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  1. Yes, and it would be a disarseter. (apologies for my spelling).
  2. Wildfuzz!!!!!!! You can't do that! it would be................naughty! Magistrates only allow a light slap on the back of the hand. Shreck.
  3. I have had more damage done to my boat at Ludham than anywhere else on the Broads. Of course, it was all hit and run jobs. Its not surprising, everybody there is grabbing huge handfuls of throttle, not looking what the stern of the boat is doing and going too fast for the circumstances at the bridge. Hit and run should be made a serious offence on the Broads just as it is on the roads Oh the joys of the Broads! I'm going elsware this year and save on the repair work. The Great Ouse probably will be the destination. It is much quieter there, there are some lovely little towns to visit, nice pubs, miles of cruising and less hire boat racing.
  4. It is genuine. I copied and pasted the link from my e mail to my browser and went through the form and there is no personal information requested on the form. All they ask for is the first part of your postcode and approximate age. I think they will be surprised by my reply as I spent less than £10 on tackle last year and that was for a bit of new line and a few float bands. That is the first money I have spent on fishing gear in the last twenty years.
  5. Shreck

    Old Boots !!!

    I have seen lots of seagulls on the posts in that area. Are they a tribute to that wonderful little engine? I'll get my coat
  6. Shreck


    We did this once on a hire boat and the yard owners were not impressed when we got back. It was a few years ago when red diesel did not have any duty on it. We used a place in Norwich if my memory serves me well and we got the genuine red diesel price. The home boat yard were selling the fuel at road prices as they all did in those days. My old dad had hired the boat and they got no change out of him. He was a lovable but cantankerous character who quite liked taking people to task in these sort of matters. He never minced his words and told them in no uncertain terms what they were doing was ripping off the customers. It has all changed now that the EU has put a spanner in the works and we all have to pay white diesel prices. I bet the boatyards did not like that one bit when that law came in.
  7. Herbert Woods have a large car park which I believe can be used for long term parking. The car park is open to the road so anybody can wander in. However, CCTV covers the area. Hope this helps. Shreck.
  8. Oops! In that case ignore my post except the bit about "jobs for the boys" and "tea and biscuits". Must remember where I put my reading glasses and assemble my brain before posting. Shreck.
  9. What? Has April Fools Day been moved? The number of boats cruising after midnight all over the broads could be counted on one hand. What difference would turning off the nav lights make? None! Is this just a bit of "jobs for the boys" so that BA can have endless meetings about it supplied with copious amounts of tea and biscuits at the cost to the licence payers? Personally I think the nav lights should be on. If there is choppy water and you are in an enclosed cabin it would be difficult to detect an approaching boat, albeit there are not many cruising at that time of the night. Another point is that insurance companies are very good at getting out of paying up in the case of an accident. I am sure they would love it if when questioned you were asked "were the navigation lights on" and you answered "no". My nav lights will be on whatever happens. I am revolting! Shreck
  10. He will probably come back to find that there has been a rash of cheese thefts from Broads boats. He will be in a right pickle then.
  11. Innit amazing regarding thread drift? Wildfuzz goes on his hols and we all start talking about cheese Since I cant get Black Bomber where I live I buy Aldi's "Extra Mature" for £1.59 for 350gm. Now that one really does bite you back! Easy on the pocket too! Shreck
  12. Perhaps they were new staff, saying that means they don't have to enquire to the other staff.
  13. Roys were selling some excellent "Black Bomber" cheddar cheese last year. Perhaps Mickey, Minnie etc. could start there.
  14. I always remember "Laser 558", I could be corrected but I think it was broadcast from the North Sea. Amazingly, I used to be able to pick the station up from a third basement storeroom in the City of London. I used to put the radio next to one of the steel girders that held up the building. The building was seven stories high above ground, what an ariel! shreck.
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