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diamoned gem

Guest Jonny

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well all after two weeks on here is the review i give

cracking boat easy to handle very responsive you couldn't go wrong with her

but i wouldn't have botherd with the seconded toilet also putting the bigger toilet bowel in the smallest of the two toilets dint help matters..

if your going to put two toilets on a boat

1. make shure there is a mass of room to swing around not just for a skinny person if you cant to that just scrap the second toilet & go with just the one head big bigger its a total waste putting the second one in..

the next one should be on all broads cruisers thats a toilet with a foot peddle under the bowel rather than a hand pump beside the bowel it only hinders you in the end & makes your holiday unpleasant..

next one

the double pull out sofa in the saloon could have put more thought in to the design instead off having to pull off every cushion to get out the double my not a some sort of board that simply pulls out would have been far easier...

also the single bed opposite with the sofa being a single & the walkway being directly over the bed you had to either lie on your back or front you couldn't lie on your side so the sofa could either doing with lowering or ripping out & putting the tv there with some shelving & making the double sofa run the hole length of the boat i had to give up my double sofa & sleep on the floor...

next on the list

the helm come on please stop the foolishness with these sodding chairs put in a nice comfy fixed bench seat i swear if i could sue for piles stage one i would man it was so uncomfy on those little chairs but i got on with the job in hand the only skill i am good at piloting boats....

well i wouldn't say there negative point out the boat or Richardson's just observations on improvements

we checked the boat before we left to make shure everything was working so we would have to come back to the yard to sort out the only two things that were wrong was the cd player wasnt playing the cds just spitting them out once i let the lads know they sent one of there lads over & within ten mins it was all sorted new cd player..

we also noticed that the taps on the sink were a little dodgy but dint bother as they work but the hot water tap wouldn't turn off on the start of the second week but we was going to Richo's anyway a quick ring to the office to let them know what was wrong they said come to the office & it will be SORTED ASAP we was moored up less than five mins & a chap was on the boat less than ten mins the job was done & sorted....

we also wanted some more pillows & tea towel they pointed us in the direction asked how meny we would like & no problem all sorted...

for some reasons while mooring at st Bennett on my approach i put it in full reverse & for that one & only time there was a delay of about six seconds for anything to happen mind you that was the only time it happend no damage was done due there being big bulky fenders..

even the there are a few observations in my review that dint make a single percent of disappointment in our two week holiday infact were looking at another two weeker with richo's already...

Jonny cheersbarcheersbar

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Hi Jonny

Glad you had a good time.

I dont think the boat would book very well with just one toilet to ten people! :lol:

All the best


come on Dan you must see my point whats the point of having one decent toilet & a small second toilet that maybe twiggy can just about fit in i would rather that small toilet spaced be used even to just make the main head that little bit bigger...

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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Sadly I dont think one toilet on a ten berth boat is acceptable Jonny. I would never hire it and I'm sure others wouldn't either.

Also, I wonder if it is fairly common for boat bathrooms to be fairly tight, the one on the Discovery is very tiny, I cant even stand up properly in it and am only 5ft 10, so maybe the fact one bathroom is big should be seen as a bonus! I think when a toilet compartment is placed along the side of the boat they often are quite tight due to the roof shape not really being ideal, and there is probably not enough cabin length with the berths involved to have another running the width ways of the boat.

I do take the point though... spacious bathrooms if possible are always better of course


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i think it turned out to be wasted space realy i realy struggled to get in the small compartment i could get in but i could barley wipe my nose let alone my _ _ _ _ that why i think just one big one would be fine.

Jonny ice sliceice slice

P.S also i for got to mention that sodding back dont i could squeeze through it at a push but that sodding step i am about 6 ' 3 they could could put some sort of sliding door in there as while i was checking the engine if they maid some sort of cut out for a sliding door it wouldn't come close to the engine even taking out that step would be no problem...

that why most times i tended to go out the bow instead of the stern...

like i have pointed out these are observations for future improvements :grin::grin::naughty:

Jonny :grin::grin:

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I totally agree regarding those horrible plastic helm chairs Jonny, luckily we were aware of them before the start of our holiday, and took our own comfy folding camp seat to use at the helm. IMHO they are dangerous, sit too far forward on them and they tip you off due to the narrow base and top heavy seat, sit on them for long in warm weather and they cause you to perspire, due to them being covered with Vinyl and totally unbreatheable, and the shape of them at the back is not very supportive for your back, leaving some hirers with aches and pains by the time their holiday was over.

Julz :wave

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Gladyou had a good time Johnny. Where did you manage to cruise to in your 2 weeks? It's been some time since I've managed to get away for that long. Dan - I'm with you on the toilet issue. When I was with my daughter on Gainsborough Girl recently we had one toilet each - fab! No chance of ever needing a pump out that was for sure!

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When I was with my daughter on Gainsborough Girl recently we had one toilet each - fab! No chance of ever needing a pump out that was for sure!

eer doesn't that depends on the number / size of the holding tank, not the number of loos? :oops::oops:

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Gladyou had a good time Johnny. Where did you manage to cruise to in your 2 weeks? It's been some time since I've managed to get away for that long. Dan - I'm with you on the toilet issue. When I was with my daughter on Gainsborough Girl recently we had one toilet each - fab! No chance of ever needing a pump out that was for sure!

Hi Simon

we went as far as oulton broad & Beccles on the south dint go higher than reedham

north we went all over hickling went as low as horning.

we dint get to go most places as we stayed in other areas more than two days to let the VIP's explore

next year there looking at another two weeks either two weeks on a boat from Richos or a week on a boat from Richos & a week in a lodge or house ect..

eer doesn't that depends on the number / size of the holding tank, not the number of loos? :oops::oops:

Hi Martin

Diamond Gem had two water tanks & one tank for two toilets

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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o yes forgot to ask

I picked up a Richardson's loyalty card & was woundering if you have a two weeker does that count as two holidays as if i booked a week that would still count as one holiday?????

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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.....I'm with you on the toilet issue. When I was with my daughter on Gainsborough Girl recently we had one toilet each - fab! No chance of ever needing a pump out that was for sure!

Good heavens, a toilet each - how posh are you! :grin:


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I picked up a Richardson's loyalty card & was woundering if you have a two weeker does that count as two holidays as if i booked a week that would still count as one holiday?????

No Jonny, that is one holiday...the loyalty card is a percentage of those holidays.....

so if your 1 week holiday was 500 quid...you get 50 towards your 6th holiday

if your 2 week holiday was 1000 quid you get 100 towards your 6th holiday

so they both count as 1 holiday

(maybe you should have booked 2 seperate weeks, both for 500 quid one after each other)

one more and my card is full....yipppeeeee


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Perhaps one big room with 2 toilets Roman style :naughty::naughty::lol:

hay aslong as they dont have that sodding pump handle on the side of the toilet then your welcome to go down that suite Clive by all means the amount of time i felt like hitting it with a sledge hammer :oops:

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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