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A Couple Of Things.........


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Beauchamp Arms - has a small board outside saying ‘Open 12pm to L8. Free mooring’. There is no other info in sight, what it is serving, beer, tea, coffee, food. Anyone know what’s happening to the place?

If anyone has any thoughts of stopping at the Postwick Viaduct (opposite Surlingham Ferry House) moorings, the area is in a real mess with dumped rubbish. Someone has obviously had a bbq right by the mooring and left the remains there. There is a sign saying ‘No rubbish’ which has black bin sacks, full carrier bags, cans and all sorts of packaging right by it! There is rubbish dumped in the dykes alongside the track. I guess some of the detritus may have been left by anglers but some of it may be from boats. It’s very sad that people treat facilities in this way, not a very nice place to stop these days. 

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