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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Our filters are similar Wayne. Some members swear by priming, but I have never done so after checking the filters and they seem to self prime just fine, even after she was out of the water for a few weeks (and I did intend to prime, just forgot ) My theory is that if the boat has been sat for a week between uses, the chances are a lot of the water has drained away anyway as it's not a closed system, and I certainly wouldn't expect to have to prime every time I used the boat.
  2. Nice one Jonathan We were intending to get to Lowestoft on Saturday, but pressure of work means we may have to delay a day, but we'll definately be down before Monday!
  3. Yep, that's the unit Dave. We had no flat battery problems after installing that at all, and I'm sure you will be happy with your investment. At times of high current draw (like when we were running the inverter) you could actually hear the alternator working hard to replace the juice
  4. Unfortunately that's a bit big Jonathon, but if you have any 1/4" od that would be a different story
  5. They work on a vacuum Andy, so about 10-20 pumps is all it takes to get it going and draw out 6L of oil! WHat you can do though, is pretend it's really hard work whilst relaxing with a beer and Angie will be none the wiser
  6. Hi Andy Yes, the dipstick hole is where you shove your pipe. It will meet a bit of resistance at the bend at the bottom, but should slide through to the sump without too much hassle. The link Paul put above for Force4 is as good as any.
  7. 16mm seems a bit excessive to me Wayne, but then I am used to being river based . All my ropes are 12mm 3 strand (cos it's the only type I can splice ). I always carry a few spare 10m lengths just incase I need to tie a couple together.
  8. After spending half an hour with Gary at Brundall Marine Services going through all the Volvo part diagrammes, the conclusion is that the AD41P-A engine has NO anodes . The heat exchangers are different on the AD41A and B versions, so Keypart's website has some erroneous info. Now to set about obtaining a refund for parts supplied in error
  9. Thats the kiddie Paul. As you say, the same make. I paid £60 at Peachments with a discount, but it was the last 6L they had in stock at the time.
  10. Ours is similar Ian, so I guess we'll also be wanting to have the pointy end towards the sea We were thinking of maybe going down to Lowestoft via Yarmouth on the Saturday and then giving Hamilton dock a try so Jack can give his new boat rod a little go. I would also suspect RNSYC would be very busy this weekend.
  11. I thought the S41 had caught your eye yesterday Gav
  12. We did take the boat up the river Paul, but you can't really warm the oil properly at river speeds.
  13. You lost me at logarithims Wayne, but yes I agree.. The extractor I bought has two different diameter pipes, and as luck would have it, the larger one fitted the dipstick hole nicely, which was probably more than twice the diameter of the one that came with yours, and the oil flowed out fast enough to be able to actually watch the level rising in the cylinder.
  14. Hi All A few weeks ago I assisted Plesbit with a bit of a service on his AD41, during which time we used his Pela 6000 oil extractor (on of the ball shaped ones). It took ages to get the oil out (well over an hour if my memory serves me). This weekend was my engines' turn to get new lube, and Wayne had kindly lent me his extractor, which just happened to be the same type as Simons. Having done a few oil changes at DRL last year, using one of the tall cylindrical extractors, I was pretty convinced these had a lot more suck, and so bought one from Peachments on Saturday. As a direct comparison, I set Wayne's extractor on the stbd engine, and my new one on the port. In the time it had taken my new extractor to fill to 6 litres, empty it, and then get another 2.5 litres (about 20 mins), the ball type extractor had only managed to suck out less than 2 litres. The only problem with the cylindrical type extractors seems to be the pipes aren't quite long enough to reach the bottom of the sump, so about 8.5 litres plus the oil filter capacity was all I managed to get out. Some longer pipe needs to be sourced! If anyone wants to borrow it anytime, just ask!
  15. If people continue to cause hire/river boats problems over Breydon, it's not going to be long before speed limits are imposed. To all salty type boat owners... Show some consideration and PLEASE SLOW DOWN PAST HIRE CRAFT! You never know if someone with no boating experience is standing at the galley with a pan full of boiling water only to be unexpectedley hit with wash and end up scarred for life. I know it can be a pain and a waste of fuel to contantly speed up, slow down, but in the long run it is the only option if we want to maintain the lack of limits on Breydon. (ps I've finished with the soapbox now if anyone wants to use it)
  16. I guess with the bank holiday weekend, the monday will see a lot of departures so that could well be the better day Ian.
  17. Fantastic news Wayne, and well done Tracy There'll be no stopping you now guys!!!!!
  18. Ok, time to look stupid After doing the oil changes on Sunday, it was time to sort the anodes. Errr, where are they??? Information I have seen showed the anode as being screwed into the ends of the heat exchanger. One end of my heat exchanger is just a blank plate, and the other has a very small bolt head in the middle with two hose connections by the side of it. No anode?? I did find another bolt head protruding from the bottom of the exchanger, but having removed this now need to top up the coolant as it turned out to be a drain plug..... Any ideas where they are supposed to go, as I couldn't see anything on the engine that looked remotely like the bits I've bought!
  19. We are easy with dates Ian. Are we all planning to congregate at RNSYC on the Saturday (or over in Hamilton Dock if RN is too busy)?
  20. Have a grea ttime Dave. The weather doesn't look too bad either!
  21. Hadn't thought of that David Electrical continuity is exactly what you DO want with an anode I suppose
  22. Hi All Oil changing the engines at the weekend if I can spare the time, so I thought while I was at it, I would also change the heat exchanger anodes, not knowing when they were last done. I have bought new anodes and also the brass anode carriers, which have a tapered thread on them. I presume it is a simple matter of unscrewing the old and replacing with the new? Would you put PTFE tape around the brass tapered thread to help eliminate any potential leaks??
  23. Have fun guys, last weekend was a big learning experience for me going through Yarmouth, but nothing to worry about now I've done it!!
  24. Good news Wayne. Friendly service goes a long way in my book
  25. Stick me down too guys! Got to get my Seamiles up
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