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Everything posted by mbird

  1. When I took the prop off Tranquil Breeze it just needed a couple of taps with a nylon mallet and it came off the taper a treat. Getting the nuts undone in the first place was a different matter though! At least that was a shaft without all the delicate bearings etc to worry about!
  2. Hmmm Why is nothing bloody easy? I've spoken to Coastal rides, who tell me there are two different tools available, and which one you need depends on what nut has been installed behind the first prop. A lot of the earlier ones got changed for new style nuts, so there is no way of telling until the boat is out of the water and the first prop is off Thanks for your help though guys. That link to the VP workshop manual you posted Andy, I have already used and downloaded the file
  3. HI All Looks like my boat is coming out later this week at Derby Quay in Beccles (Luke's mate Jim's place). I know I have a couple of chips in the starboard props, and I thought that this would be an ideal opportunity to attend to them. According to the owners manual I have, it looks at though a special tool is needed to get them off. I have spoken to French Marine in Rackheath, who have told me there is indeed a special tool, but it is only available for Volvo specialists, and ordinary mortals can't buy them. Question: Is the special tool needed, and if so where can you get one?
  4. Hi Neil When I first entered into the realms of DSLR, I got a good deal on a Canon EOS 350D from Comet, as it was the last one of that model they had in stock and the 450D was due to be release, meaning the 350D was 2 models behind the times. That said, it was a very good learning platform and produced some very good images (IMHO ). When I decided to upgrade, I sold this on ebay, with the original kit lens, for £225. The chap who bought it from me got a very good camera in immaculate condition for not much more than a top end compact. Don't rule out something like this, a little older in good condition. It may not have the latest gizmo's like Live-View etc, but as a camera, they will still hold their own.
  5. Is "Osprey" now one of the large Alphas that are called "Thunderbolt" or something like that, from Alphacraft in Brundall? I don't recall seeing too many forward drive Alphas that long!
  6. Hi Clive, the only reason I mentioned temperature is that I know a fibreglass specialist from the local area, and chatting at the weekend, he mentioned that the release system that he uses must be kept relatively warm throughout the whole process, or it sticks.....
  7. Would the low temperatures we had have affected the release agent action do you think Clive?
  8. I love these photos Neil. It amazes me how much things have changed without really noticing it at the time. My first broads trip was in about 1970, when I was 2 years old (not that I remember that one too well of course), but regular holidays through the years mean I just haven't noticed how much some areas have altered. Just look at the photo of the Locks Inn at Geldeston for exampe. It's got a big extension on the side now!
  9. That's quite a damning report for the tube reflectors then Perry. They basically conclude you are better of not fitting a reflector at all rather than fit one of those! I suppose you get what you pay for at the end of the day.
  10. I hadn't, as I've not heard of it, but now I have, I have .... if you see what I mean Thanks for the prompt David!
  11. Right, I've just registered the boat with the MCA for Part III of the SSR, so at least they'll know who we are (seeing as we're not on first name terms with them like Leroy Bling )
  12. Yeah, but you can throw all the safety equipment overboard Lou, cos it'll all float!
  13. I'm still trying to find a locker big enough for the spare engine
  14. Ah, I didn't realise the passive ones were that cheap. I have infact seen these on boats, I now realise, but didn't know what they were. Is this the type you have http://www.marinescene.co.uk/product/1835/tube-type-radar-reflector-powerboat-version? Do they just mount on top of the radar arch? ps Sorry for all the questions, but I do want to make sure we are covering the important points edit: Just noticed the same reflector in Norfolk Marine for over £54! pps: Where do you hang your ball, Ian
  15. That's exactly what I was going to do too Adam, so I'll PM you my email address if you've already done the hard work for me I also intned to instruct SWMBO and number 1 son in very basic how to read a chart and find your position on it position. It could be me that tips over the side (looking for the totty's scarf/rum/beer no doubt) and they need to know how to call for help, but also how to get back to shore. We don't currently have a tender/dinghie. Would you guys class that as an essential item then, as I hadn't really thought about that WRT radar reflectors, Ian, that is something we definately haven't got. I don't think it is actually law yet that you need one, but the RNLI take the stance that if one can be fitted to a RIB, then they can be fitted to anything. Some of them are bloody expensive though, so what would you recommend?
  16. Thanks Luke. I'm already bidding on one of the items on ebay, but have emailed those peeps you provided a link for. I know I can get an ST40 for £120, but then I'd have to sort out a blanking panel too as they are much smaller.
  17. I think I've finally identified the depth sounder display unit is the problem. I hooked up another display (albeit a later model Raymarine one) and it worked fine, so the transducer is okay. I'm still going to lift the boat to check out hte legs and trim tabs etc, but it seems my sounder problems are quite simple to fix, but isn't it always the way that it's the most expensive part that needs replacing, not the cheapest
  18. I'm still not 100% convinced with the Aluminium option, so can anyone help me understand a bit better please? I am sure they are okay in the brackish water around Reedham and Burgh Castle as that is what they are designed for, but the fresh water at Brundall I'm not so sure. What I read about the Performance Metals ones states they are suitable for fresh, brackish or salt water. Reading on other sites, though, they say that in fresh water the aluminium will get covered with an oxide layer, meaning they will be ineffective when placed back into salt. However, the Performance Metals info claims the oxide layer to be porous and therefore allow water through and hence still work in salt after a time in fresh. If I remember my chemistry properly, I thought both Aluminium oxide and Zinc oxide were impervious to water, which is why they don't rust outside, just get covered in a white layer. Again, Adam, most of the time your boat is in brackish water so they are in the correct environment. Also, though, an anode surviving could mean it's not working couldn't it?
  19. Show off, just cos your's is bigger than mine
  20. Ok, now we are starting to look forward to the new season, it's about time we started accruing the necessary safety equipment. I'm not talking about the latest electronic gizmos, just basic common-sense stuff. My preliminary list is as follows, but I'd be grateful if anyone could add anything they see as essential too. 1. Working VHF (already have) 2. Handheld backup VHF (already have) 3. Lifejackets (have three, need to purchase one more for moi) 4. Lifebelt (already have) 5. Coastal flare pack (not yet bought) 6. GPS (already have) 7. Charts (already have) 8. First aid kit (not yet assembled) 9. Spare fuel filters (not yet bought) 10. Spare drive belts (not yet bought) Anything I've missed?
  21. Quote back from Goodchilds is £330 for lifts, steam clean and 2 weeks storage. It's double the cost, but then I suppose their method of lifting is probably a bit more secure? What are the views of you chaps on the dolly method? Ian's talk of stress crazing has me worried!
  22. Thanks Ian, I'll check those out. Being in Reedham, I'd guess you were a little more brackish than us?
  23. Just incase anyone is interested, I have found this app for the iPod Touch and iPhone via the Imray website. I have downloaded it (£3.99) and it seems pretty good, showing tide tables, sun rise/set times, tidal curves etc for all main and secondary ports. I know it won't replace proper tables in an almanac etc, but it is certainly handy as a quick reference in your pocket link to publishers site http://www.tucabo.com/products/tides-planner/
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