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Voices Of The Broads


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I found a YouTube video from the Broads Authority this evening which linked to a series of others. They are audio recordings of people who worked on the Broads and I was amazed at how few viewings they had attracted. Less than 600 views for those I’ve checked out so far.
Here’s one…


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There's also voices of Hickling, I knew the late Harry Nudd he helped at Hickling SC and looked after the parish Staithe . Though I knew him through Broadland Model Railway club , and I inherited his model railway. http://broadlandmodelrailwayclub.co.uk/

If you can understand every word of Harry you be a better man than me bor.


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Thumb up from yours truly for the voices of Hickling. Harry and Hazel lived in a cottage at the bottom of my grandparents garden which previously had been let for holidays sometimes with an ex HW dayboat chucked into the bargain. Harry had a sense of humour and was also a crack darts player for the Pleasure Boat team. Missed but ne’er forgotten. Especially beret and boiler suit! Sometimes modelled on a quad bike.

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