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Everything posted by mbird

  1. No idea Perry, but that does seem to be where a lot of these types of scams originate according to Trading Standards
  2. I received an email today from someone supposedly interested in my advert for our boat, Serenity. His name is Brine Collins (yeah, right!) brinecollins@gmail.com .Here's how it went... Hello seller do you still have it and in good condition,get back to me with the final price? Hi Brine We do still have Serenity for sale at the moment, but she will be going to a broker next week. If sold private, out lowest possible selling price is £xx,xxx. She is in excellent condition for her age, with a brand new canopy and carpets/teak flooring. She is a lovely boat that we have only sold as we need more room for my growing sons. Please feel free to call me if you need any further information. Regards Great. am glad to read from you ,will appreciate more pictures... i am a marine engineer, i am at sea right now.I am buying this for my son as a surprise promise Gift so am willing to offer you the amount you required. I can only pay through PayPal at the moment as i don't have access to my bank account online(i don't have internet banking with it), but i have it attached to my PayPal account, and this is why i insisted on using PayPal to pay,all i will need is your PayPal email address to make the payments, and if you don't have a PayPal account yet, you can set one up at www.paypal.com it cant take you less than 3mins to do that, i will be expecting your PayPal email so l can pay . I have a pick up agent that will come for the pick up after payments has been sorted. l will be waiting for your reply asap Regards Brine Dear Brine Please see attached more photos of Serenity. My Paypal account email is the same as this one I am using. I’m sorry to sound skeptical, but this sounds a bit too good to be true, which always rings alarm bells with me. To be offered money for a boat that the buyer has not yet seen is a bit unusual. I apologise if this is indeed a genuine offer, but I’m sure you can understand my caution. Obviously the boat would not be released until payment had cleared from my Paypal account to my personal bank, but that only takes a few days. Regards Good Mark, I appreciate the pictures, I have get the in contact with the pick up agent that will come for the pick up,before we proceed i will like to let you know this , i had this little problem now with the picking up, I got email back from my agent.. which i taught i included that in my previous message. he said, he won't come for the pick up unless i pay him the agent commission fee first in order be able to schedule a pick up time ,and all commission payments made for pick up, from anywhere in the world is sent to their head quarters and the only form of payments they accept is western union money transfer and i tried to do it online but i will need a credit card which i didn't bring along, so i want you to help me with the pick up fees, i will include the £900 they charge me for the pick up and delivery to my son home, to the payments i will send through PayPal. After i have made the payments and it has been confirmed by PayPal, i will need you to help me send the £900 to the pick up agent through western union money transfer......... Let me hear back from you so that I can proceed with the total payment of £xx,xxx once now Hope to hear from you soon Regards Brine Dear Brine In my cynicism, I have google searched your email address, and guess what? You appear on the Scambook website having tried this little trick before. Can I therefore suggest the following: 1. Try to learn proper English, as your grammar and sentence phrasing is clearly not the product of anyone in the UK. 2. Come up with a better name (“Brine†for a marine engineer at sea, are you serious?) 3. Try to find some proper employment with doesn’t result in you scamming people out of their hard earned cash. I have now forwarded all these emails to the Trading Standards office, who I hope will be able to track you down, though I doubt their powers extend as far a Nigeria, or wherever you are based. So, please now take your low-life leech-like tendancies elsewhere, and do not contact me again. Regards Funnily enough, I never got another reply......
  3. Doesnt that rather depend on which gaskets you are making, Richard? I would think it'd be ok for some of them, but obviously not for head gaskets etc.
  4. We'll be sticking with the east coast this year, hopefully taking in areas that the weather put paid to last year.
  5. We are hoping to visit there again in the summer, so will have to keep a close eye on this one
  6. Hi Jim I have the Wetline snap davits fitted to Serenity. I know David and Perry will shake their heads , but they are considerably cheaper http://www.piplers.co.uk/3711/Wetline-S ... S-kit.html . The pads that glue to the dinghy are pretty well identical, but the sliding section of the davit itself it plastic rather than stainless steel (you get what you pay for!), though the hook is metal of course. They also come complete with the quick-release slides. Obviously you pays your money and makes your choice, but I found the cost of the Weaver ones prohibitive.
