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Everything posted by Mowjo

  1. Jimbo! the boat has been standing for about eight months and I forgot and left the fuel tap on, so I don't know if the fuel drained back into the tank, It ran fine last time I started it but when I went to start it this time it wouldn't fire up, I checked and there is power to the glow plugs, thought I havn't taken one out to see if it glows yet, I was going to change the fuel filter and have a clean up, which I did, I've followed the manual to the letter regarding bleeding, but I can't work out why I'm getting fuel from all the bleed points on the injector pump but none at the injector unions?? Could it be that I'm opening the bleed screws too far and letting air back into the system, unfortunatly I know nothing about Diesels so I don't even know where to start to look,, Frank,,,
  2. Yup Jimbo, it's dead, I managed to flatten two batteries today trying to bleed and start it, just won't fire up, Frank,,,
  3. I have honest, today I changed my fuel filter, cleaned out the water trap and the gauze filter in the lift pump on my Diesel BMC 1.8, I bleed the system following the destructions in the manual, and I'm getting clear fuel out of all the places I'm supposed to, so next I did the last bit slackened of the nuts on two of the injector pipes like it said cranked the engine but i'm gettin no fuel coming out of the two pipes, thinking I did something wrong I did it all again but still nothing coming out of the two unions, has anyone got any idea what the problem could be, I got fuel coming out of all the places it should on the injector pump, but nothing at the injectors,,, Regards Frank,,,
  4. Well I wouldn't call this a lash up, it's cheap basic 6mm WBP ply stained using a mix of Antique Pine and Dark Mahogany stain (after a lot of testing to get the colour to match) then four coats of Satin Varnish, the whole of the inside of my Seamaster has been replaced with normal WBP ply by me, and done in such a way that every panel is easy to remove and replace,,, Oh! forgot that second picture is before I added all the trim,, Regards Frank,,,
  5. Chances are the third switch was or is for the windscreen wiper! on my Seamaster 813 I have four switches, one for left wiper, one for right wiper, one for running lights and one for the masthead light, there is also a fifth switch on my panel at the top that is for the instrument lights, hope that helps,, Regards Frank,,,
  6. Ok Mr Wayne! try this site where you can download most Volvo engine service manuals,, http://www.volvopenta.com/volvopenta/gl ... earch.aspx Regards Frank,,,,
  7. Just take a few inches off those steps Jill and one would fit nicely where that bin is,, I like the boat and the size and the workmanship looks great, it's just all a bit new for me, but then thats just me,, Regards Frank,,,
  8. As far as I've been able to find out, the actual boat weight is 3200kg and the displacement weight is 1800kg, hope that helps? Regards Frank,,,
  9. Failing Clives offer you could get Ken Nevard at Catfield 01692 670550 to make them for you, he's good and compared to a lot of them cheap, but it depends on what you call cheap, don't forget we are talking boat bits here so you always add an extra nought to the end,,, Regards Frank,,
  10. Thanks Mark! it's definatly not keel cooled it's just got a raw water inlet/strainer that goes to the water pump, some of the hoses are a bit iffy and are due for a change, on thinking about it at the end of last season I changed a hose that feeds the calorifier and had to refill everything using a 50/50 mix of anti-freeze, there was no anti-freeze in it before, and I know from cars that as soon as you add anti-freeze if you have a leak the anti-freeze will find it, I'm not too bothered by the leak as I'm going to change all the hoses, everything else seems Ok engine wise, and once I dry my bilges out if I do have any leaks i'll be able to find them, the main thing was! I couldn't work out why the new boat had a header tank and what it actualy did, as I've always had petrol engines in the past so the header tank is a first for me as is the diesel engine, seems I have to re-learn everything again, Regards Frank,,,
  11. Thanks Plesbit! it's all very clear now, and sorry about hijacking your thread Wayne, as you can tell I know bugger all about header tanks and the set up on boats but I do know expansion tanks are usualy higher than the engine on cars, so how about this for an idea as it seems to have the experts baffled, is it possible that it's an add on that a previous owner has fitted for some reason? like just having to visualy check the expansion bottle to see if the header tank needs toping up, instead of having to check the actual header tank, Regards Frank,,,
