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Everything posted by mbird

  1. mbird

    WiFi Hotspots

    You are quite right Danny, and I know for certain that the NBO mobi website has a list of WiFi hotspots. However, I do not just want to copy the list, as I do not know how up to date it is. I thought it would therefore be better to compile a new list from scratch from "eye witness" members.
  2. Hi Roy Saturday on the Staithe tends to be quiet until around 3:00 ish when Herbert Woods boats start arriving to make it their first night's stop. I'm not too sure how many boats are coming, but we also have a contingency plan that doesn't involve rafting There will be enough mooring spaces I am sure
  3. Fantastic tale Col! Of course Lager is permitted to accompany an Indian, but with most curries I eat I find a fire hose to be more appropriate From a complete numpty's point of view, when you say you called the Oulton Broad Yacht Station, do you mean by VHF or by phone (if by phone can I have the number please)? We haven't moored in Oulton Broad for a few years now, as the last time was so noisy outside the Wherry hotel with cars revving etc at chuck-out time. See you at the weekend
  4. mbird

    WiFi Hotspots

    Good calls, John & Col! Both purveyors of a fine pint or three Wroxham - Kings Head (Free) Wroxham - McDonalds (Free) Burgh St Peter - Waveney River Centre (£6/day) Reedham Ferry - Ferry Inn Oulton Broad - Wherry Inn Horning - Swann Inn (£2.95/30 mins) Acle - Bridge Inn (Free) Norwich - The Coach and Horses (free) Salhouse (Woodbastwick) - Fur and Feather (free)
  5. mbird

    WiFi Hotspots

    So to further summarise this far we have WiFi availability at: Wroxham - Kings Head (Free) Wroxham - McDonalds (Free) Burgh St Peter - Waveney River Centre (£6/day) Reedham Ferry - Ferry Inn Oulton Broad - Wherry Inn Horning - Swann Inn (£2.95/30 mins) Acle - Bridge Inn (Free) This thread is on-going, so as you find them please keep adding them
  6. Glad you enjoyed your foray up north John! We have learned to take the odd knock, but then our old tub had 30 years of that in the hire fleet, so she's well used to it. After we painted the hull last year, I was protective for all of about a week, and then soon learned to carry some paint and a brush rather than spend the whole time terrified of some poor inexperienced helms mistakes. I do wish some of the yards (Clive, some of Rickos have these) would get rid of the sharp metal corner castings on the aft corners where the rubbing strips should be. We had to fend of one of Rickos boats at the weekend whilst I was doing a pump out. It wasn't the helm's fault as he was doing his best mooring stern-on with limited experience and a bit of a cross wind, but those lumps of metal can't half leave a gash, rather than a black streak like the rubber would!
  7. Oh I see, Colin. Sorry, I didn't see the tutorial link bit on the Flickr page
  8. Hi Julz I've got a folding camping table I'll bring along too.
  9. I may be wrong Jill, but that is probably done in photoshop or similar with a warp tool
  10. Hi Lou We did think of beaches/coast last night, but didn't know whether it was too far for some people. The nearest coast is around Winterton/Sea Palling, but then access for limited mobility is a problem. Somewhere like Cromer/Sheringham is much more likely?
  11. Where were you thinking in Norwich Simon? I've done the Cathedral, Pulls ferry and the King St area several times before both on the last forum walk and during the evening classes I did a couple of years back. Are there any other interesting areas in the city I wonder?
  12. What fantastic news for Tina and yourself. Best wishes to you both.
  13. mbird

    WiFi Hotspots

    Thank you Julz & John Keep 'em coming peeps!
  14. You're doing a blonde moment on the 26th? Lucky chap!
  15. I popped into Norfolk Marine today, only to be told they don;t have the 32-16A adaptors, but do sell the plugs. I did manage to get one already made up from Brian Ward Electical in Brundall though, so I may actually get to use my shore power this winter Thanks for the advice guys, as I didn't even know you could use an adaptor
  16. Correct, Martin. I have left it with someone far more conversant than I to deal with
  17. Hi Strowager I'll pass on the ID deletion to the team (I'm not sure how to do it and don't want to screw up you account by mistake!). You may have see nthe WiFi hotspot thread in the Broads Related section. I'm trying to compile a list of all the WiFi hotspots around the broads, as I use my iPod touch for my emails etc when on the boat. If you come across any that aren't listed, please add them to the thread and I'll keep track of them.
  18. Now what ever gave you the impression I was a "proper boater" Col?
  19. I wonder if the 50p per day minimum usage cost applies once the original £15 credit has been used? I know the internet charges on the Vodafone mobile phone contract I have is a flat rate of £1 per day. If I use the phone to check the weather for a few seconds it costs me £1, but then I caould also download tons of stuff for just £1 if I wanted to. Might be worth a trip to a Vodafone shop to get it ironed out.
  20. mbird

    WiFi Hotspots

    Thanks for the information so far guys, keep 'em coming! So to summarise this far we have WiFi availability at: Wroxham - Kings Head Burgh St Peter - Waveney River Centre Reedham Ferry - Ferry Inn Oulton Broad - Wherry Inn
  21. Now thats a good idea David! Are the 32A plugs easily available, as most caravan type shops only have the 16A?
  22. Hi Simon 27th would be okay for me too. Location is the tricky one though
  23. mbird

    WiFi Hotspots

    Hi Jim, Thanks for the info, but this thread is intended solely for WiFi connectivity, not mobile dongle coverage, as that has been done on another thread.
  24. Hi all, I am interested in trying to come up with a concise list of WiFi access hotspots around the Broads, and whether they are free or fee. I'll make this thread sticky, so if anyone can add to it when they come across one, it would really help. First off, the Kings Head in Wroxham has free WiFi for patrons. Over to you.....
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