  7. Yes, it did look as though you were going to run straight up the beach when following the channel!
  8. That's very interesting Perry, thanks. When we got Secret Lady back to Brundall, I used the 3M machine compounding stuff on a polisher, followed by 3M finishing polish and then 3 cats of the 3M carnuba wax. Unfortunately the wax had to be applied and polished by hand as the fleece mop on the polisher just seemed to swirl it. Although it was hard work, the results were stunning, but I want them to last! I think I have some of the Autoglym stuff somewhere, but I have also been given several different bottles of various Maguires concoctions so I think a little experimentation is in order. Here's what the hull looked like after we'd spent a couple of days on her. Interesting to hear about the A-Glaze, as I know a fellow forumite is looking to apply this to their ship next week, so we'll see the outcome of that too! The top sides are particularly grubby and oxidised too, but we have yet to tackle them. What sort of regime would you suggest; similar to what I outlined above?
  9. I've used that stuff on cars, but didn't realise it'd stand up to marine use too! Do you use that instead of a carnuba wax then Perry?
  10. Very best wishes for the nbew venture Richard! Is this going to be the new base for the canopy making business then, or just a side line?
  11. There is a meet at Oulton Broad on 21/4 David, but I think that's the only one with a definate date so far. http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=11390
  12. Hi James She's needed a lot of cleaning to get the hull nice and shiny, and re-antifouling. She's now back in the water and waiting till the weather improves to get the topsides done. We have a list of jobs as long as our arm (a lot of it cosmetic), but my priorities at the moment are installing new nav equipment. A new Raymarine C90wide went in the lower helm yesterday, as there was no plotter downstairs at all. A second C90W for the flybridge and a digital radome are currently waiting for me to install them too. We've sussed the problem with the starboard engine supercharger too, so that was all a relief. She'll be ready for the Oulton meet, which hopefully will be our first sea trial as we intend to go around the outside from Yarmouth.
  13. Now that is shiny Perry! Having just compounded, polished and waxed (3 coats) the hull on Secret Lady, I know what hard work it is, but results like that make it worthwhile too!
  14. That's a very poor show. I trust a strongly worded letter is on it's way to the supplier?
  15. I was quite interested in the Standard Horizon GX2100E, which has built in AIS for when we upgrade our system.
  16. It's not often you see the underside of Haven Bridge fro ma hire cruiser! Did they not notice the huge yellow sign saying no hire craft beyond this point?
  17. Just note they are Pure white, not warm white, and so will give quite a harsh blue tinted light. I prefer the warm white myself, as it's closer to the sort of light you get from a normal bulb.
  18. I'm going to be replacing all our cabin lighting with LED's Jim. They are the G4 type, though, not festoon. I know a lot of people who are very happy with LED, but also a few who don't find them bright enough. I suppose the only way to really tell is to get one and try it out for yourself. I know Brian Wards and Norfolk Marine both sell them, but they are pricy. I'm waiting for a couple of samples off eBay from Hong Kong for hys tover £1 each, as opposed to £15 in the aforementioned establishements. I want to see what the difference is though, before I buy a batch.
  19. I've lived in Norwich for 13 years and didn't even know there was a local office! Can't say I'll miss is, but as it means inevitable job losses, that is a shame for those concerned.
  20. John, just to keep things correct, can you change Serenity to Secret Lady please?
  21. I'm glad I asked the question about the shaft anodes then! I think I'll investigate the Martyr ones first. There doesn't appear to be any cross bonding on the shaft that I can see, so it may be best for the props to have their own protection. What I can't tell is what size I need so I think I'll contact MG Duff. Also, I can't tell how you lock the replacement shaft nut in place, as the normal locking tabs clearly won't work on a flanged nut.
  22. I am currently changing the zinc anodes on the new boat for aluminium. At the moment she only had a pair of hull anodes and one on each trim tab. I am intending to also put shaft anodes on. I just wondered if there was any comment about this? The P brackets and props are bronze, and the only place I can see any evidence of a bit of corrosion are some green crytalline growth on the tips of the prop blades and on the rudder stock cases. Also, where along the shaft is the best place for shaft anodes; nearer the P bracket or nearer the gland seal?
  23. We anchored for the very first time overnight in Hamford Water last August. Our anchor is a Delta, and it held really well, despite going through 4 tide changes and a stiffening breeze the next morning. I have used it since in the silt on Oulton Broad for a quick stop, and again it worked well.
  24. I'm soooo glad I didn't see that before this weekend!!!!
  25. If it's the only undeveloped bit next to the bridge, it must be the gravel area next to the Hotel Wroxham where people moor for the pilot I would guess.
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