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Time to reef the burgee?


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I don't know about "reef the burgee", Peter, but I'd certainly agree to "let go the storm anchor"!


Pity the poor peeps who don't take notice of the weather and are out and about for the first time on the rivers next week...  :shocked :shocked :shocked


It certainly seems a bit early for the Hurricane season and this is the second one.

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If it does get as bad as predicted let's hope everyone stays safe on water or inland.


As John has said I would hate to be a novice on the water in a storm, bad enough for an experienced helm, I find mooring tricky in the wind and rain and try to take extreme care in those conditions and always wear a life jacket. A storm can be fun on the water, we love em, but please take care and stay safe everyone.



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It's depressing how much certain newspapers like to sensationalise and exaggerate things like this.


The linked article will worry a lot of people considerably, but other reputable forecast sources show the  effects of Bertha as being far less when it reaches us, especially here in the East.


Over the years I've found the XC weather website to be the most accurate with predicting  wind speeds, and so far they are showing peak gusts of 36 mph Southerly, with an average speed of 23 mph, on Sunday midday, which appears to be the "height" of this "devastating hurricane".




Wildly exaggerating wind speeds is just as bad as Michael Fish's famous under-prediction of  1987.

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Well seeing as there is going to be a bit of a breeze and a little of the damp stuff i think this weekend im going to wash the canopy and maybe dodge the downpours via the pub.

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The Express story was published on Tuesday the 5th. Since then it has calmed down a bit and is further South than anticipated and may not even reach Britain. If it does according to the BBC it will be relatively tame. It looks like no more than a period of unsettled weather for a few days over the weekend with the occasional heavy shower. I think we have already seen worse this year with the flooding in Norwich and Canvey Island.

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Strowy, its because of the Michael Fish forecast we today, get these OTT forecasts in the press. I looked at the forecast for Sunday and winds will be high 20mph, hardly a Hurricane. Repeating my old story, I was on the Broads, the night of the infamous hurricane. I survived, although it sure was interesting.


Our press should take a look at themselves sometimes, and stop all the rediculous scaremongering.


Take care all those who are on the rivers this weekend.



cheers Iain

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Strowy, its because of the Michael Fish forecast we today, get these OTT forecasts in the press.......


I'd say that the Met Office are much more careful theses days to not understate,


...but the Press will print any lies and exaggerations that can sell more newspapers




......Our press should take a look at themselves sometimes, and stop all the rediculous scaremongering.......


Absolutely right there....

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