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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Could it possibly involve being head down, **** up, breathing paint fumes and swearing a lot?? He should employ your sister again for that job
  2. Thanks for that Info Liz. I shall hold off ordering my charts until after the WRC weekend then!
  3. Well done Leroy!!! WHen we first got into boating, volunteering in the yard taught me so much it was invaluable. No better way to learn I reckon
  4. It seems even my C28 chart, purchased earlier this year from Norfolk Marine, is a 2007 edition . I think I intend to purchase Imray C1, C2 & C28 as well as Y16, Y17 & Y18. Combined with my Admiralty folio that covers down to Orford Ness, do you think that would be a suitable set of charts for the trip guys?
  5. I'm quite interested in the noise reduction improvements. On the rare occassion I have used high ISO's, I've been quite disappointed with the way LR2 doesn't seem to get rid of much of the noise. Hopefully LR3 is better.
  6. Ok guys, numpty question coming up.... What charts would you recommend I have for the forthcoming adventure? I currently have and older copy of Imray C28, a very old copy of C1, and the Admiralty Leisure Folio for the East coast from Orford Ness to Whitby.
  7. Oh yes. Tripod! For anyone not familiar with what I'm on about, here's a couple of examples at the very same church. Zero for artistic or technical merit, but we had fun doing them and seeing what came out! This one is my eldest sone and one of his friends moving to a different location, being lit with a torch and then moving on, making them look a little ghostly. This was just me with a torch, trying to write "Death" backwards.... Like I said, just a bit of fun!
  8. Haven't even fitted it yet David. That's this weekend's project while SWMBO is gunking the engine bay . It comes with a deviation card and some compensators, but I am thinking this might be the subject of an entirely new thread ....
  9. At Whitsun, the bubble in the top of my das hmopunted compass grew at an alarming rate until there was no oil left. Time for a new one methinks. After searching the internet a bit, I contacted marinecompasses.co.uk (chap called Ian). Unfortunately they no longer could get hold of the Rule model that would have been an almost exact replacement, so after a lot of investigation, box opening and measuring, Ian recommended the Suunto F-95. It turned up Monday and fits a treat, so if you need a replacement it's worth giving them a look.
  10. I haven't got the C1 chart yet Ian, so I'll make sure I get the correct edition.
  11. Clearly my crew it better trained Perry
  12. If anyone is interested, the church can produce some evening shots, and also be a spooky subject for a little after-dark light painting. If anyone hasn't tried this technique before I'm happy to oblige, but the results tend to be fun rather than spectacular
  13. Think you'll find a lot of LR fans here already Strowager! I haven't tried V3 yet though.
  14. Ok ok, so now my concience is being pricked. I haven't updated any of my charts so I suppose I'd better get on with it before the London trip. I have both Admiralty leisure folio and Imray charts. Are the updates easy to find on websites??
  15. Fingers crossed for you Jonathan. Could that account for why we though Crackerjack was letting out a bit more white smoke/steam than usual at Whitsun? Sharon commented on it when we were following you down Lake Lothing.
  16. Our boat was fitted with a toilet holding tank by a previous owner, and they introduced a couple of bags of sand on the opposite side to balance her a bit. Trouble is when the tanks empty we still list to port, but when full of sh*t, list to starboard
  17. Indeed they do Barry, and also price matched the cheapest I found on the internet when I bought out triple outlet HS2800 kit earlier this year. I did have to spend quite a bit extra on ducting etc from JPC though. I also bit the bullet and used the Webasto insulation for the hot air ducts to make the Propex more efficient.
  18. We bought some of those from the boat show Jim, and are quite happy with them. We solved the height adjustment issue by simply wrapping turns around the pulpit rail. Not so easy with guard wires though.
  19. I'm surprised you can hear anything over the sound of the petrol gushing into your carbs
  20. Love that shot. It's why I bought my filters but I haven't yet managed anything like as good as that!
  21. Too right Andy! Can't be having nothing to supp when trying to figure out how to start the engine with a flat battery
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