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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Ok, so here's one that will divide opinion... What is the best diesel heating system; Webasto, Eberspacher or Mikuni? I have heard good points and bad points about all the systems, though at the moment I am being swayed towards Mikuni to be fitted in the new boat when we get her. I have spoken to Will Haywood, who I believe is the UK distributor, who was very helpful. I intend to go see him at the London Boat Show to get some more info if possible. Opinons, however biased, are welcomed
  2. [edit to add] ..... so we can show off "Bling of the Broads"
  3. mbird

    WiFi Hotspots

    Hi Roy, The lists has stagnated a little I'm afraid. It seems the WiFi hotspots aren't that prolific yet .Even those that are advertised (like the Bridge Inn at Acle) don;t seem to be very reliable. I've got an iPod Touch. When in McDonalds usinhg their The Cloud network I can't send emails for some reason. No Roy, I'm afraid I didn't. I'll pm you another one to try if you like.
  4. I can't really see why that would be necessary, Wayne. I've never done it, and as you say, as long as there is antifreeze in the fresh water side, then the coil in the calorifier is protected. The only think I can think that would be for would be so if you use your boat whilst there is no water in the calorifier, then the engine could heat up quicker? Still seems a bit odd to me, though.
  5. The £10/hour wouldn't cover the hire of a shed ot the materials though. Most yards quote per foot for hull painting, which will include the use of the shed and the materials. Bear in mind that boat paint is very expensive, so £10 and hour might sound cheap, but end up dearer in the long run. I'd suggest the best option would be to get a few quotes from Yards as an "all-in" price so you can at least compare like for like.
  6. Wow Clive, that's got nearly as much filler in it as one of your old boats
  7. Oooh. I hadn't thought of that But now you come to mention it .....
  8. So just watch yerself Suzanne!! I believe Brian has asked Ian and Jonathon to moderate the Coastal area, in the same way Simon and Bruce moderate the photographic area. The full mods still have moeration rights too, but it just helps to have those more involved in the particular area of interest to be able to moderate if necessary.
  9. Hi Andy I have only ever caught 2 pike (both Jack) in my life, and both to lures/spinners. The last one was at October Half Term at Geldeston. I used a lure which was jointed in the middle and when retrieved looked like a stuggling fish. I caugth the little beastie on only the third retrieve, having been trying for half an hour before with a conventional spinner! I dunno what he weighed, but he was about 16" long and very pretty! As I understand it, most of the big fish fall to live bait, but I just don't agree with doing that personally, and dead baiting has never netted me anything.
  10. What sort of disco have you ever played that at then
  11. Yes, but I think it's the original girls all growed up.
  12. John, when I first tried it, it wouldn't supply me wit hthe download links, until I removed the "http://" from the front of the source URL.
  13. No problem Trevor, We're all happy to help, soa ny more questions, ask away!
  14. Hi Roy, Thanks for the offer, but do you really think I still have a record player, they were sooo last century
  15. VERY early next year, April 2nd-5th Might need the thermals
  16. If you are offering to jump in, Carron, I'm quite happy to have an attempt at rescuing you ..... no guarantees though!
  17. Watchout London, here I come. The problem is, boats at £60k we aren't even looking at, as I reckon you'd have to check out loads of them before someone took a silly offer Where is the F33????
  18. Hi Trevor, No, the "pants" kit lens was the non IS 18-55 which was very cheap and nasty feeling, and left a lot to be desired regarding image quality. I have no experience of the IS version of the 18-55, so it's probably best to do a bit of a search for reviews to get the low-down on it.
  19. Bugger, I was hoping you were going to say it went for £25k and was therefore well within my budget
  20. Oooh, I dunno. About £50k not including the trawling gear?
  21. Very good idea Ian. When we finally get our bottoms salty (or at least have salty potential), one of the first thing I am going to practise is MOB recovery, but also ensure Sharon can do it as well, just incase it's me that gets soggy!
  22. Hi Trevor The 350D is a great camera for entry level DSLR. The main problem is the kit lens it is normally shipped with is complete pants, so if purchasing one, you would very soon want to upgrade. It also doesn't come with the "sensor cleaning", which I believe both of the later models do. My 50D has this feature and it really does cut down the number of times you need to blow dust off the sensor. Something else to consider, the 450 has live view, the 400 & 350 don't (something I am now using extensively for landscape work, that initially I was very sceptical of). The 450 has a 3.0" LCD screen rather than the 2.5" of the 400. The 450 has the Digic III processor, rather than the Digic II of the 400 & 350. I also understand the 450 has a better kit lens as standard, though that would be dependant on which deal you went for. If it was my money, I am pretty sure the 450 would be the one I would choose, though I started with the 350 over the 400 just to "get into it" for less money, and then progressed from there.
  23. Already tried that one Jonathon, they wouldn't drop below £41k
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