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Looking back, looking forward.


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2014, for me started a little late, even though we launched both Spray & Jenny Morgan in good time. We missed out on the spring regatta at Coldham which was a great pity. Eventually got going with several trips to Beccles and beyond, a couple to St Olaves and quite a few stops in between. Didn't go over Breydon last year, miss that, but planning at least one trip North next summer. We have a new cabin boy on the way, arriving March, so I rather suspect Spray will be underused this coming summer. Was a time when my wife and I could manage Spray by ourselves but anno domini is taking its toll & Lyn, my wife, is having surgery on her hands to counter very painful arthritis so I expect that she'll be a passenger for a while. 


2014 has also seen me out on my kayak more often, solitary boating but I do enjoy that although I never went more than a few miles either way but I'm looking forward to greater adventures in 2015, perhaps launching at Geldeston & paddling up to Bungay for example, or maybe a paddle on the Blyth at Southwold.


2014 saw me aboard Brilliant for the Three Rivers Race, great privilege and a great pleasure. Many years since I last crewed in the 3RR. This year I intend to go along as a spectator, possibly on JM. Fingers crossed for that one. Same goes for the Coldham Regatta.


I am a great fan of Drascombes and our Broads Rally this year will start from Reedham Ferry, camping on their excellent site. The idea being to go up to Surlingham Ferry for a meal and a pint. A great trip last time we did it, should be a highlight for this year.


I really do intend to get out more this year but it'll be more dayboating I suspect. Whatever, plenty of sun, lots of force threes and fours and I'll be happy.



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Day boating is good. I never bought my own boat. I spent my money on wine, women and song.

I wasted the rest.

I always seem to have managed to get a boat somehow, and was able to enjoy the broads and rivers for many years.

Circumstances changed and for a few years I gave the Broads a miss.

I live here, I am never far from a river. Walking distance from my house. A car drive of a few minutes to most places. I gave the Broads a miss. I certainly missed the Broads.

In retirement I found myself drawn inexplicably to the waterside. Womack, Wroxham, Potter, Reedham, Ranworth.......all over. I used to stalk the river bank. Still do! Holiday makers used to nod and smile at me. "Here comes that boring old fa*t darling, draw the curtains!"

And then, and then, I discovered the day boat. A wretched thing! I hated it. It hated me. And so did everybody else.

Then I discovered the day cruiser, or the picnic boat. In my travels I have become an authority on this type of boat. North or South I'm your man. I now embark on several trips a year. I board a modern immaculate boat. OK, it cost me several hundred pounds a year, however, no mooring fees, no maintenance, no..........I could go on forever. I even pick the weather. And I also pick where to go. Hickling , Horsey, Rockland, Surlingham, wherever I choose.

Mrs Wussername never more than a few feet away from a toilet. Sorry to mention that.

Some will understand. If not you will, in the fullness of time.

Now where was I ?

Sorry to ramble on JM, enjoy day boating. I am sure you will

Old Wussername.

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Dayboating as in going out for the day rather than for several days.


'Mrs Wussername never more than a few feet away from a toilet. Sorry to mention that.

Some will understand. If not you will, in the fullness of time.'


May I respectively suggest weaning her off caffeine & sugar and introducing her to a sailing boat. If the reduction in caffeine & sugar doesn't work then there is so much more to do on a sailing boat that it will take her mind off things!

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Polly, despite an unruly, undisciplined member of your crew attempting to drench innocents along the bank I'm sure that they will have you. 


As for Dave, he impressed me no end, makings of an excellent skipper, be good to serve under him.


Regarding last year's skipper, please keep the old fool in mind, as a very last resort. 

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Peter, was good to finally meet you before the 3RR, even if I was a bit flustered, having been a very last minute replacement crew (I got the call at 10:30pm on the Friday night).


I had been planning to skipper my own boat in this year's race, but circumstances dictate that I'll probably be selling her instead, or she'll be out of the water for a refit (I haven't quite decided yet, it depends a bit on a house move). So, if I want to do this year's 3RR, looks like I'll be after a crew berth somewhere (and having now done it in a YBOD, I'm going to say that 'somewhere' should have a cabin and the ability to make tea).



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Glad to see the back of 2014,things can only improve!

In 2014 i abandoned one project boat and acquired another lesser one,less length,less old and a lot less work!

2015 will bring a lot more sailing and hopefully a lot less boat maintenance. The remains of winter and the spring will be spent getting the boat ready for a long-planned trip up the coast from Essex to the Broads for an extended water based 'glamping' holiday( could hardly be anything else on a Leisure17!),probably 3 or 4 weeks.

Hopefully I'll some other forum members on my trip and put faces to names!

Happy New Year to you all

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