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The question of untreated sewage discharged into rivers made the front page of the Guardian this morning.

From reading online I discovered The Rivers Trust have developed an interactive map, so went to have a look:-

It appears Anglian Water on the Wensum and again on the lower Ant have not too good a record.



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Very upsetting was The River Chess, a beautiful chalk stream that used to teem with wild brown trout and my playground as a child has also suffered. What has happened to the chalk streams of the Chilterns is a disgrace.


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Have swum in the broads for years and will continue to do so. The broads authority strongly advises many things over which it has zero authority, that’s why they strongly advise. 
Geldeston lock, Coltishal lock, salhouse broad. The first two are tops of rivers and unlikely to be compromised by algae. Salhouse rarely is but Ranworth is usually Unswimmable most summers. But have swum there historically.  Take note of algal  blooms and don’t swim in the fluorescent green stuff. 

If you let the nanny state out of its box you’ll never put it back 

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