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England,two games different outcomes


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Watched some of the cricket this morning,the Aussies beat us by 111 runs about the only one to put up a fight was Taylor making 98.


The rugby we did better beating Italy 47 17.However we could have done better.


I have entered the ballot for the Ashes for two dates,And one against New Zealand.I hope to see at least one match,if i am lucky and get three tickets I :trophy will be skint.




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Hi Ian,


I am offered the ballot for Surrey CCC at the Oval every Test Match, Ashes too. The prices become eyewatering the better the seating areas. I have been to Lords entrance area, sadly never inside the ground proper. Gave up on the ballots there. I still live in hope for Lords though.



cheers Iain.

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Was lucky enough to see England v South Africa at Headingley some years back now from a premium box as a corporate guest of the then wifes business. Waitress service from a constantly replenished bar and buffet...I was half cut by mid morning. Boycott popped in to give two hours personal commentary. I rescued David Gower from being mobbed on his way to the bogs by barging my way through the crowd and pushing him in front of me...the Pimms and Tetley's were having an effect on me so I was in urgent need. I then got him to sign my *** packet...after he'd washed his hands. As the only person there actually interested in the cricket...it was a fabulous day out...however due to the constantly refilling pint and Pimms glasses can't for the life of me remember the score. Gower popped into the box at the end of the match to bring me an England tie (since donated to Stroke Charity Auction) in addition to the test match tie we were all given.


Edited to add:- My autograph collection all seem to be on the back of cigarette packets, my favourite being David Bowie from the Serious Moonlight Tour. As my Uncle was CEO of the company insuring the tour my cousin and I got into the venue way before the doors were opened. Sitting on the stage an hour before the gig some skinny bloke came out to 'tune the piano'. As I was puffing away on a 'Regal' he asked to bum a smoke and I passed the packet up...when I noticed the odd coloured eyes. After the start of the concert and the holograms Bowie walked to the front of the stage, looked down at me and passed me a full packet of Du Maurier cigarettes with his autograph across the pack. No matter how desperate I have been for a smoke I have never opened those cigarettes!

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I watch it on Sky Sports,   India v Pakistan at the moment.      I am afraid to say that the Aussies deserved to win.      India is another fantastic team to watch.   What is wrong with our lot,  may be three Shredded Wheat in the mornings may be the answer.

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The problem Monica wi your lot is, they just aint good enough, at present. Saying that, some of the shots played in their match was schoolboy error stuff. The Aussies are on a crest of the wave, but, it can all change in an instant. Now then, who could accidently knock Johnson over and do him a bit of damage. :naughty: He is bloody quick!



cheers Iain

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His job is made easier by MJ softening the batsmen up. Maybe, just maybe the Aussies have peaked too early. Time will tell. Marsh would not do as well over here on english wickets IMO.


The drop-in squares in Oz are not proper cricket squares. Hence unless you are playing on them all the time, they can take a bit of getting used too. 


Personally speeking, I would loved to have bowled on tracks like that, the bounce is soooo high!


cheers Iain.

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Know what you mean Iain about having bounce on pitches. In my heyday I liked to think that I could fire the pill down at a prodigious pace and loved nothing better than to see it rise sharply off a length. I did have a couple of occasions when dental modification took place but must be a softie at heart because I could never stop myself from trying to console the battered batter! Those were the days!

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VC I know exactly what you mean, I sent TWO in one match to the Victoria Infirmary in Glasgow. No covered wickets in those days. Won the toss, and a nice wee shower of rain before we went out to field.


Oh the two lads got their lips stitched up, and used glass drinking straws later, to drink their beers from lol


cheers Iain.

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Well, well, well, it most certainly is two games different outcomes. WE, as in Scotland got seven of the Kiwis out, and scored more runs too. :naughty:


In all my years of both playing and spectating I have only seen England crumble like they did last night. As Max Boyce would say, I know, I was there, Chester le Street, Riverside, Durham CCC. http://cricketarchive.com/Archive/Scorecards/79/79760.html Yes its an even worse score!


Now then, it looks like if Scotland can get the ball to swing when we play England on Monday 23rd Feb, things could get interesting! Well I can dream.....can't I? :naughty:  :hardhat:



cheers Iain.

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