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Question for all boat owners?


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Peter! as a kid I was always in Dads shed making stuff from old bits of wood, most things way beyond my capability's but I'd always give it a try, Dad would walk in look at me and just say, "Your Pi**ing in the wind again" I think I was in my 20's before I knew he meant I was trying to do something with no chance of succeeding, I often proved him wrong but that saying still makes me smile,,


You mention bucket and chuck it, I've been trying to be good but the Devil made me do it! How come no-one has mentioned peeing in the sink?? you lot normally manage to take things to the lowest level!  :norty:  and no! i've never done it! but the state of some of the toilets i've been in I must admit I've been tempted,,,Ones in some marinas seem the worst and you all know what I mean, I often wonder what some peoples loos are like at home, :o



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Talking of primitive bogs, I went to primary school at a little place called Wainstalls, near Halifax in Yorkshire. Outside the Methodist chapel, by the school bus stop, there used to be a little public privy. It was basically a plank of wood with two holes cut in it side by side, so you could chat to a friend whist "at throne".  The whole thing was positioned over a "long drop" earth closet.  "Paper" was either sheets of newspaper hanging on a nail on the back of the door or dock leaves if no-one had replenished the newspaper sheets.


After that,  putting used toilet paper into a bin holds no horrors for me. 





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Went to stay in a turkish mountain village around 1985. The loo was in a long narrow outbuilding. The door had no lock and there was a hole in the ground with indents each side for your feet to wedge in. Looked around for the loo paper only to see a bucket of cold water and a sponge tied onto a short piece of tree branch.

Needless to say i tried to avoid eating anything that might make me want to go that week!

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Was a time, in living memory, when both the Waveney Inn & the Geldeston Locks were served by holes in the ground. You learn't to eat with your right hand and wipe with your left! The landlord at the Waveney Inn, 1940's, was well known, I kid you not, as Dirty ****!


Edited to add: Laughable, seems that anyone known as an abbreviated Richard gets asterisked!

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