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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Well my team mates seem a bit shy at the moment so I'll spill the beans... Team "Mo-Boaters" consists of myself, Colin (Happy Jax 3) and Luke (Lucky). Our aim is to raise as much money as we can, and so far we are off to a cracking start!We have already raised £190, even tho' the Mo's aren't Go until tomorrow! There are currently 348,828 participants worldwide with over £2.2 million pounds having been raised already. Last year a total of £79.2 million was raised globally The UK is second in the global leaderboard at the mo'ment, with 120,829 guys taking parts and have collectively raised £554,000 in the last few days! Only Canada are beating us (last years leaderboard winners). For more information on this fund raising event please see http://uk.movember.com/?home, but here is a summary; "During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces in the UK and around the world. The aim of which is to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Once registered at movember.com each Mo Bro must begin the 1st of Movember with a clean shaven face. For the entire month each Mo Bro must grow and groom a moustache. There is to be no joining of the mo to the sideburns (that’s considered a beard), there’s to be no joining of the handlebars to the chin (that’s considered a goatee) and each Mo Bro must conduct himself like a true gentleman. A Mo Sista is essentially a woman who loves a Mo. An individual that is dedicated to supporting the Mo Bros in her life through their moustache growing journey; whether it be a friend, colleague, family member or partner. These inspirational women are committed to raising awareness of men's health issues and much needed funds for men's health along the way. Mo Bros effectively become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November and through their actions and words raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health. The Movember Effect: Awareness & Education, Survivorship, Research The funds raised in the UK are directed to programmes run directly by Movember and our men’s health partners, Prostate Cancer UK and the Institute of Cancer Research. We work with these partners to ensure that Movember funds are supporting a broad range of innovative, world-class programmes in line with our strategic goals in the areas of awareness and education, survivorship and research. Movember - a global movement Since its humble beginnings in Melbourne, Australia Movember has grown to become a truly global movement inspiring more than 1.9 Million Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to participate with formal campaigns in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, the UK, South Africa, Ireland, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Belgium and the Czech Republic. In addition, Movember is aware of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas supporting the campaign and men’s health causes across the globe, from Russia to Dubai, Hong Kong to Antarctica, Rio de Janeiro to Mumbai, and everywhere in between. No matter the country or city, Movember will continue to work to change established habits and attitudes men have about their health, to educate men about the health risks they face, and to act on that knowledge, thereby increasing the chances of early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment. In 2011, over 854,000 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas around the world got on board, raising GBP 79.3 million. Big steps have been taken towards changing attitudes and habits relating to men’s health around the world but there is still much to be done to catch up with the women’s health movement. Via the moustache, Movember aims to fulfil its vision of having an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health, by continuing to spark conversation and spread awareness of men’s health each year."
  2. Yes, that's what happens to zinc in fresh water and the "fur" is impervious to water meaning the anode is doing nothing at all. I found the same thing when we bought Secret Lady. The ones that are ofter overlooked with the engines we have are the heat-exchanger pencil anodes. When I checked these there was nothing left but crumbly chalk . I changed those for aluminium too after having the exchangers stripped and flushed.
  3. I was thinking the samer, but all the same I'd want to be as far away as possible incase I got a foot caught in rigging etc.
  4. Not true. The aluminium anodes are a different composition to outdrives and are therefore more reactive than the drive casings. This is why they are able to produce kits specifically for outboards and outdrives http://www.performancemetals.com/anodes/index.shtml Also in reference to Perry's earlier post, I whole heartedly agree it is worth fitting a galvanic isolator. However, as came out in conversation at the weekend, there does seem to be a misunderstanding how these work. They are only of any use when plugged into shorepower, and will stop your anodes protecting your neighbours boat if there are stray currents or bad earths in the.
  5. Hi Dave Aluminium every time for me. We had the Performance Metals ones fitted to Serenity when up in Brundall Bay and they worked well. We are now in Reedham with Secret Lady but have stuck with the aluminium variety! They work in all water types so should be the most suitable. http://www.performancemetals.com/anodes/navalloy.shtml
  6. Many thanks for your Donation Alan Fear not, that from 1st November there will be regular fungus photos ....! It seems the other guilty parties are still up for a bit of facial fungus too, so we now have a team set up called...... The Mo-Boaters (Sue's brainwave, that!) To see our fledgling team details, please go tohttp://uk.movember.com/team/653985 I'm sure the other brave Mo Bros will be along to intriduce themselves later :funny: ps, all we need now is a Smiley with a tache :{)
  7. Hi All Over a few beers the other evening, the subject of Movember was brought up. At the time it seemed a fun idea and a way to raise some money for men's cancer issues. I've signed up for it, and will be posting photos as the caterpillar on my top lip blossoms into life! My Movember Mo Bros page is here http://mobro.co/mbird and of course any donations are gratefully received!!! ps... I'm still trying to decide on Fu Manchu or Magnum PI (aka 70's porn star)......? :funny:
  8. Boat name; Your names; Number of adult/child tickets Secret Lady ; Mark & Sue; 2 adult / 0 child Happy Jax 3; Lou, Col, Jay and Connor; 3 adults/1 kid A boat (name TBC) 2 adults Job Done, Luke & Claire; 2 adult / 0 child
  9. Boat name; Your names; Number of adult/child tickets Secret Lady ; Mark & Sue; 2 adult / 0 child Happy Jax 3; Lou, Col, Jay and Connor; 3 adults/1 kid A boat (name TBC) 2 adults
  10. Hi All As the last two years have been so good at Coldham Hall, we are planning to do the same again for this year! Coldham will be holding their New Year's Eve party to include live music, a disco and their trademark superb buffet. Ticket prices this year are £18 per adult, with kids at £6 or £7 (they haven't decided yet). This will also include free moorings and leccy will be made available (though we all know long extension leeds and frugal usage are required!. Tickets officially go on sale 1st December, so we have a month to establish numbers and reserve them. The last two years have been sell-outs so we need to get in there! As last year, I am happy to organise the tickets and collect the money on the night. So, roll-up, roll-up and put your names on the list! Boat name; Your names; Number of adult/child tickets Secret Lady ; Mark & Sue; 2 adult / 0 child
  11. Hi Pat I am with Vodafone, and get reasonable coverage, hardly any 3G though. I have not been able to get a signal at Loddon, but most other places are passable.
