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Ghost of the Broads


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Have been thinking about posting this, as it is not broads related as such, apart from one person involved......


On honeymoon ...


One morning at about 2:30am I turned over in bed, and came face to face with my wife, knelt at the side of the bed praying......


I said, what are you doing, get back into bed...


I then rolled over the other way and saw my wife asleep next to me, I turned straight back round and nothing was there.....


When we went down to breakfast, I mentioned it to my wife and the landlady overheard....


She went behind the bar and got an old photo of a picture of a woman.....


That's her, and you can see how I thought it was my wife, shoulder length dark wavy hair.....


The landlady then told me that when they took over the pub, she was told it was "haunted" but having not seen anything just dismissed it as an old wives tale.....


The location was Cawsand, Cornwall.....

The pub was The Ship Inn......


The photo was of Lady Hamilton........


The Ship inn is reputed to be the place Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson had their affair......



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In reply to the subject of the ghost at Acle Bridge:


Legend has it that many years ago there was a rather nasty character who lived in Acle who bullied his neighbours.


By all accounts, his neighbours ganged up on him, dragged him down to the old Acle Bridge, slit his throat and pulled his tongue through the slit giving him what is known as a Devil's Necktie. after that they hanged him over the bridge. His ghost is supposed to haunt the area around the date of his murder.


Now, What about Black Shuck? Purportedly being a large evil ghostly dog (not Bonzo)    :grin: :grin:  that roams the banks of the Broads on wet windy nights. The locals would not go out on such nights for fear of meeting it.


"From ghhoolies and ghosties and things that go bump in the night heaven preserve us" .



Whoooooooooo.     :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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