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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Or it could be that I haven't the faintest what you are talking about Pat
  2. I remember it like that Neil, and even later when the roses in the garden had grown up more, as they were stunning in the summer. There was a bit of a heated disussion on here a while back about the new extension, with opinion very polarised. I think it has Marmite syndrome (love it or hate it!). The house and mill were owned by the parents of a young apprentice I took on a few years back, but the upkeep was too much for them.
  3. Yeah, but bear in mind David, that Ian doesn't use proper fuel (Tin hat on )
  4. That's certainly worth a look Luke. The first one I tried was the oil filter which came in over £4 cheaper than Keypart. I couldn't find the secondary fuel filter by part number, but the one I think it is was nearly £8 cheaper. The only thing is that I wonder whether I would prefer the genuine filter on the engines? What is the consensus on that?
  5. I did one of the windows on Tranquil Breeze where we had a leak. It had been caused by something hitting one of the vertical mullions, but instead of doing the job properly, a previous owner had simply gobbed a load of mastic in, which needless to say didn't work. I had to get a new section of mullion cut, took the window out (it had to be the biggest one at over 8' long), dismantled the frame, reassembled it with the new mullion and rebedded it on marine frame sealant. Bob's your uncle no more leak and only a days work. £1500 does sound steep, but then if you are paying for workshop space then I suppose that all adds up.
  6. Hi All Following on from Ian's (Senator) recommendation for Keypart.com for engine service spares etc, I thought I'd ask for a quotation from French Marine to compare with the prices on Keypart's website. The costs were based on the following items for a Volvo Penta AD41P-A, but only 1 off each part: Spin on oil filter Spin on fuel filter Power steering belt Alternator belt set Thermostat kit Impeller Kit The total costs inc VAT were; French Marine was £159.94, Keypart was £123.49 (free delivery). Quite interesting I thought, considering that most of the items I will require 2 of each, making over a £50 saving using Keypart
  7. I think you'll find Steve, that any new installation must have a holding tank facility. The only boats that seem exempt of this are traditional timber broads yachts that have no facility for a holding tank (eg the Hunter Fleet).
  8. That seems to have progressed quickly Clive. It's good to see the finished shape of the boat starting to be hinted at
  9. As a lot of us are meeting in Oulton and then RNSYC over Easter, would that be a suitable time/venue to save John a lot of travelling do you think??
  10. Oo-er Missus, my lobster's going nowhere near a Cobb fnarr fnarr!
  11. Hi Steve If you don't have the facilites that Andy has, you could always try Brian Ward Electrical at Brundall, as they manufacture bespoke panels for boats etc. They made the dash board for my last boat and did a first class job.
  12. That's a good point I hadn't thought of David!
  13. I dunno Lou, but if you're dreaming of me, that can't be a bad thing (Sorry Col! ) I'd better place the lobster order then , Leroy Bling, looks like the drinks are on you though
  14. Smart ****, but thank you for the explanation
  15. I think Adam and Suzanne have those engines in Sea Hunter, and I recall him saying his are both turbo and super charged. I think one takes over from the other as the revs rise. I suppose it would stand to reason they take a turbocharged AD41 and bolt on a supercharger too as Simon has intimated. That's where your extra 30 horses come from I guess!
  16. I think I would go with the items I previously listed Luke. As you rightly say, most of the stuff you couldn't fit at sea anyway, but things like fuel filter blockages, impeller breakdowns and belt replacement are all straightforward and would at least get you home. Just as an aside, looking at the picture on that website of their building, I realised that was one I drew all the structural steel for a few years ago!
  17. Don't dismiss the idea so lightly Clive. If you think about it, it's a perfect solution for a boat. You could even multitask and shower whilst ploddying
  18. There'll be no feltching aboard my ship thank you With regard to oil, Ian, I agree with the provision of spare engine oil (I didn't list that as I thought it was a "given" but take your point), but I can't see the value in having stern drive oil? I need the boat lifted to check it as the drives are below the waterline so couldn't top it up anyway. Is there a trick I am missing?
  19. My inventory list that I am going to keep on board: 2 x water pump impeller 2 x alternator belts 2 x power steering pump belts 2 x primary fuel filters 2 x secondary fuel filters 1 x rubber bang thingy type filter removing tool Anything else anyone considers essential for afloat emergency repairs (aside from the duct tape etc)
  20. Yes indeedy, I certainly do. I misheard and thought they were 200hp's, which mine are, but with 230's in that must be very fast indeed
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