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Fuel Usage


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35ft boat weighing 6 ton on shaft with 70hp turbo Nanni.  We did 68.4 hrs cruising in 3 weeks over both north and south and used 102 Ltrs which equates to 1.5 LPH. 

I have seen many boats over the summer running engines for over 2 hrs while moored and lots of excess speed which would up that figure by quite a bit. 

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I haven't heard of anyone else's bill being that high on a normal Broads Cruiser in a week. I recon you could have the engine running 24 seven for that money 

Some boats don't have gas and although the crew were lovely it wasn't the best place to Moor behind them as they cooked their dinner and all kettle boils etc an engine fired up either a generator or main engine. This probably increased the boats fuel usage 

Regards Marge and Parge 

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9 hours ago, pastboating said:

If you were handed a bill for £400  at the end of your holiday you must have used the fuel deposit as well. I assume that would mean approx. £550 of fuel used. 

No this was including the deposit but still a hefty addition to our holiday. No problem paying it just need a feasible explanation or proof of usage.. 

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If it was my yard I would be looking at every fuel bill for that boat since easter, adding them all up and dividing by the weeks out. That'd give the yard a decent average figure for that boat.

If it turns out it's a thirsty bugger then they could say so, otherwise, maybe the figures will help to see if there's been a mistake?

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Just spoke to my friend regarding his additional fuel cost. He paid an additional 67 pounds on top of his fuel deposit. They didn't make good use of the tides and covered most of the southern broads,they didn't go up to Loddon. They done the usual wroxham Horning potter visits as well. A couple of days were long days cruising. The boat was bright horizon 1 absolutely no idea what kind of engine is fitted. They used the heating at night and first thing in the morning. The chap who refuelled them mentioned they had used a lot of derv and asked where they'd visited. Once they told him he said its was about the right amount of fuel. So the op used roughly twice as much fuel covering roughly the same distances...me thinks not. 

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