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Saving Lives At Sea

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Watching saving lives at sea.Second series on BBC 2.Showing the work of the RNLI.Hats off to the men and women that put there lives in the line. I am proud and happy helping to collect for them when I can.My regret is that I left it to late to crew for them.When I looked into doing so I was just past the cut off age

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We went to Hastings last week with the boys and the RNLI Lifeboat had an open day, the boys were allowed to wear  their life jackets and helmets, were told of their daring sea rescues, what a brave bunch of men and women they are, so nice to take the time to talk to people and entertain the kids out of their schedule which could have been interrupted anytime with a call out

We got to see the rescue boat Endeavor, what a piece of equipment that is, just amazing

We left a hefty donation and I got a kiss from one of the lads, (which was rather nice and he was in uniform too lol) forget celebrities, they are the true heroes any day of the week


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These are the guys & girls who should be getting the Knighthoods & awards, not these so called celebrities 

Saw the program the other night when it aired.... RNLI have always been my chosen charity.

I used to windsurf on the North Sea and although I never needed them myself just knowing that they were there was so reassuring. I had a coupon windsurfing friends who did need the service 

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Yes... please support RNLI... certainly whitstable.. nice bunch of people... grrr.. Lesson learnt... 

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