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Everything posted by Labrador

  1. MM, there was a Harry Doult there during part of the sixties and seventies. He may have been known as Sid, like Simon at Surlingham was in fact Herbert. As to whether you are mad......Well, not for me to say
  2. Martin Bowden was the incumbent when I first used Sutton Staithe. Seem to remember Miles Simpson in there a lot.
  3. Yes John and Kate. Had that place for about thirty years.
  4. That was Geoffrey Fisher. He took it over from Jean Lacey, who kept it on after John died.
  5. I'd rather have faced the shotgun and dog rather than mother in law.
  6. Whoa there Vaughan, how old do you think I am? I was at primary school then.
  7. Okay, doing well so far, only three names on my original list to go. Tony Masala Peter Turner Harry Dace
  8. John Lacey, Black Horse Barry. Do you remember Georgie Brookes mother in law? You didn't need a guard dog with here around. Reg Parsons, Thurne Lion and then Nelson after the dour Jeffrey died.
  9. Not so much the grey matter in the head being the problem, it's the grey outside!
  10. Spot on with Toms last pub Barry. Iain, my original list was mainly places within an area I used to frequent for an occasional glass of lemonade. Yes, lots of others, keep them coming.
  11. Above Harry Last, all to do with the Buck? Simon (of course) Surlingham. Stumped on the rest at the moment.
  12. Yes Howard, The Horseshoes. Hi Vaughan, Hmmm have to do some thinking. The last one (no pun intended) Coldham Hall.
  13. Correct Howard, yes it's had a chequered recent history, but it was a private house back in the sixties'sh Happy was looking to open a B and B, but discovered someone in the village still held the license, so he opened it as a pub.
  14. We used to love Castle bitter, they had a long running promotion with scratch quiz cards. With around 8-10 of us drinking in the Swan at Horning, we used to keep all these cards. In the end we bought the first round and because all correct cards gave you a free pint,we drank all night free as we had all the answers. Hic!
  15. Now I have a question, Donald Pleasance, I only knew him as a relief in various pubs, but for the life of me I cannot remember what pub/pubs he was landlord of. He was a total gentleman.
  16. MM, Tony and Babe can't remember surname, were in there early 70's.
  17. Right, we have 1,7,8,9 and 12 to go. Just to add two more, Auther Oakey and Georgie Brookes, Oh, and another Tom Billington. There was also a pub at the upper reaches of the Thurne that was reopened as a pub, having been closed for 21 years, can only remember his nickname as ,Happy. Vaughan, Liz took Abbott up there on Forester at 12 weeks old and some bigger got him missed on Abbott!
  18. Correct Howard, well done. You're no spring chicken are you?
  19. Well done Griff500, but . 3 has three answers, after the White Horse he went to the Black Swan at Ingham by invitation of Woodfords. Freddie also had Bramerton Woodsend. I think before Filly Tallowins son took it
  20. Howard, you are correct, Winkle No.14, and with Tom Farrell No.13 (but which was the last pub he had in the city before retiring to France?). Yes different Peter Turner, a riverside pub and Peter was 6'8''! Liz, You should know more than four! Micks last pub in Stalham was the Maids Head (defunct). Wusserrname, correct but the other way round. But what pub (Whitbread) did he have before going to the Hotel Wroxham? He was reputed to be the youngest landlord in the country when he took this pub. So we have Nos. 2,5,6,10,11,13 and 14 not bad, but some of the others might be a bit harder
  21. A bit of fun, can you name the pub or pubs these people had some thirty to forty plus years ago. Most of these places are in a specific area of broadband. 1) Tony Masala 2) Gilly Tallowin 3) Malcolm Potts 4) Freddie Urbanedes 5) Ted Shadbolt 6) John Lacey 7) Harry Dace 8) Peter Turner 9) John Rawson 10) Tony Sands 11) Mick Richardson 12) John Andrews 13) Tom Farrell 14) Ray Norman
  22. Around Rackheath there are large areas of land with outline planning OUTSIDE the NDR. Don't have a car, don't want the road!
  23. I wondered about Oulton Week JM, there appears to be some sort of fair in the park. Could it be sunday at the end of OW?
  24. Not surprised your SN got confused, I'm not sure the constructor knows what happening.
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