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Body Cams For Rangers?

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58 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

I take it that means me?  In which case, this is about the sharpest put-down I have had to face on this forum.

I have spoken in support of Paladin's concern that the rangers are being placed in an invidious position for which, with their actual lack of real authority, they are ill-equipped and exposed.

My experience is therefore practical and most relevant.  That of an Army officer with several years "assisting the civil power" in Belfast before being asked by Norfolk Police to join as a special.  Never mind.  It seems risk assessment is all, these days.  Until, as Paladin warns, a Ranger gets assaulted.

Meanwhile this a***h*** will leave the debate and go and tend his garden while the sun shines.


It's aimed at myself Vaughan !

Having recently been escorted out of a major supermarket for expressing an opinion, firmly, with no swearing.

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I once had an individual (after pulling out right in front of me as i went round a roundabout, and narrowly avoiding hitting him) follow me to a supermarket, start swearing at me, and when i ignored him following me into the supermarket swearing and yelling I had endangered his kids by nearly hitting his car, I responded- slightly louder than I would have normally, that if he had not pulled right out in front of me as i was rounding the roundabout his kids wouldnt have been in any danger, after this he (about 5 ' nothing of him) tried to grab me- at which point the security guard grabbed him and ejected him from the shop for disturbing his customer.

for some of them simply ignoring them just does not work.

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3 hours ago, floydraser said:

It would interesting to hear the opinions of a few experienced rangers on the subject.

If we get our usual visit from the rangers, at Salhouse on Saturday week we shall ask them.

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