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Red diesel ?


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Hi Martin,


Thank you for posting the link.

As you say interesting reading.


What I don't understand is the comment re additional costs at waterway pumps for new pumps and tanks. These waterway outlets will hardly intend to sell red & white diesel. One would assume that the tanks would be flushed and then refilled.




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I'm sure I read somewhere that the UK are using the excuse.. you can't just get rid of the dye.. its so strong that even a drop contaminates the white diesel again. So any equipment that has used it will need to replaced (including our own tanks)!


I personally think the UK should just turn around and say ok we will withdraw from the EU then, its a waste of money and a load of hassle anyway (hardhat!) :pirate

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I'm sure I read somewhere that the UK are using the excuse.. you can't just get rid of the dye.. its so strong that even a drop contaminates the white diesel again. So any equipment that has used it will need to replaced (including our own tanks)!


I personally think the UK should just turn around and say ok we will withdraw from the EU then, its a waste of money and a load of hassle anyway (hardhat!) :pirate

Which is why the Irish changed over to Green, Alan!


And please don't get us started on "that lot", Alan... we are the friendly forum after all!

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I might be wrong (so what's new) but thought the whole thing started because we didn't pay any duty on boat diesel (red) and the EU didn't like UK boats going over there without paying fuel duty. The UK government in consultation with various groups came up with the 60/40 split idea, problem is how does anyone know if your using 60/40 red diesel or duty free farm diesel.


If we change the colour there is the problem of road tankers being kept just for the new colour or continuously steam cleaned, if we use white it will encourage people to fill their road vehicles with it, if we stay red the French get upset.

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Here is an article dated 12th September 2008 in Motor Boats Monthly explaining the split.


What I can not get my head around if we take an average of white diesel at the pumps at £1.38 per litre at most petrol stations. If we used the 60/40 split it would average out at £1.10 per litre. I only know of Boulters that are offering anywhere near this price for red diesel?

Is it a case of being ripped off twice, firstly by the Government and secondly by the waterfront fuel companies.

The above are my personal comments and not those of the forum.



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I cant speak for all yards but the guys over at Sutton staithe have their diesel at £1.18 that's not far from the £1.10 and when you ad in the 15mins or so of labour that is used by yard operatives (not many are self service like in your local garage) then there is not much if any profiting at this level, its only worth doing when customers use other yard services at the same time.

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