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ust had this through from local council I wasn't sure if people maybe aware of the restricted access to Hickling as per the highlighted below.






Dear Berth Holder,

We have just been notified by the Broads Authority that permission has been given by the Environment

Agency to remove sediment from the Parish dyke, from the entrance to the dyke near Whispering

Reed’s Houseboats, right down to the ends of both legs of the Parish dyke.

The removal of sediment will be by sucking material through a floating pipe which will cross the

Northern end of the Broad, and deposit on John Tallowin’s field on the far side. In previous times, the

centre of the dyke only has been dredged, but this method will draw sediment across the width of the

dyke, therefore the operation needs all boats to be moved from the dykes whilst work is carried out.

We are therefore proposing to move all boats on the Parish Staithe into the Pleasure Boat dyke whilst

this work is carried out. This will be done by a team of Parish Councillors and Pleasure Boat staff. Boats

would be moved, in order, by paddling across the dyke and then walking them around the (by then)

empty Parish dyke, and into the Pleasure Boat dyke, where boats will be tethered together two or three


The proposed date to start moving boats would be 6th February, and boats would be returned to their

moorings 19th/20th February. There is already a Notice to Mariners in force that means there is no

navigation on Hickling Broad whilst the works are carried out.

We write out of courtesy to ask your permission to move your boat as described, and would ask that

you check your insurance to confirm that a third party can move your boat, and that it can be kept for a

short stay at any moorings away from the specified permanent mooring (most boat insurances cover


Would you please advise the Parish Clerk, Charlotte Hummel, preferably by e-mail, that you are happy

with the proposed arrangement and that your insurance cover is adequate, by Friday 2nd February.

We would also ask, if possible, that you check your mooring ropes for length and quality, and undo and

retie the ropes in position before we move boats. They get very tight after a winter of being subject to

weather, and it would be a great help to speed things up for us!!

We apologise for how late in the day this all is, but it has been out of our hands. We believe it is very

worthwhile to put ourselves out to make sure the sediment is removed from the dykes, and feel sure

you would all agree – especially those of you with a keel!! It is a once in a generation project and we

should all ensure that it happens!

Glenn Wilson

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