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I have had an invitation from the EA to fill in a questionaire about freshwater fishing today. I wondered if anyone else has had it and whether or not it's genuine?

Worrying if it isn't as it's addressed to me by name and the grammar is good !.


It is genuine. I copied and pasted the link from my e mail to my browser and went through the form and there is no personal information requested on the form. All they ask for is the first part of your postcode and approximate age. I think they will be surprised by my reply as I spent less than £10 on tackle last year and that was for a bit of new line and a few float bands. That is the first money I have spent on fishing gear in the last twenty years.rofl  

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Usually the EA reports try to show the economic benefits of keeping healthy fish stocks for anglers.  They even try to show this by species.

I await George Osborne's speech on carp economics with interest.


Hover your mouse over any link in an e-mail you receive, so you can see the address you are going to be sent to. There are sites out there that you can paste a link address into to see if it is genuine. If it doesn't check out, if the grammar or spelling is poor or if, for any other reason, you in any doubt, don't click on it.

Stay safe out there.



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