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Friday Girl's October visit to the Southern Broads

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Our October holiday on the Broads started on Wednesday the 14th when we drove over to Burgh Castle in the afternoon to be able to motor to Reedham on Thursday morning to meet up with Barry on Tot Thyme. Unfortunately the strong N to NW'ly winds overnight were to put paid to that idea and Barry called to say he'd hurt his back and wouldn't make it on his own.

Two hours before HW on Thursday morning and the pontoons were as high as we'd seen them. When I spoke to Sue Goodchild she assured me the water would be over the quay-headings at Reedham. A call later to the Ranger confirmed this and with Friday Girl's hull shape we reluctantly decided to stay at Burgh castle for another night. (Despite having two side- boards to fend off rough pilings when moored). At this time we didn't have weighted fenders but will rectify that over the winter. The River Ranger at Burgh Castle said that the bridge heights at GH were down to 5ft 9ins...


Friday dawned with virtually unabated winds and the HW at BC even higher than yesterday! I called Rod on Sally-B just after 10.30 to ask their whereabouts and he told me that they were just entering the River Chet and the water was again over the quay-headings in Reedham. Not to worry; we drove around to do some shopping and topped up on the library books. On return to BC we called into the Queen's Head and found out that it was their Curry Night; £7.95 for three types of curry; onion bahjis etc. etc. and only £6.95 if you booked before... we booked then! (and an excellent meal it was!).

Saturday morning dawned bright and (relatively) calm. The pontoons at Goodchilds were not too much above their normal heights at HW and we set off in mid-afternoon. En-route we noticed Lady Fair aground an hoped for another high tide to float her off!


We moored up at Reedham behind Sally-B and next to the electricity post and the Lord Nelson beckoned... who am I (or, indeed, we) to ignore such a welcome! What an excellent selection of real ales they have and we sampled quite a few. The evening was quiet with Rod, Boycee and families at the RSSCC “do†in the Ship.

Sunday lunchtime was a convivial gathering of the RSSCC in the Lord Nelson and we were introduced to several members and wives. Really nice people, unpretentious and happy to just enjoy a drink and a yarn!

Rod and Shirley were away but returned late in the afternoon from a visit home. Rod was then kind enough to drive me back to Burgh Castle as we earlier discovered that we'd left Mary-Jane's bag and the library books in our car. We went outbound via Reedham Chain Ferry, where I persuaded the skipper to let Rod conn it across! Is there anything these Harwich Pilots can't cope with?


Sunday evening was the jam-session in the 'Nelson and Boycee and friends put on a splendid show. More beers, really good music and we were invited to join the RSSCC!

Monday 19th and we were off at 07.45 to take the tide into Norwich. Passing Coldham Hall we were pleased to see the sign below:


We tied up at NYS at 10.50 and were soon snugged down for our planned three night stay. The winds weren't as strong as forecast and it stayed dry for us.

Tuesday morning and who should arrive but Paul and Lorna on-board

Peters Joy. They had family with them but Paul agreed to a trip ashore at 19.00 that evening... At which time Paul and I set off (the ladies opting for a quiet evening afloat).

Our first pint was in the Compleat Angler which was dead (the pub). So off we walked up the hill to the Coach and Horses which was jam-packed! (It was the Norwich City- Leeds United match on the big screen). We squeezed a couple of pints in here before finally tracking down to the Queen of the Iceni on Riverside where I was really taken with the Wolf Coyote and persuaded Paul to try a couple more!


On Wednesday Paul and Lorna departed for to take their guests back to Loddon before resuming their holiday and we spent most of the day browsing around Norwich. I did later take Mary-Jane back to the Queen for more Coyote and we tried the steak menu very successfully!

Thursday morning and we left at 07.20 heading for the WRC. It was dark and misty but flat calm and at 08.20 we passed by Peters Joy and Broads Ambition at Brammerton Wood's End. Someone on board BA waved but I didn't know who it was; PJ was all quiet and peaceful!


As we passed Cantley there was a dark sky with smoke billowing from the chimney.


On to the WRC at 11.45 where we moored port side on just inside the entrance; oh dear... I duly parted with a £1 coin, connected my spray-gun and attempted to spray away some of the thick layer of goose pooh. It proved next to impossible to clear a pathway and I asked when the offending mess might be cleared... “perhaps later if we have timeâ€... so we departed for Oulton Broad.

We like Oulton Broad Yacht Station. Peter (aka “Yorkieâ€) and his team are ever most helpful and found us a snug slot before the planned invasion by the Brundall Motor Yacht Club for the weekend. Lots and lots of very big boats duly arrived including a 50 footer! They seemed to enjoy themselves despite strong winds and rain squalls over the weekend. Peters Joy then arrived unannounced and we all had a couple of drinks in the Lady of the Lake before Paul and Lorna set off for home.

We had another exceptional meal in the Red Herring on the Saturday night; what a real treasure that place is! (Be sure to book in advance especially at the weekend).

Monday morning and we set off for Beccles bright and early at 07.55 in order for CC Marine to start an oil change at 10.30. Eight litres out and three to go but the oil extractor-pipe he had was an inch or so too short and wouldn't reach the other three litres or so left in the sump. Lots of comings and goings, telephone calls and consultations ended up with an apology and eight new litres back in the engine (at £3/Litre). Also a promise to come to Burgh Castle and re-do the job at no extra cost. (Which happened yesterday as planned).

We stayed in Beccles overnight and had really tasty fish and chips from the Ravensmere chippy. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&tab=wl

Back to Burgh Castle on Tuesday where we found our mooring occupied and tied up on Jupiter Mist's mooring. (Sorry, Adam, but Goodchilds promised to move her the next day for you to come back to your mooring...). We then spent some time tidying up Friday Girl for her lift out in the near future. A final meal in the Queen's Head where I recommend the S&K pudding!

All in all a very pleasurable fortnight; good company, food and drink and the last of this year's sojourns on the Broads!



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but Paul agreed to a trip ashore at 19.00 that evening... At which time Paul and I set off (the ladies opting for a quiet evening afloat).

Really nice to meet you John,

Lorna wasn't best pleased when i said i may be a couple of hrs, i think we rolled back about 4hrs later cheersbar:lol:

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Yes John does have that effect on folk does he not

Yes, had a very pleasent evening listening to some of his stories and it was nice to introduce him to the Wolf's brewery Coyote which he enjoyed and i had already sampled at lunch time. For anyone who doesn't know the Queen of Iceni is the Weatherspoons pub on the waterfront.

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Really nice to meet you John,

Lorna wasn't best pleased when i said i may be a couple of hrs, i think we rolled back about 4hrs later cheersbar:lol:

I must have had a memory loss, Paul... didn't know it that was that late when we fell on-board! I wondered why there was some discussion as to whether you were both coming out at Oulton Broad! Sorreeeeeeee


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Hi John

Nice picture of Jupiter Mist! No worries about our berth at Goodchild's, when we got in on Sunday afternoon in the high winds, we were rather relieved to slip into a larger space vacated by Milhan further down.

Sounds like you had a good break.

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