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Broadland Memories


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It's taken me a while to get this sorted (a house move got in the way!) but, further to discussion on here a few weeks ago, I've now managed to set up my own hosting account for Broadland Memories and it was migrated across from Craig's hosting account this morning.

Hopefully, everything is there that should be there, but if you do notice any issues please let me know. It's all paid up for the next year now so I can breathe a sigh of relief! 

Thank you to the kind souls who pop a donation over to Broadland Memories during the year to help towards running costs - it is greatly appreciated.

Our house sale went ahead and we have now moved, albeit in to rented accommodation until we can begin house hunting again. We are at least up and running now internet wise, so I can get cracking on getting some new additions on to Broadland Memories.

Thank you for your support and for all the offers of help with getting the website moved. 


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Yes Carol. Clicking the http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk link, does bring you back to this page:


 However, if I put the link directly into Google, it works correctly, so it's something to do with this site. Also don't know if you should be https:// but if so it's not redirecting from http://

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4 hours ago, AdnamsGirl said:

 I haven't actually set up an https yet - something else which was on the to do list! I'll look in to it.

Carol, it may be that your new hosts can just flick a switch to apply the certificate and make it https. Some offer it for free - others don't. 

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it all works fine Carol and automatically appears as the secure https: site .

Looking forward so seeing any  new material when you have time to work on the site.

We all need something to take out mind off the terrible situation at the moment and if we cannot be on the Broads we can at least enjoy looking at times past.

Once again many thanks for all the work you have put in over the years to bring Broadland Memories to us.



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