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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Just a thought Luke, any way you could post up the Lon/Lat of your waypoints so I can have a play with my plotter software? I know how it is supposed to work, but haven't tried it yet...!
  2. You beat me to it Ian, as those are exactly the figures I had in mind.
  3. I like your thinking Luke, but we will have guests for a little while (my aunt and uncle who live in Oulton Broad) and I'm not sure how long they'll stick around. I think on that basis, we will just play it by ear Friday.
  4. I've got a pile of books too! I'll bring some along! I thought this was supposed to be a boating non-club, not a frikin library
  5. You're right Neil .... and I do have my motorbike for land based fun anyway!
  6. Ooooo yes Jonny! At my time of life it was either a sports car or fast boat
  7. You are absolutley right Wayne. However, I must say that I am just as guilty. I really must try to remember to put it on, especiall yas the decks on Serenity are almost non-existent. I will certainly wear one at sea, but I guess spending 80% of the time on the river, it is more likely that is where I will eventually take a dunking.
  8. That would make it a tad awkward, mate!
  9. It is Saturday we are locking out though isn't it?
  10. I dunno if it is of any use, Simon, but Keypart list the part number of the impeller kit as 877061. According to French Marine, this is an old part number and is now replaced by 3841697.
  11. Excellent tale Martin, and great to see all the photos too
  12. Okay, you win on that one. Far too serious in your Musto though mate
  13. We will probably stay at Brundall Thursday evening, and get to OB at around mid afternoon.
  14. It was meant to be an encouraging war-cry, not a request
  15. Not necessarily Simon, as I think I remember reading somewhere that part numbers had been superceded.... Might be worth a quick google to see if you can locate the part number?
  16. A short "boys only" break this weekend saw Col (Happy Jax II) and I leave Brundall at about 5:00pm yesterday afternoon for a trip down to Reedham for an overnighter. A few beers (well, rather a lot actually), some grub, a very late night, and a full english at the Cupcakes cafe saw us heading for Breydon in the sunshine this morning at about 11:00. Once on Breydon we gave Serenity a good thrashing up and down several times trying to get the speed log calibrated about right, and she performed with no problems at all! The horrible list to starboard that happened when we got onto the plane at new years has gone (probably the combination of prop damage and incorrect readings from the trim tab head unit, I suspect), trim tabs are working fine, and the engines run sweeeeeet! I was also very surprised at how much difference trimming the legs correctly made. Moving them from -1 to +2 instantly gave a speed boost that was very noticable. At full throttle (4000 rpm) we topped over 30 kts (SOG) against the tide, but a good cruise speed of 27 kts at 3700 seemed very comfortable. After several runs (about 15 miles in total) I am very happy with the way she performed, and a little less nervous of her now. Col enjoyed taking her up on the plane too, as indicated by a grin the cheshire cat would have been proud of. Hopefully he'll post up a couple of "wake shots" later (unless he's catching up on beauty sleep already The only downer on the trip was my hamfisted maneuver leaving the Brooms filling quay, which saw a sudden gust of wind and my resulting panic, bumping another boat. The other boat was completely unmarked (thankfully) but Serenity suffed a 5 inch scratch in the gelcoat above the rubbing trip . I'm afraid my lack of experience with this boat showed itself rather badly. All in all though, a great weekend in good company, and I can't wait for next weekend now UP THE SALTY BOTTOMS! ps Leroy, I shall not take the p**s out of you running onto the mud ever again. Nuff said, say no more, must concentrate harder. Phew got away with that one
  17. Ooooh, if yours are auto Luke, I am gonna go right off you mate!!!
  18. Erm, 8'10" not 8'2" (is someone fibbing to you how big 8" is Ian ) Anyway, I think the Ant would only be an option if Clive promised to keep all his boats in harbour for a few days
  19. So here she is on the trailer on her way back to the wet stuff. I must comment that I am extremely impressed wit hthe way the guys at Brundall Bay do their lifting, and the whole procedd from being chocked on the hard to afloat was less than 10 mins! my only previous experience of having a boat out of the water was dragging Tranquil Breeze up greased boards by a winch connected to the snore hole. Not a procedure I would wish to repeat!!!! My Dad and I took her round to Brooms to fill up with diesel (ouch! 95p/litre, total of £226 ) and have a pump out (yes, the boat was sold to us complete with other peoples turds). And then back to the mooring. I've got sterilising solution in the water system at the moment, but Saturday should see her all clean and tidy inside, and then Sunday brings a Breydon shake-down blast in readiness for next Friday! I CAN'T WAIT !!!!!
  20. I'm in the same boat Wayne (sorry for the crap pun, which was entirely intended of course). I was looking at fitting a Plastimo tube type reflector, as they are cheap and easy to install. However, after reading the research that Perry pointed me towards, it seems they are worse than useless, so didn't bother in the end. The big canister type jobbies are totally impractical to try to mount on my arch, so I have decided not to bother for the time being. Also, with regard the VHF, I do not have a DSC set yet either. I have an old telephone type Simrad set, which seems to do the job for now. I will upgrade later this year I think, though.
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