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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Sorry for the delayed response guys, but we've been off sunning ourselves in Greece!!! The proposed itinery looks really good to us. I am keen to see the Deben at some time, but that is a weekend trip so no need to include it on this one. It's nice to see that everyone seems to be catered for now. From an earlier question, I really can't remember what Brightlingsea is like, as I only sailed from there a few times about 20 years ago!!
  2. Fine by me Barry Does that mean we all now need to amend our bookings for St Kats and make new bookings for Limehouse?
  3. Guys, This is getting a bit daft imho.I really don't understand why the sudden change of minds on the strength of a conversation with a chap in a yacht club? Rough plans were agreed at Southwold at Easter, and the question never arose then, despite other forumites posting a long time ago on this thread that Limehouse is a better marina, that wasn't even considered. Ian floated the idea again, and again, the group decision was to stick to St Kats as it is a known quantity. On the strenght of that decision we have all booked into St Kats, and were happy with that choice. Now all of a sudden, things are changing and alternatives being thrown in. Is there another reason for this that I am not aware of? I'll say for the third time that I am happy with one night in Limehouse, if it is necessary in the case of missing the lock or to give us more of a tide window. I will then be moving on to St Kats as planned. What everyone else does is up to them, though obviously I'd much rather stick together, it is not essential for the whole two weeks and we can easily meet up at other destinations. Too often have I changed queue in Tesco's only to find the new queue moves even slower than the one I was originally in.
  4. But going back to the original plan, it was always for 3 nights in London with a contigency for weather of the additional 2 nights. If we have 2 and 2 Baz, then immediately we have changed the plan. I'm still for using Limehouse for a night if necessary for the arrival if we get caught out by lock times to avoid an overnight outside St Kats. I really don't want to be in a crap area of London for 2 nights, irresepctive of how nice the marina is. The whole idea is to get out and about for a couple of days in London, not sit on the boat imho. That doesn't stop those that want to from spending an extra night at Limehouse and then catching up at St Kats the following day, and thereby avoids anyone getting miffed.
  5. Using Limehouse as a jumping point if necessary does seem quite sensible, but maybe only as a contigency if we get held up or miss the lock at St Kats. I thought the concensus was to book St Kats for 5 nights with a view to only actually using 3, so does that mean that would now be down to only 2? As Gav has mentioned, whilst Limehouse marina may be superior (in other peoples opinions as none of us has experienced it yet), the surrounding area is far from ideal. The main aim of the trip for me and Sue is to be able to get out of the marina, not stay in it, so I do feel the location is more important than the marina itself. Is it worth all booking a night at Limehouse as well as St Kats and then cancelling which ever isn't needed? At least that way we keep out options open.
  6. Not if your dinghy has a 3.5hp motor it isn't!!
  7. Personally I'd rather stick with St Kats as it's a known quantity to those who went last year, and everyone was more than happy to return, which is recommendation enough to me. Also, it looks as though Limehouse is right next to the A13!
  8. That wasn't a heavy sea at all, they were merely getting washed up by Barry coming past a fult pelt!!
  9. So glad you are back safely Gav!
  10. Well done to you 3 and all the others taking part
  11. It'll be flames instead I bet! Personally I like the stripe Barry!
  12. As I haven't been anywhere other that Southwold yet, I can't really make any sensible suggestions, but I must say that Gav's photo of Ramsholt last year made it one to put on my list. Maybe that could be incorporated in the return leg?
  13. It sure is Lozi! It went through the bridge with only a couple of foot clearance each side at about 6mph! The helmsmen certainly know what they are doing with those things!
  14. We received our booking confirmation email from St Kats over the weekend. Has everyone else sorted their bookings out yet?
  15. Good write-up BB Does make you wonder if the dayboat hirers get any instruction at all at times
  16. No, it's just the way I stand!! Yes, we have Aluminium legs. As Ian has said, we also used anodes for the legs from Performance Metals, but the trim tab anodes were from M G Duff as Perry linked to. No problems at all, and they are working exactly as they should. Now being based at Reedham, I don't think magnesium would not last long due to the brackish nature of the water. The aluminium the anodes are made of are a different alloy to that used for the legs, so corrode in preference to the legs. I was a bit suspicious of using ally on ally last year, but having seen how they have worked, I am pleased with how they are performing.
  17. Of course aluminium anodes are available for trib tabs! I bought them for Serenity from the same people Perry has supplied a link to. They have been on a year now, along with the aluminium anodes I fitted to the drives and transom shield at the same time. They are doing their job having been slightly corroded away, but still plenty left for another couple of years. The props were untouched by corrosion with only a slight bit of electrolysis on the drive casings that was already there. As for the place in Brundall, Gav, my opinion is DON'T! They recommended completely the wrong antifoul to me last year, and I have invoices from the previous owners for work that was carried out that was not needed. There were a number of issues I had to sort out when I bought Serenity that had apparently already been done.
  18. Spotted this going through the centre of Delft over the weekend. I'm glad we don't see these on the Broads!!!
  19. It was going to happen sooner or later. Last week I walked into Yarmouth with my sons along the river and yacht station. Being the easter school hols, there were of course loads of families around and the moorings were full. I saw about 50% of the kids wearing life jackets. One young lad, of about 11 or so, was on the outside of the boat on the river side, trying to slide a canopy shut on a single level Alpha (the ones with the split sliding canopy). He was heaving with all his might, and therefore inherently off balance. He had no life jacket on, and his mum was inside the boat trying to help with the canopy! The tide was in full ebb on a spring, so flowing very fast. I remarked to my eldest that one simple slip, and the lad would be drowned, and maybe did this a little loudly, but only received incredulous looks from the boy and his mum. Some people cannot see grave danger, even when it is infront of their eyes I'm afraid.
  20. Does it come with tie down straps to screw it to the deck too?
  21. Yes, it was good to have a pint or three with you John! We had a great run down to Southwold on Saturday with flat calm seas. I took all the advice of the "Oulton Nightmare"!!! The trip back today was somewhat more lively though, and had us down to about 13 knots maximum just aboput holding the plane. My spine is a bit compressed now but will recover I'm sure!
  22. Pay someone else . In all seriousness, it's not that hard if you have a DIY mindset. I found the best way was definately to pre-cut everything before splashing glue around though! The first step I did, I put the nosing on first, which I warmed with a hot air gun in order to form it around the step, then cut the infills long in order to trim them all in one go once they were in place. It was a bit awkward, so the next one, I cut the infills about 2mm short, laid them all into the glue, and then did a final trim 5mm back from the nosing to drop in the last feature strip. That worked much better. The floor hatches I took home to do them one evening, and again pre-cut everything first, just leaving the hinge and handle rebates to cut once they were in place on the boat. The rest of it was just a matter iof lots of little paper templates to follow curves etc, and patience! Thanks for the kind comments guys. We are very pleased with how it has turned out, and as an added bonus it has also made the cabin so much lighter in the mornings, as we found out this weekend. It's a pleasure to get out of bed now as the sunshine makes it feel very inviting. So much better than manky turquoise carpet!
  23. Hi Paul Norfolk Marine, Wroxham Brian Wards, Brundall Aquafax, Wroxham Jeckells, Outlon Broad AR Peachment, Brundall Not necessarily in that order!
  24. No problem Barry. I suspect the epoxy adhesive will be better for the job, and if I was to do it again I think I would use that in preference tothe pressure sensitive stuff, as you don't have the 2-3 hour wait for the stuff to dry before you can lay the flooring. The pressure sensitive adhesive goes rather like a rubber solution once cured. Incase you are interested, I have now also finished the new carpeting so here is the finished article.
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