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Complicated Procedure For Tolls


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I am relatively new to the broads , but am I the only one who finds that anything to do with the broads authority is over complicated and entails reams of paperwork filling. I  got registered for online tolls, at this point I thought it would be easy to add a tender onto the system to enable me to pay my dues on it along with my main boat. I Couldn't find any way to do it so called the Authority up only to be told I have to fill out all the forms again for a new application. Is it just me or does this sound ridiculously long winded and a waste of paper?

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I was told that a new form was the only way that the new owner could sign to confirm they held the required insurance. Ironically such insurance is not required on tenders, rowing boats, canoes nor paddleboards. ... but the paper former is still required

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