. Gracie! you told me you though Clive was a Plonker! Oh! hang on that wasn't you it was me wasn't it? and I don't care because I already have a copy that my daughter got me from the boat show, so until I need something Clive your still a Plonker,, Frank,,,,
  2. Iain! I think you have the same disease as me! it's called Sometimers, sometimes I remember, sometimes I don't, Frank,,,
  3. Iain! I think I'll award you my Lost The Plot Badge, I was refering to post 71 by Maurice, but if it makes you feel better I agree with your Mod post as well, In fact just in case anyone feels left out I agree with everything that has been said here, someone mentioned axes to grind! here's a little fact! A blunt Axe takes longer to kill someone than a sharp one and is more dangerous! leave a man with a blunt Axe and eventually he will kill himself when it bounces back at him, some will understand what I mean, others will say whats the Looney on about now?? Frank,,,,
  4. Kfurbank! I usually do A because I don't have the patience, and the gap thing is one of my pet hates, I have been know to do E, that is if I'm having a bad day I go into demented Gerbill mode, swearing and calling them all sorts of things to Judi, the worst time is when I see a gap I can just get into only to find fishing tackle and chairs spread along the gap with no-one fishing, and they are on their boat sitting there looking at you with that Wassup! look
  5. I do the same as you on the first one Maurice, Mooring Stern On I've never found the need to get on one of the other boats, though I have fended them off when going astern so I don't damage their boat/fenders but to be honest mainly not damage my boat, The last one I think probably across the bows, on my boat it's the only way without actually walking through my rear cockpit and even that can't be done unless my canopy is down, so I think that one mainly depends on the type of boat, but whatever I do! I never do it without the other boats permission first and in all the years I've been on the Broads no-one has ever refused, being polite goes a long way! I've found most hire craft don't really care and may help you, and most privates are out like a shot to help you, for the same reason I do it and suspect most privates do it! they don't want to take the slightest chance you may damage their pride and joy, if I see someone coming in to stern on moor next to me! I'm out there when I see that boat go into reverse, Frank,,,,
  6. Nice post Maurice and my sentiments exactly! Storm in a Teacup! Molehill out of a Mountain, I like to think Forums are for debating things not turning things into personal attacks, fortunatly we do the debating thing very well here and although we don't always agree what companys like Richo's do, on the whole we support all Broads based companys even when they make mistakes, and I know that there are members here that will contact a company and point a mistake out to them before declaring war on them, it's one of the reasons love this site and the people here,,, Frank,,, Remember that if you P*** into the wind! at some point it's going to come back at you!
  7. If it's not needed I turn it off, I have my little routine that I do every night before I turn in, and thats turn everything off, for lights in the cabin I keep a couple of magnetic led lights that came from Aldi's, one in the cabin and one in the loo, I actually very rarely use my main lights the portablr leds do a good job, On the life ring throwing line debate I found these http://www.balcan.co.uk/balcan-emergency-life-line/ looking at their video I can see a good reason to go for this type, no distance with the life ring type, the throwing bag is thrown underarm so you need room to swing it, this one looks like anyone can throw it even if room is tight, I wasnt sure about the rope at first but as point out your pulling someone to the boat not trying to pull them out with it, I love the washer weight in it, and looking at it I don't think it would be that hard to make your own version using something like a cork ball for the weight, might be my next project,,, Frank,,,,
  8. I've been thinking about this subject for a while and can't decide between the ring/horseshoe type or the throwing rescue line ones, both seem to have advantages and dis-advantages, mine with the ring is, with my luck I'd hit the OB on the head and knock them out, no matter where I put them I always manage to fall over it! catch on it or knock it off, you have limited distance you can throw it and they are hard to aim, the plus is, they float! so if the OB isn't wearing a L/Jacket and a non-swimmer they have something to hang onto, I can't think of any downside to the throwing rescue line apart from the fact that if they arn't wearing a L/J, and non-swimmer they might panic or nor be able to hold the rope, plenty of ups for them! they are small, neat, easy to store to hand, easy to aim and retrieve quickly, I'm heading more toward the throwing line mainly because you can throw it a lot further and more accurately, in thrirty years I've never had to use one, but it's sods law that if I don't have something, first time out I will need one! Frank,,,
  9. And whats even better I had nothing to do with it! you lot must be after my job!,, Iain! I had a big problem in the Trossachs, but I'm Ok now! the Dr gave me some cream for it,, Frank,,,,
  10. Jason at Ludham bridge does one as well, but his is have five and get the sixth free,, Frank,,,
  11. Ah Ha! just seen my mistook, been doing that a lot lately, Yes it Should read Carp but the way my fishing has been this year, I think I was right the first time, I'm suprised the Auto nanny even let me put crap! Frank,,,,
  12. But I love Spam! Spam friitters are my favorite, plus it's good when I go fishing as bait for Crap and Chub,, : Frank,,,,
  13. We give to a few Charities, the main ones being the Air Ambulance because they saved Judi's brothers life and the RNLI, we also donate to a couple of Childrens hospital charities because before I met Jude she had a disabled child that sadly passed away, but lately there are two things really annoying me! the first is all these adverts on TV, they no longers ask for anything you can spare! it's all donate £10 a month, and as we found out they don't stop there once you start donating they will phone you up and ask if you can increase your donation, I'm sure this monthly donation puts a lot of people off of giving, the second one is we only give to UK based charities, because I feel we have been sending aid abroad for as long as I can remember and nothing seems to change and we have given billions in aid, what actually killed it for me was I used to do maintenance work in a lot of the Embassy's and their private property's, won't go into details as I'd have to kill you all!, but several of them are what we call Third World where we send all the money, when you see the Embassadors driving around in Rolls Royces and living in £5 million appartments in Park Lane, it makes me wonder where all this money we send ends up, but the thing that really gets me is when people including friends tell me I should give to these charities and try to put me on a guilt trip, Charity is just that! it's my choice and my money and I choose to donate to UK charities, I hate this guilt thing that all these TV adds and the street collectors try, perhaps they would do better showing us what and where the money actually goes, the ones I donate to I actually know the diffence it makes,, sorry for the rant but earlier I was accosted by a collector at Tesco's who was trying to get a monthly donation, when I said I sorry only donate to UK charities, he came back with it's Ok for you sitting there stuffing your face over Christmas while all these people are starving, plus all the usuall guilt stuff, it was lucky that Jude was with me or he may have ended up in the Bin next to him,, Frank,,,,
