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Why is a Ship called She?


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Well I'm in the throes of packing now, but you may find this postcard from Echuca, Australia amusing perhaps.  I realise that the sailors out there will already probably know this, but I had never seen it before and maybe others haven't either.
Why is a Ship called She?
A ship is called 'she' because there is always
a great deal of bustle around her.
There is usually a gang of men about.
She has a waist and stays.
It takes a lot of paint to keep her good looking.
It is not the initial expense that breaks you.,
it is the upkeep.
She can be all decked out.
It takes an experienced man to handle her correctly,
and without a man at the helm
she is absolutely uncontrollable.
She shows her topsides,
hides her bottom and when coming into port
always heads for the buoys. :bow  :bow
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It's all very odd as the real reason seems lost in time why they are all called She's, what makes it odder for me is the fact that women were considered unlucky on ships, but I have a theory after reading something this,

2. No Women on Board

Women were said to bring bad luck on board because they distracted the sailors from their sea duties. This kind of behaviour angered the intemperate seas that would take their revenge out on the ship. Funny enough, naked women on board were completely welcome. That's because naked women "calmed the sea". This is why ships' typically had a figure of a topless women perched on the bow of the ship. Her bare breasts "shamed the stormy seas into calm" and her open eyes guided the seamen to safety.


My theory is that when approaching your ship the first thing you look for is the figure head as back in the old days very few sailors could read, every ship had a different figure head it would be easy to recognise your ship, so the first thing they would say on seeing the half naked lady is there SHE is, now we get to the good bit! well for me anyway, I've got a spot of bother with my boat at the moment and need a bit of good luck, and as naked ladies are supposed to be good luck, Lori, Grace and Sue! are you doing anything this weekend????? :naughty::twisted: :twisted: :twisted::naughty:



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I'm well known for it Grace,, :dance


Alan! my Great Great Grandad, Grandad, and my Dad were all Merchant Men, my Mums side of the family were Bargies, I'm just trying to keep up old traditions,, :D



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