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Electric Circuit Sensors.

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Do most Private Boats have a Electric Circuit Sensors as to detecting any wiring problems that may occur including Batteries  when the Boat is not inuse in during the Winter or Summer. I don't think Hiring Boats have them?

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There is nothing worse than a floppy duracell bunny. Causes many a disappointment. Sorry  had a couple of beers at lunch time and didn't understand the question. Promise to try a little harder next time.:default_dunce:

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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Hi MargeandParge as Grendel says about the Warning System put on the Dash Board that's oneb but I was trying to say is Circuit Sensor to stop any other Electrical from being Damage. As it's a Bank Holiday I wish I could have Joined you for a few Beers   :default_beerchug:

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4 hours ago, Andrewcook said:

Do most Private Boats have a Electric Circuit Sensors as to detecting any wiring problems that may occur including Batteries  when the Boat is not inuse in during the Winter or Summer. I don't think Hiring Boats have them?

Yes, it's a fire engine and a very worrying phone call.

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  • 1 month later...
On 01/04/2024 at 16:36, Andrewcook said:

Do most Private Boats have an Electric Circuit Sensors as to detecting any wiring problems that may occur including Batteries  when the Boat is not inuse in during the Winter or Summer. I don't think Hiring Boats have them?

The best thing that can be done,would be to turn any circuits off utilising the isolation switch.  the bilge pump is an exception 

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