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You could be forgiven for seeing double!

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The Cromer lifeboat returns back onto station after a nine month refit.

It is amazing that these lifesaving vessels are provided by public donations.

Please dig deep into your pockets the next time you see a donation tin from the RLNI.




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Hi Alan


I make a monthly donation to the RNLI, and have done so for around 10 years now.  I would imagine it`s less than the cost of 40 cigarettes a month, but if you multiply that by several thousand people, it amounts to a tidy sum for a very good cause.


I think ANYBODY that owns a boat near or around the coast should search their hearts and do the same, which would mean the RNLI will ALWAYS be able to buy the latest vital equipment.

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I think ANYBODY that owns a boat near or around the coast should search their hearts and do the same,

I don't own a boat near or around the coast, but I holiday by the sea and rivers......

I always go into the shop and if I don't buy anything I always leave a donation.....

You don't need to own a boat to be saved by normal blokes and ladies that volunteer to give their lives to save yours...




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