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Everything posted by Mowjo

  1. Not the usual question! I know what to use, but I've come across several articals and hire yards that no longer anti foul the whole boat bottom they just do the waterline, even the BA are recommending it now, but what do you all think? mines coming out soon and needs doing, I just can't decide whether to do the lot while it's out or just the waterline, Frank,,,,
  2. Nice Job Steve! only personal to me but that white plastic vent spoils it for me, I have a thing about them if your going to batten the joins as Alan suggest with the same material, you may be interested in these screw covers, I've just put the link to the cream ones but they do hundreds of colours, I use the chrome ones quite a lot, and so far they are the best I've ever used, unlike the B&Q type where the cover drops off the tops on these are snap fit,,http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CREAM-TWO-PIECE-DOME-SCREW-COVER-CAP-SNAP-CAPS-96-COLOURS-FWS-/221007233688?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item791764a6db Frank,,,
  3. Thats nothing compared to changing a bulb on a boat, it's a lot nearer the ground but needs much more man/woman power, last time I did it I had: Judi! telling me the old one wasn't bright enough, I knew that! Two visitors! telling me to go LED, I knew that! Two more visitors! advising on what type and power LED, I knew that! Me! changing it for said LED, I knew how to do that! Five people watching me do it, I didn't need that! So there you are six in total to change one light bulb, I never knew that! I think I would have prefered to be up that mast doing it on my own, I could have done that, after many years of working at heights before H&S I have no fear of heights or falling, it was the hitting the ground that scared me,,, Frank,,,
  4. If it goes up the Ant call it whatever you like! the Ant in parts is long overdue for Dredging, I'm sure it gets narrower evry time I use it,, Frank,,,
  5. Just found this bit and the last bit just reminded me that it was the addition of Ethanol in the new fuel that killed the fuel pump seals on my old 1.5 BMC,,, Ethanol can break down resins and fillers in fiberglass gas tanks, causing them to leak. Resins leached from fiberglass tanks can go through the fuel system, sticking to valves and other internal engine parts. These deposits have caused bent pushrods and have clogged intake valves. The alcohol attracts water, leading to increased corrosion in metal gas tanks. Water in the fuel affects the octane and leads to knocking and decreased performance. Ethanol acts as an efficient solvent, gradually cleaning out the accumulated gunk in fuel tanks and lines, and clogging carburetors. Certain rubber gaskets and fuel lines are weakened by ethanol.
  6. Clive! I've seen that done in the past, but I'm sure I read somewhere that the new fuels contain Ethanol and they can affect the fibreglass/resin Frank,,,
  7. Timbo! you must be related to my Wife she's always digging up the past! I never use maps on the broads I know where I want to go, the thing that does fascinate me though is some of the place names on the old maps, something you don't see now, I had one for the Broads years ago that had four maps, it was a pain to use but the info on there couldn't be beaten, it had all sorts of weird place names like Old Maws Hollow, and Duck Egg Dyke, I made them up but you get the idea,,, Frank,,
  8. I like the Idea! but not at £50 a throw, and as others have said what can go wrong with a seacock that you would need to change it while afloat? the only thing I can think of is the skin fitting shearing off inside the boat and I don't think I'd trust trying to limp home or wait for help with just that as protection, I'd plug it with a wooden plug or anything I could jamb in the hole, even if it did work how many of us carry a spare seacock anyway, anyone that saw Dragons Den will know the two guys are trying to apply for some safety standard thing so they with be made compulsory to carry like flares and stuff, at £10 I'd buy one, but only to seal the hole temporarily while I made a wooden bung, I'd like to see the guy in the video get my seacock off using just that one spanner, he's need stilsons the spanner and thread sealant before I'd let him near mine, so Ole Mows review on this product, Great in Theory! C**p in Practise! Overpriced by £40 Frank,,,,
