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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Nice looking boat inside Dan, not sure about the exterior design on these ones though. It must seem very strange having the galley at the bow right opposite the helm Keep it coming mate!
  2. Yeah, but at least you can have 3 or 4 on a warm summers lunchtime without falling asleep (or having a fight in the case of Stella)
  3. Just goes to show what can be achieved with a P&S in the right conditions.
  4. Fantastic tale Geoff. Thank you so much for taking the time to post it up. You did okay with the diesel too! A boat came back to the yard I help out at on Saturday having used 105 litres in a week
  5. Off topic I know, but that is one gorgeous shot Perry, fantastic!
  6. Hmm, that's quite odd Perry. The image below is one from a series I have previously posted and is 1331x1400 pixels wide. It seems to have uploaded fine, so I wonder where the 1000 pixel width has come from. I thought it had always been 1600
  7. Sorry for Fred Drift, but if you get a chance to try Adnams Lighthouse, Col, do have a bottle. It's only 3.4%, but it is lovely when served chilled and I feel is brewed to tempt the lager drinkers ale-side. Drift over
  8. I thought the maximum image size was already 1600 wide? When I export from LR for posting on the forum, I have a preset at a maximum size of 1400 x 1400 (just to reduce the file size a bit more), and I have never had a problem posting at that size. Have I missed something?
  9. Col, don't tell me you've fallen off the wagon and got back to eurofizz
  10. Excellent tale so far Geoff. Keep the installments coming mate!
  11. Hi John Don't know about the actual river, but there were a few bream coming out of Womack Water this weekend. Friday evening I saw a chap fishing from the front of a boat on the public staithe pull in a big bream. I was at a distance, but it looked to be a good 5lb from where I was standing. Then on Saturday morning my 8 year old netted a decent fishy off the front of our boat in the boatyard, using a 4m whip and very light tackle. Shortly after I had a really nice perch too
  12. Very nicely framed Geoff. I hope you don't mind one constructive comment though, and that is to make sure the camera is level before you shoot the picture. Look at each side of the picture before pressing the shutter button just to check the horizon is level. No one takes photos with the horizons level unless they check the viewfinder first, but it soon becomes second nature.
  13. Lovely pics Paul. The third cygnet is really struggling to keep up by the looks of it, whilst his sibling almost look smug
  14. Lovely shots Simon. The sunlight really brings out the warm colours of the stone.
  15. I agree with Simon, I haven't seen a brown one before. Lovely shots I have seen a seal between Berney Arms and Reedham a couple of times who looked like a young common seal (a bit like the one in Simons photo), but that was a couple of years ago, and he just stared at us as we passed
  16. There certainly don't seem to be as many on the Southern rivers, Adam/Suzanne, although I have seen them on the stretch from Beccles to Geldeston. Oh, no, wait a minute, you haven't chainsawed off that arch thingy yet have you .
  17. Hi Simon The main two are that I have the metering mode set to spot to ensure the subject is what is being exposed for (sport mode sets centre-weighted average on the Canon and is non-adjustable as it is not in the "creative zone") and I also have the autofocus set to the AF-ON button to separate it from the metering on the shutter button. This means when tracking a subject I keep the AF-ON pressed with my thumb so the AF is constantly tracking, but the metering is only done when I press the shutter. I have also locked the AF to the centre sensor point. By the time we had mudweighted in Barton, had the required full english and paddled the canoes right around the broad I think most of the ale had leaked out of me one way or another Col
  18. That's it It has to be a young mandarin. The last time I saw on was in the pond near Ricko's but I have also seen one near Acle years ago. I would guess from the ginger feather protruding from the neck that it could even be a young male who hasn't got all pretty yet. Thanks guys, mystery solved!
  19. Yes, that would do most of it, but there are several other setting I have customised that I haven't listed. If a camera doesn't have this feature, the sports mode would probably do a pretty good job though
  20. Hi Martin. One of the great features of my new camera is two user-definable settings on the selector dial. Basically you set the camera up and then store that set-up at a user setting. Then, it's just a matter of turning the dial to "C1" and the camera is instantly put into continuous shooting, auto ISO, servo auto-focus etc etc, so no fiddling around with menus. It's a wonderful time saver (ps I have already sent a few to Clive too )
  21. Hi Pete No it was much more dainty that a mallard, especially with the short red beak. The closest I can find on the RSPB website would be a young female Red Crested Pochard, but I am still not convinced. I've never seen one like this before.
  22. Hi Guys Spotted on Barton broad this weekend. Any ideas as to what it is?
  23. And he finally had enough of us!
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