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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Oh you little tinker Gav Given the heated debate I have been dragged into on another forum, I hope they don't see the title of this one
  2. That wouldn't work David, as apparently he attracts birds!
  3. Hi John I won't add you to the ongoing list as you have already sorted your own tickets out. I'll keep the list just for those that need them sorted. There are a few others I know have already done the same.
  4. Hi All A few of us have been having a discussion about possibly doing something for NYE. Last year those of us that attended had a brilliant time at Coldham Hall, and so I have contacted them to see if they are putting on the same sort of do this year, which they are! They have live music from a band, as well as a disco. A hot buffet is included in the ticket price of £15 per person, which was of a superb standard. As I have made contact, I don't mind being the "organiser" (i.e. take money for tickets...) unless anyone else would rather do it? I'm not going to mess about with allocating mooring spaces etc. I'll reserve the number we need, but as for leccy/side-on etc, I'm sure we're all grown up enough to be able to sort that out as we arrive there! List so far (boat name and number of tickets required): Serenity (x2) Happy Jax 3 (x4) Job Done (x2) Katakalousse (x3) Alex's Star (x3) - Baz, please confirm if I have this right? Escape (x2) Clandestine (x3) The more the merrier, so please come and join the party!!!
  5. We had both legs off Serenity last winter. We descaled with acid, then mechanically abraded so all the loose flaky paint was removed but left the good stuff on them. We (the royal "we" as Sue actually did it all!) then gave two coats of Interprotect then three coats of Trilux. Hopefully that will do for a couple of years!
  6. Ok, so call me thick if you like, but I have only just realised you are now offering a printing service Bruce! If I take anything worth while, I'll be in touch as anything over about A4, and Photobox really don't cut the mustard.
  7. Yes, some real stunners there, as wel las a couple I'm not too sure about! I haven't really got my camera and tripod out for quite some time now, but looking at those images, I really must try to get back into it. Inspiration has always been an issue for me as to what "makes" a good photo, and pictures like that certainly help!
  8. Good to hear about the lack of goose poo!!! Glad you had a great weekend, and sorry we couldn't join you, but on the plus side, we did finally get the bathroom finished!!!!
  9. Well we finally made our minds up and went for the Sony HX9V. It seems to tiock all the boxes and gets good reviews. We've yet to try it out properly, but first impressions are very good!
  10. And I thought my A1 printer I use for my business was big!!
  11. mbird

    Lift out

    Bells have been there a long time Jonathan, but I've no idea what their facilities are like.
  12. Thanks for all the feedback peeps . A bridge camera is out as I want something pocketable. I'll do a bit more research and let you know what I end up with!
  13. We're in the market for a P&S camera at the mo. I've got my eye on a Panasonic Lumix TZ19 as it has an excellent optical zoom range, and also manual aperture & shutter speed settings. Any comments or alternatives I should be looking at?
  14. mbird

    Lift out

    I can't really think of anywhere oop north that would suit Jonathan. Brundall Bay is probably the least bleak darn sarf.
  15. You can also do a lot worse than using the tide guide here http://www.norfolk-broads.org/tides/broadstides.asp . If you click on the button that says "click here to view or print a tide table" it will give you the tides and suggested passage times for a whole week, and you can specify the dates too. It doesn't look particularly favourable for Sat 22/10 as the passage time is about 13:30, but the sunday would be perfect! If you haven't visited the Southern Broads before, you will find it a lot quieter, wider rivers, and greater distances between places.
  16. mbird

    Heading North

    We were considering venturing northwards too before the end of the year. Womack water is one of my favourites (or at least one of my favourites without a low bridge blocking the way!), and the little island that Diesel Falcon mentioned is off the same dyke. Another worth mention is Fleet Dyke down to South Walsham broad. Nice place to mudweight overnight. Just bear in mind it will be busy in the half-term so mooring spots at places like Ranworth Staithe will be at a premium!
  17. Well done and good luck to you Annie. The wife of a close friend of mine is battling breast cancer at the moment and after an operation is now facing six months of chemotherapy.
  18. Oh no! Probably the best pub on the Broads for live music (especially if you like rock!) and one of my primary reasons for visiting Oulton. Unfortunately the place was often almost deserted on non-music nights. Their Sunday roasts were really good too!
  19. I'd like to add our thanks to all involved in the weekend, it was really enjoyable and great to see a lot of fellow forumites again. Gav, Sue really appreciates that photo of her looking half asleep/half-cut! I assure you she wasn't at that point!
  20. Were you at Playa Blanca by any chance Trev?
  21. I agree, but don't forget there is already a large surcharge on the cost of the ticket levied by most companies for using Norwich. I'm afraid I think "development fund" is a misnomer, as there has been precious little development visible.
  22. Not sure if it's possible to measure the effectiveness of the BSS as most of the incidents that could possibly have occurred had it not been introduced will probably not happen now! I was dreading our BSS earlier this year, but the boat sailed through no problem, so that was good news!
  23. Lets hope the weather stays kind for you Lori. Keep the diary going!
  24. If you have no luck Wayne, you can look at my engines when we are up at Coldham to compare. I'm sure the TAMD41 and AD41 are the same blocks so should be plumbing the same. I'm fairly certain I have no water pipes coming off the thermostat housing. I think they are more in the region of the heat exchanger. I was only in the engine bay yesterday, but didn't read this post until we'd got home! Typical!
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