  9. Of all the things it could have been it turned out to be Mickey the Muscovy duck we adopted at Broadsedge, as mentioned in a previous post we fed her and she would follow us around, if we called her she would come running to us, she disappeared just before Christmas and I thought the worst, every time we go to the boat which is at least twice a week, Judi always mentions her duck Mickey because she misses her, yesterday on our way home we stopped at Stalham Staith Bins and as I looked over I thought I saw her sitting on the grass with all the other ducks over at Moonfleet, I called out Mickey, suddenly it's head went up she looked then came shooting over, she was alive and well and living at Moonfleet, it's hard to say if the best thing was finding her and knowing she was safe, or the look on Judi's face when Mickey jumped out of the water and went up to her, looked up at her and did her little I want food Warble, luckily we had some bread in the car, it all went to Mickey and Co, leaving me with no Bread for my toast, nice when you mention the bread to the wife and she say's Mickey is more important than you,, Frank,,,,,
  10. Andy! if your not interested in Alans, it might be worth having a word with Jon at Wayford, he's a member here 650xs, knowing Jon if he dosn't have one he will know someone that has or won't charge you an arm and a leg to make you one,, Frank,,,,
  11. Mark or one of the other could advise you better maybe, but personally I'd hang on and get a new tank, if you have pinholes it means it's on its last legs anyway, and having a repair done could end up making it worse if there isn't a good thickness of metal to weald to, so you may end up paying for the repair and a new tank, plus there's a risk you could have it repaired only for it to dump all the Diesel in your bilge if it goes again, Frank,,,
  12. Iain! I've been real busy with your Scooter this afternoon, fitted the turbo and tested it on the rolling road, at 8000 revs we are maxing out at 125mph, I just have to work on how to stop it now, I been thinking about fitting a drag chute but it will still need half a mile to stop, I'm now on the design stage but as you'll be doing up to 125mph I thought this one would do the trick, and it's very convenient, I made you a little trailer just in case you want some company when you out, if your not too keen on the second seat I can either fit a bath or armchair, I thought about a shower but it messes with the aerodynamics and I wouldn't want you to end up killing yourself,, Frank,,,,,
  13. Mmm! lost count of the times I've heard "well it's only 12v" and I don't think people also realise that if your boat catches fire and it's proven to be down to badly installed 12v by the owner it can invalidate your insurance, I presume it would be the same for 240v installations as well,, Frank,,,
  14. Iain! I got thinking, once I fit the Turbo and a few go faster bits plus the all terrain tyres, I may as well do you a full conversion so you have something usefull to the rest of us, or you can suppliment your pension and make a few bob to buy your boat, the idea is for a mobile beer cooler, when your not keeping us all supplied with beer there's no reason you can't do the rounds of the Broads selling nice cold beer, going by all the empty beer cans I see on the Broads plus all the P-heads, I reckon you could make enough in just one season to buy that boat, you will only be able to do it for one or two seasons because it's illegal for anyone to have a better boat than me! Frank,,,
  15. And that exactly why I don't like the word average! one person earns £100.00 per week the other £900.00, average wage £500.00 per week, Bunch of Grannies walking at 1mph, me walking at 5mph to avoid someone, average speed 3mph, Mow,,, Yes I'm still in a picky mood,,
  16. Old wives tale Iain! if you have 36inch legs you might do 5mph at a brisk walk, but if someone had 29inch legs they would be running to do that speed, you should bring Scoot here, I could put go faster stripes on her and fit you a turbo, easy to do just change a few pulleys and I can easily get you up to 25mph,,
  17. Iain! some mornings it feel like I was born in 1870, trouble is my brain still thinks it's 21, it's terrible when I start a job then think I'm just getting too old for all this, I'll just keep going until my brain catches up though,, I learnt my lesson with 12v when I arched a spanner, I never knew spanners could fly until I saw the blood and had the stitches in my chin, Frank,,,
  18. At least you can get a drink in that Loo, in one end and out the other without even putting your pint down,,
  19. Lets face it! these incidents can and do sometimes happen anywhere on the Broads where there is public access, how many times have you seen boats at places like Potter or Wroxham with unattended fishing gear on the roof just asking to be stolen, after being untied at Wroxham last year in broad daylight while we were on the boat by a couple of kids, anywhere there is public access I now drop a mudweight just in case, and as Bob sort of says, for the amount of people visiting or using the Broads these incidents are pretty rare,, when I lived in London you could tell who the crooks were! they were the only ones with wheels on their cars Frank,,,,
