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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Blimey, good fit or what!!
  2. Very good tip about the foil David. That may help me pinpoint the cause too!
  3. Thanks for all the suggestions chaps. I know it is definately something on the seatalk network that is causing the interference, as the instruments are all powered from the same switch on the main panel, and when this is off, the interference disappears. The general area is around the flybridge autopilot head unit, as if I wave my hand under the dash in it's visicinity, the noise stops as I guess I am effectively blocking the RF. It does also happen on the handheld too. All the NMEA/Seatalk cables are new to the plotters, but all the existing instruments were already in place using standard "Autohelm" cables. Another reason I suspect the autopilo head unit is that it the later ST7001 model, which has had it's Seatalk cable butchered a bit to connect into the older Seatalk system. I hadn't thought of the radar, so I shall play some more at the weekend to try to isolate it. ps, David, that was our fourth visit to Shotley. We were there last year, and twice in May as a stop-over en route to and from St Kats.
  4. Thanks Perry. Yes, it was a bit 3-2-1 go, as we had planned on an early start to beat the easterlies that were forecast. Sorry we couldn't stop to chat properly. In the event, the sea was quite uncomfortable already, and Col ended up with blocked fuel filters forcing us to detour into Southwold so he could change them. Still got back to Lowestoft about midday-ish! We had a great holiday with plenty of sun in between the showers. The sea's were generally kind, only throwing some brown trouser swells at us three times!
  5. Just a few random pics from our recent holiday around the east coast.
  6. That is worth checking I think, thanks Deltic. The Antenna was new this year, and there is only on connection at the plug into the VHF, but I could get a new plug and re-older it I guess just to be on the safe side.
  7. We have had a bit of an intermittent interference problem with our VHF reception. It seems to happen most on CH68 and CH73 though I have also heard it occasionally on CH14. It starts as a low whine which builds in pitch a bit like a jet engine starting. I was wondering if it was something on the boat as I could not squelch it out, and then by pure chance discovered that if I moved my hand under the flybridge helm it stops! I am thinking it is interference from my Seatalk network, as turning off the power to my log/depth/autopilot stops it immediately. Given that I have had a bit of an issue with the 7001 autopilot head-unit on the flybridge where it kept making a high pitched beeping noise, I think I have narrowed it down to that unit. Has anyone come across this before?
  8. True enough if anchoring at sea, but if the broad is 2m deep, I really don't think you'll be wanting to put out 12m of rope, Martin. I used to work on the theory that at long as the rope was at less than 45 degrees to the surface of the water, the mudweight should hold reasonably well.
  9. mbird

    BA electric points

    Don't forget too, that the posts tend to have a 16A and a 32A outlet. The 16A is often in use, but the 32A one can be used with an adaptor. Also worth bringing a splitter incase you have friendly neighbours that don't mind sharing!
  10. Hi Pat I have one child's self-inflating jacket, but I think it may be too big for what you need? It currently fit's my 11 year old son. You are welcome to borrow if you think it'll be any good.
  11. Hi Pat I used 8m of rope on the mudweight on Tranquil Breeze. That always seemed to be plenty, even allowing for putting out plenty of scope to help stop drifting.
  12. I finally got to try out our new aerial briefly at the weekend. I opted for a Status 330 model in the end, to replace the defunct 315 model already fitted to the boat. I also ordered the model with 10m of cable (rather than the normal 5m) to avoid having to join it at all. As it turns out, a perfect picture at Rockland Staithe, where I didn't really expect to get much (did have to turn the gain up to max though), so we're happy enough with that! Best thing was that Brian Wards of Brundall were £16 cheaper than the local caravan shop too!
  13. Much better, thanks Perry. (btw, I think Jonzo was referring to an iPad, but needed to use up a quota of extra words he's had lying around gathering dust )
  14. We're hoping to get there in a couple of weeks, so I think we'll avoid LW.....
  15. I don't think that's in his target area Lori You could try the Yare at Brundall. I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure they have a big screen in the public bar, so could be worth a ring.
  16. Victoria sponge is for afternoon tea Jonny, not dessert We didn't manage to get there last weekend, but will definately give the carvery a go next time we are in OB. I must confess I really don't like the decor in the photos though. Looks very very old fashioned, but maybe that's the look they wanted.
  17. I never have been able to view it. Now on ie8 and still just a blank screen
  18. Very interesting video. Lets hope he's right about improvement towards the end of the month!
  19. I've used that site before, but didn't know they did an iPhone app! Excellent!
  20. Hi Grant, good to see you over the weekend. From personal experience I would say don't bother with anything like Renovo etc to try to alter the colour or a canopy. The original one we had on Serenity was quite faded, so I spent about £50 on the Renovo restorer only to end up with a very patchy finish. It was impossible to get a nice even colour I found, no matter how many coats of the stuff I applied. With regard to the Fabsil application, I tend to favour applying it with a small foam roller. Just like antifoul, it tends to attach the roller, so you do need a few of them to hand, but it has always gone on well for me, with minimum dripping. It's worth carrying a can of the aerosol stuff too, just to touch up the seems a couple of times a year.
  21. I knew there was a reason I moved up here!! I tried a few pints of Honey Ale from the Fat Cat brewery over the weekend on a hotel mini break. Very nice it was too!
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