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Around The World In 42 Days

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Thank you so much for sharing your adventures Liz. You sure have some stamina! I feel exhausted just at the thought of all that travel, as much as I’d like to see the sights.

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Thank you Liz for sharing your incredible and envious adventure! We felt as though we were with you during your travels while reading about your exploits and looking at the fascinating pictures. Hope you don't suffer too much with jet lag on your return!

Chris and Brenda

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Loved this Liz and thank you so much for allowing us on this incredible journey with you, for taking the time to write and send photos. I hope you get a ruddy good rest when you get home :default_biggrin:

Safe travels home

Grace x

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Thank you all for your nice comments. We got back yesterday about 5 after enduring the a taxi ride around the M25. Plane journeys home can put dampener on memories but I will catch up with a summary when I finished the washing and cut the grass! Thankfully it's sunny so the washing should dry!

My idea of a rest will be Horning Week in 10 days time!

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