  20. Iain! your not getting off that easily, you said "solid or flex can loosen with the vibration of a cruiser. now if you had just said loosen with vibration I would have let you off, but you didn't so I win,, and as you didn't say never use solid core cable on a boat/cruiser I win twice,, Seriously though! anyone who reads this who has the slightest doub't about electrics 240v or 12v, DON'T do it, 240v can kill you if you get it wrong and 12v can seriously injure you, and don't forget all elecrics are one of the main causes of fires, There you go, told Iain off and did my bit for the safety of the community, another bit nothing to do with this thread but on a safety issue, when on your boat Varnishing or using Glue, always make sure you have plenty of ventilation! on Sunday I forgot that and got so high I thought I was back in the 70's Frank,,,
  21. Iain! you should have mentioned never use solid core cable on a boat, but I'll let you off this time, Alan! I believe it should be Artic cable,, Geeze i'm picky today,, Polly! you mean Domestic kit labeled as Marine with a few £ on the price, there are a few specialist kits out there but providing the right cables, consumer unit, RCD and MCBs and installed properly they are as safe as any, most problems are caused by people that think they know what they are doing and with anything these people are the most dangerous, when ever I buy a boat I check everything, because you never know what a previous owner has done, like on my last boat! three bits of cable joined together with electrical tape, all on the 240v circuit, Frank,,,
  22. Have to agree with Paul, if your going to do it, go for the ring main with something like this, http://www.12voltplanet.co.uk/240v-mains-hook-up-installation-kit-for-caravans-motorhomes-boats.html you seem to have a bit of common sense so it wouldn't be hard for you to fit, apart from the advantages Paul says, it's very handy if you do a bit of out of season boating, nice to be able to put that little fan heater on to keep warm, my friends even have an electric blanket, in the marina! no more leads if your working in the boat, just plug in and off you go, I've only had full shore power on my last two boats and now I wonder how I ever did without it, we use the boat or I'm working on it all year round now with no problem, nice in the winter, no problems getting power at 24hr moorings, at the Wroxham one a £1.00 card last us all weekend and thats with computers, heaters, kettle and lights,, as I said if your confident enough to fit the set up you mention the ring main won't be a problem to you,, Frank,,,, I forgot to mention all the stuff in the kit you can buy from places like Screwfit, B&Q for a lot less money, and I run the socket for the Fan heater or power tools off it's own fuse/MCB, that way it won't trip out if you put something like the kettle on at the same time, everything else is run off the other fuse/MCB
  23. If you have an Ipad or Mobile there's a nice app called Norfolk Broads Tourist Map, has everything you need on it, and it runs offline, Frank,,, Here's a link to what it's all about, but don't try and download it from the link, you need to do that on your mobile or tablet,, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.phonegap.norfolkbroadsmap&hl=en_GB
  24. Just to make you all feel better, so far this week! Monday; I stopped smoking last year and started Vaping, Monday I won a complete new Vaping kit, Wednesday; got three numbers on the lottery and won £25.00 Friday, today, shopping with Judi and found £1.00 in Tesco car park, did something I've never done before and bought a scratch card, won £20.00. Your all thinking lucky S*d, but here's the amazing bit, I have honestly never won anything in my life apart from a toy Crane in a Christmas party raffle when I was seven years old, I'm now 64 (just don't tell anyone) so in this one week I've won more than than I did in the last 57 years, if you don't hear from me for a while, I've either won the lottery or the Euro, yup! done them both while I'm on a roll, Frank,,,
  25. My two ambitions in life have always been to win the Euro lottery and buy Hunset Mill, the first thing I'd do is rip all those Bug Ugly extensions off and restore it back to the way it was before, I'd also extend it at the back but using old bricks to try and match the existing building and bring it up to modern standards inside, I'd even get in specialist and see if the windmill could be made to work again, to this day I can only think palms were crossed for anyone to get away with converting it to the monstrosity it is today, one of the most beatifull buildings on the Broads is now one of the ugliest,, Frank,,,
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