  12. Thanks Antares! I think get it now, The engine is a sealed system as such and raw water cools the coolant a bit like the rad on a car, I pressume because of the anti freeze this is better for the engine as you won't get the corrosion and other problems you get with a raw water cooled engine, I just have the header tank and no expansoin bottle, I'm pretty certain that it's a leak as I had one or two loose Jubilee clips that I had to tighten up, I'm going to change all the hoses as I think they are the same ones that were fitted to the boat 30 years ago, there's no white sludge in the oil and it dosn't overheat, it's just that after a week or two standing unused I have to add about 1/2 litre of coolant to top it up, the odd thing is it dosn't seem to loose very much when the boat is in use, and being under pressure I would have thought it would loose a lot more,, Regards Frank,,,
  13. Ok! stupid question time here, what is the header tank actualy for?? as some of you may know I now have a diesel boat, my first, as far as I'm aware it's raw water cooled as is the prop shaft bearing, but it has a header tank, unfortunatly I think I may have a small leak as it drains down after a week or two if it's left, I carry a 5ltr bottle of 50/50 anti freeze to top it up, which I was told is the right mix, but what purpose does the header tank actualy serve as I never had one on any of my petrol boats??? Regards Frank,,
  14. Don't know if anyone else has tried this, but all I use to remove limescale from the waterline is Harpic limescale remover, just leave it on for 20 minutes and wash it off, I actualy found it better than Y10,, and for the black streaks I use PVC cream cleaner that I get from my local double glazing shop, around £3 a ltr and it's the best stuff I've found for the job so far,, Regards Frank,,
  15. If thats the case Rod! then I think Ken Nevard is the guy Jonny needs to speak to, he's good and he's cheap, the only thing is Jonny will need to take the tank out, which would also be a good opportunity to change that dreadfull pipework, the more I look at it the more supprised I am that jonny hasn't had a major leak yet,, Regards Frank,,
  16. Thats what has lost me Jimbo! Jonny said he has found a small calorifier in the shower area, the only thing I can think is that it may be a small expansion tank, without pictures everything is just a guess at this point,, that tank does look a bit small for a main tank but having said that I only had a 15 gallon tank on my Freeman,, Regards Frank,,,
  17. Jonny! you can't just fit a calorifier, you need a main cold water tank to feed it, Frank,,
  18. Jonny! that tank in your picture! is that the one that gets warm?? because you say you have a small blue calorifier as well, if thats the case then I'd say that cylinder type tank is your main cold water tank, which in turn should feed the calorifier, so if you wanted a 240v immersion you'd only need to change the calorifier for a newer one with the immersion boss built in, to be honest the first thing I would do, is change all that old copper pipework for either new copper using compression joints, or better still something like Hep2o, Regards Frank,,,
  19. Another one to try,, http://www.makefast.com/index.asp You could also speak to Ken Nevard he adapted some standard fittings for my last boat,, Regards Frank,,
  20. Sorry folks my mistake, I did put diesel in the second post, think my brain went into overload printing all those pages off, anyway thanks for all the help, hopefully it's the info he's looking for, I never knew trying to help someone could end up such a pain, I spent three hours trying to find info on the net and it didn't help that I didn't have all the right info, teach me not to ask here first in future,, Regards Frank,,,
  21. I might have it? I just did another check seems there are two versions the petrol (gasolene one) and the other is Kerosene/Paraffin which I presume is the same as diesel, if I type in Volvo MB20B it brings up the diesel version, if I go to the Volvo site and fill the info bit in it brings up the petrol one,, Regards Frank,,,
  22. Sorry Dave you've lost me?? I put in the info Neil gave me and it brought up the MB20B petrol engine, I'm hoping it's the right one I don't fancy printing off another 53 pages,, Regards Frank,,,
  23. Neil, I did a few searches and everything seems to lead to that MB20B, I've just printed it off for him, only 53 pages long, mind you it has everything you'll ever need to know about the engine, next time I see him I'll double check it with the engine number, but as I say that looks like the kiddie, once again thanks,, Regards Frank,,,
  24. Thanks Senator! I don't think thats the one, because he's is an inboard diesel, I'm just wondering if that 50 relates to 50 HP and not the model, so I'm now trying to find a download for a 1974 Volvo Penta, Regards Frank,,,
  25. Ok Folks I need a bit of help with this one, a elderly guy who moors near me is trying to find a Manual for his engine, according to him it's an Inboard 1974 Petrol Volvo Penta 50, I've searched the internet for him as he dosn't have access to a computer, but I can't find any reference to this engine at all, so has he given me the wrong info or do any of you know where I could get hold of a manual for him, Regards Frank,,,
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