  14. Gracie! I had a similar thing happen a few years ago but I sat down with the guy and got talking to him, I asked why he spent the money I gave him on drink and he told me it block things out, I later learned he had lost his daughter in a fire and went to pieces, he lost his job because of it, it broke his marriage because neither could handle it and he ended up on the streets, every year up until we moved here I used to buy him a bottle of whiskey every Christmas and if I saw him in the street I'd always give him my loose change, I know there are a lot of fakes out there, but it taught me never to judge people, I never felt any guilt about giving him the money or drink it's what he needed to help deal with life, as they say "there but for the grace of God go I" I must admit though I only do that if I know they are regulars, I don't give to strangers,, Frank,,,
  15. Press button B and get your money back. (we’d never pass a phone box without popping in to try it.) Poppy! we used to stuff tissue up the holes in all the old red phone boxes near us, then go back later remove the tissue and hey presto! loads of penny's to buy fags and sweets, we never paid for calls we tapped the phone to get free ones! not that many people had phones that we knew, it was back in the days when you actually walked to your friends house to see if they were in, I was watching my grandkids the weekend, texting friends 100 yards away to see what they were doing, I got a few dirty looks when I asked them don't your legs work,, Frank,,,
  16. We were tough where I lived we used to put those brass dart barrels on the end of our throwing arrows,,
  17. Osmosis is something I've never worried about! back in the mid 80's I bought a Seamaster Cadet, being new to boats I knew nothing about osmosis until I took the boat out of the water and it was pointed out to me, some of the blisters were as big as dinner plates, not knowing any better I dug them all out and filled them with car body filler, yes everyone told me it was wrong, but that boat is still on the Broads today and has never had any other treatment, I saw it out of the water a year ago and it looks no different from when I did the work on it,, Frank,,,,
  18. Saturday mornings being sent to the Ironmongers to get three new Gas Mantles, and getting a good hiding when I got home because I always managed to break one, Then off to the butchers to get a whole shoulder of lamb for Sunday 11 shillings and he used to throw in a few breast of lamb for free, Taking the Sunday roast over to the Bakers and he would cook it in his oven while Mum and Dad were in the pub, Sunday night in the tin bath, Dad first then Mum, my older brother then me and last my younger brother who I'm sure came out dirtier than he went in, Frank,,,,
  19. I'd just like to say a big thank you to all the members here for keeping level headed on this topic and not turning it into an us and them or personal vendeta, some of you will know why I'm saying this, it's the reason I love this site because no matter how strongly we feel about a subject, we never turn it into personal attacks and even if it goes Us and Them, we agree to disagree and move on, there seems to be so many rumours and half truths going around about the boat fire topic I'm not actually sure we will ever know the real truth about what's happened, so once again thanks for keeping everything nice here,, Frank,,,,
  20. Peter! unfortunately the chap that actually took the video only admited that the lady didn't know she was being filmed after I posted the link and when he was questioned on it, anyone can find the link if they wanted to and most will know where I got it from, after Clives reply it seems that even in the video there are a few hearsay facts, so best it was deleted,,,, Frank,,,,,
  21. Jill! I thought you had fixed your boat?? unfortunately it could happen to anyone whether it's a £300 boat or a £3 million one, Frank,,,,
  22. Ok I have messaged a mod asking them to delete the link I put, so don't blame the Mods for it's removal I asked for it, a bit late I know but I pressumed the lady in question knew she was being filmed, I won't go into details but saying she agrees with the sentiment is not the same as agreeing to be filmed,,, Frank,,,,
  23. Peter! your quite right! I just found out on tother side that it was filmed without her consent, so I'm quite happy if the mods remove the link I posted, the subject has already gone to an us and them debate and getting personal over there, and I don't want to see that happen over here, so far my post and your last one are the only link to the video so if it's ok with you I'm going to ask the mods to remove it,, Frank,,,,
  24. Peter! I've been holding off commenting on this one as I don't know the people or their circumstances, but on his facebook page it tells a lot about this man, there are a lot of comments here and tother side about insurance, here's one of his comments, "hmmmm wish id insured it id be quids in now lol" he also refers to himself and his friends as River Rats, I only know a couple of liveaboards and they hate that term, the problem is that now a lot of people will see all liveaboards like this man and tar them all with the same brush, from reading some of the stuff it seems most people do that anyway, just mention liveaboards and the forums fill up remarks like scroungers, free loaders, river tax dodgers, should be banned, personally I have no problem with them, it's not for me or anyone else to judge how other people live as long as they pay like the rest of us, we don't always know the reasons behind why someone lives aboard a boat, some are by choice but others are by circumstances, and in some cases I like to think "There but for the grace of God go I" Frank,,,,
  25. Clive! I thought that bit sounded a bit far fetched, from what I've read obviously only hearsay again, it seems the guy involved is pretty well known around the Broads so I can't imagine him getting much help even if only half of it is true,,, Frank,,,
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