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Shared Boat Ownership


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I have been very tempted to buy a  share in one of the syndicate boats,{had a viewing booked in April for one but it go sold just before we were due to view}    

       So was wondering if there are any like minded members who like the idea, but forever reason have been put of, would consider starting a new syndicate?

My thoughts are a minimum of 6 berths, low air draft,run by the owners for the owners.{Sold my own boat at the start of covid, so know whats involved} Any body interested PM me, im more than happy to discus ,chat about,use each other as a sounding board. Thanks Kevin:594c04f0e761f_default_AnimatedGifVehiclessaily:

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Hello Kevin,

Have a look on the www.boatshare.co.uk website as well have being able to see all the boats that are on the Broads or Canals and when there are shares for sale it also has private adverts for shares wanted and for sale and some listings for starting like minded people to start a syndicate.

Ranworth Breeze have been advertising on this site for many years.



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We are members of a syndicate that uses a management company (Moonlight Shadow).  I’m sure this involves additional expenses compared to a self-managed syndicate like Ranworth Breeze. However, we have found that it does have its compensations. It’s really good being able to call on the help and advice of a local agent, especially if you have a problem. It was also very reassuring during the lockdowns that the agent was able to do regular checks of the boat. 

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There is one share that may still be available in 'B.A' 

I have a mate booked in for a weekend onboard viewing her with a view to securing that share.  Due to diary constraints for both of us that is not happening until September.   However if that falls through . . . . . . Fancy a woody?


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14 hours ago, YnysMon said:

We are members of a syndicate that uses a management company (Moonlight Shadow).  I’m sure this involves additional expenses compared to a self-managed syndicate like Ranworth Breeze. However, we have found that it does have its compensations. It’s really good being able to call on the help and advice of a local agent, especially if you have a problem. It was also very reassuring during the lockdowns that the agent was able to do regular checks of the boat. 

I understand where youre coming from, i used to make out of season day trips to the boat just to check her over etc.I would make a day of it,never found it a chore being in Norfolk, used to have lunch at a well known broadland pub, visit Lathams, then home to Kent.

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6 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

There is one share that may still be available in 'B.A' 

I have a mate booked in for a weekend onboard viewing her with a view to securing that share.  Due to diary constraints for both of us that is not happening until September.   However if that falls through . . . . . . Fancy a woody?


Hi Griff, yes i knew you had a share available,could you pm the details to me, and let me know what happens in September? Might well be interested, many thanks.     Regards Kevin

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