  12. Hi Alan Yes we saw that program. We also saw the boat in the flesh a couple of years ago as it was passing through Fort Augustus and thought to ourselves it looked lovely. The reviews we read that were not entirely complimentary seemed to revolve around the small cabins, but then they were no used to a Sealine 350 and were probably our slightly larger American cousins. Having seens Perry's holiday vessel though, maybe we should have gone to Florida instead
  13. I read that as they are considering removing or raising the maximum width restrictions, not imposing them Martin? There are already boats in excess of 14' beam around, but I really don't know what the bylaws currently say is the maximum permissible width?
  14. I've still got a weekend planned in November, and then New Year's Eve afloat for this year. Wedding plans for next year have taken priority over holidays at the moment, but we are honeymooning afloat on the Caledonian Canal aboard the Lord of the Glens cruise "ship" for a week, so that should be different!
  15. Potter to Wroxham is a leisurely 3.5 - 4 hour cruise. It depends on what time yo ucan take the boat over as to whether you would be able to do it on the Friday, as it will be getting dark quite early I expect. As there are only 1 or 2 moorings outside the hotel, it would probably be worth you giving them a ring to reserve one on 01603 782061. I'm not sure what they charge, or if you are expected to dine with them, so best check. The boat yards previously mentioned will allow you to moor for nothing (generally speaking any hire boat can moor in any hire yard) as long as they have space, so again, try giving them a call to check.
  16. Ah right, yes that would be a tight fit! As Matt has said, there are several hire yards before the bridge that you can moor in (Barnes Brinkcraft on the right and Faircraft on the left are the biggest), or the Hotel so I'm sure you'll be able to find somewhere. The station is just a 5 minute walk from the centre of Wroxham (really it's Hoveton on that side of the river!)
  17. Ah, SRC = VHF, I was confused for a minute there!
  18. Yes, it's Wroxham & Hoveton station you are after. The only one after that is Salhouse, but it is nowhere near the broad. From Norwich station it's only a few minutes walk to Riverside where there are a collection of chain type eateries and a couple of bars (including a Wetherspoons), as well as a bowling alley and cinema. The station is right neat the Yacht station where you would have moored if coming by boat anyway. The walk into the city is 10 minutes up Prince of Wales Road, or you can hop on a bus right outside the station, which run every 10 mins I believe. Not too sure about the cost of a cab. I would reckon arounds £15-20. Personally I use Canary cars who I have always found reasonable (01603 414243).
  19. I'd head up to Wroxham and get the train into Norwich from there if it's a mooch about and a pub-crawl you are looking for . Get the pilot to take you through the bridge and there are ample moorings the other side, and only a couple of minutes from the station. You are spoiled for choice for pubs in Norwich as well as lots of sight-seeing and shopping!
  20. I'm just popping down for the evening tomorrow by train John.
  21. Nice pics John! We are hoping to have a little cruise to Norwich on Saturday, as we haven't taken Secret Lady up there yet. I don't think we'll make the bridges though, so probably have to moor at Comissioners cut or Whitlingham and dinghy in.
  22. I have just sold all of my DSLR kit as it simply wasn't getting used (too much to cart around). I have replaced it with an olympus Pen 'Lite' E-PL3 twin lens kit, and I have to say I am stunned by how much functionality they have squeezed into a small package. Nearly all of the exposure setting are manually adjustable (ISO, shutter speed, aperture, white balance etc etc) as well as having some very nifty p&s type gimickery such as art filters. It also shoots jpeg and raw for when I want to get a little more serious. I've also just ordered the converter lens set, which converts the standard 14-42 kit lens into a fish-eye, wide or macro lens for less than £200. Can't do that with a DSLR! So far, very happy with it!
  23. Sunday started of with a lovely mist at on the river Brundall, but then burned off for a gloriously sunny day. Seems like you hung on to the fog all day down there Perry.
  24. A superb weekend indeed John, and thank you so much for organising it. The weather was kind to us, company excellent, and the venue superb!
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